“What a strong aura! Little Jiangnan, you are really strong now!”

Bados looked at Jiangnan in the Ultimate Saiyan 1 form, and an unknown smile appeared on her face.

Thinking back to the first time she met Jiangnan, she had the same thoughts as Xiangpa, just a tiny human being, not worth taking seriously at all.

The attraction of barbecue, the first time Jiangnan called her sister Bardos, then the barbecue with added ingredients, and then the various delicacies that followed, and the growth that seemed not simple on the surface… too many memories.

She knew that Jiangnan could become a Destroyer God-level existence, but she never thought that he could reach the Destroyer God-level combat power in just a few years, and even surpass Xiangpa.

You know, how many years did Xiangpa practice to reach this level?

And Jiangnan?

They can be said to have witnessed the growth of this little guy with their own eyes…


In a real sense, they didn’t keep an eye on Jiangnan’s growth. Often, they didn’t see each other for a few years, and Jiangnan grew up very fast all of a sudden, and could give great surprises every time they met!

“”Perfect Ultra Instinct!”

Jiangnan’s form surprised Bardos even more.

Because she saw the manifestation of Perfect Ultra Instinct in the transformation form of Ultimate Saiyan 1. What does this mean?

Jiangnan not only mastered the Perfect Ultra Instinct, but also mastered it completely, and boldly integrated this divine control technique into his transformation form.

“This talent is the most amazing!”

Bados was indescribably shocked at this moment, and the look in his eyes when he looked at Jiangnan was so bright.

“Sister Bardos, please!”

At this time, ten thousand meters above the sky, Jiangnan clasped his fists and bowed to Bardos.

“Come on, let me see how strong you are now!”

The actual combat power is not equal to the combat power that can really burst out. Although Jiangnan’s aura is far superior to Xiangpa’s at full firepower at the moment, when he really bursts out, due to various factors, he may not be able to compete with a strong man with the same combat power who is very experienced or even a weaker strong man.

Therefore, Bardos wants to see what Jiangnan’s actual combat ability is like when he completely explodes!

“Sister Bardos, are you sure nothing will happen if we start a battle of this level here?”

Jiang Nan raised his body and looked around in confusion. If he remembered correctly, a battle of the level of a God of Destruction could easily destroy the universe. With his current combat power, is he sure he can’t destroy this world of Gods of Destruction?!

“Don’t worry, the destructive power of the Destroyer God level alone is not enough to break the Destroyer God Realm!”

Bados chuckled.

Hearing Bardos’ words, Jiangnan was naturally relieved. If the Destroyer God Realm was broken, it would be really embarrassing. After all, in his memory, the existence of the Destroyer God level is not ordinary powerful.


The rules of this world are slightly different from the original Dragon Ball he knows, but it doesn’t have much impact. Jiangnan clasped his fists and bowed to Bardos again.

This time, he didn’t raise his body, but the moment he finished speaking, he rushed in front of Bardos.


Jiangnan’s speed was so fast that even Xiangpa below didn’t notice his attack when he was not concentrating.


Xiangpa didn’t notice, but Bardos easily blocked Jiangnan’s attack.

Moreover, he easily blocked Jiangnan’s attack with just one finger.


Jiangnan punched out continuously, without any reservation.

As his punches fell like raindrops, the space of the Destruction God Realm made a series of tearing sounds, which showed how powerful Jiangnan’s continuous punches were.

However, facing Bardos, it was not enough.

With every swing of Jiangnan’s fist, Bardos easily dealt with it with just one finger.

“It’s powerful, extremely fast, and has no flaws.”Little Jiangnan, you have a very deep understanding of the perfect Ultra Instinct! It feels like it’s not much different from the level of perfect Ultra Instinct that our angels have comprehended.”

The more Bardos fought with Jiangnan, the more surprised she was.

In her opinion, the Ultra Instinct that Jiangnan mastered was almost at the level that angels could comprehend. From this point of view, it would only be a matter of time before he could reach the pinnacle of Ultra Instinct.

The pinnacle level!

That’s something that only priests can comprehend.

In other words, Jiangnan, who is only a destructive god-level warrior, has comprehended the level of perfect Ultra Instinct that only angels can comprehend. This shows how amazing his talent is!

“Thank you for the compliment, Sister Bardos, but this is not my limit! Next… drink!!!”

Jiangnan said as he shouted loudly, fully unleashing his aura. A terrifying silver stream of light spread out instantly, and even the nearby Bardos was blown away.

“This kid is so fierce, he doesn’t care about his life!”

Seeing this scene, Xiangpa below showed a look of shock on his face.

Just the momentum alone shook Bados away. It seemed to him that Jiangnan was not just a little stronger than him, at least he thought he could not do it.

“No! Not only me, even Beerus can’t do it!”

Xiang Pa’s eyes fixed, and his brows knitted tightly.

To be honest, he had no idea how this kid Jiangnan had grown up secretly. In other words, how did he grow to this point in such a short time!

“This kid…could he be some kind of monster left over from the ancient times, and is just slowly recovering his strength?!”


Xiang Pa had this thought in his mind, which made his face look increasingly strange. Then he looked up at the sky, and his eyes looking at Jiangnan became even more strange.

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