“I don’t know then.”

Nai shook his head and looked towards Jiangnan below. His eyes suddenly focused and he said in a deep voice:”Without a grown-up genius, no one knows what his future will be like.”

“But what is certain is that you, at the same age, are definitely not as good as him!”

As soon as these words came out, the Law Breaker fell silent.

After a few seconds, he suddenly laughed again and said,”Isn’t this good? If no one can catch up with me, it would be really boring. With the appearance of this little guy, my fighting spirit seems to have risen a lot!”

Having said that, he looked towards the high-platform audience seats where Beerus was, sighed softly, and continued,”Once upon a time, I regarded Beerus as my successor. Now it seems that this up-and-coming star seems to be qualified to be my successor. Nai, what do you think?”

It is undeniable that Jiangnan’s growth potential may be much greater than that of the Law Breaker.

But… he has grown up, and Jiangnan is still on the road to growth. No matter how amazing his talent is, he is just a little guy who has not grown up. He needs to be well guided to grow faster.

“Lord Lawbreaker is right. If this candidate from Jiangnan has a good teacher, I think it should be no problem for him to become a top-level Destroyer God-level fighter within a hundred years.

Nai nodded seriously.

“Grow into a top Destroyer God-level combat power within a hundred years?”

Hearing Nai’s words, the Lawbreaker showed a look of shock on his face.

He didn’t think it was normal for Jiangnan to become a top Destroyer God-level combat power within a hundred years, but he felt that Nai was overestimating this rising star!

You know, he was hailed as the strongest Destroyer God, and this title has been like this since his debut.

But… the time span from his transformation from a Destroyer God to a top Destroyer God-level combat power is not just a hundred years, even if another ten thousand is added later, it is far from being able to do it.


Nai’s statement that Jiangnan can reach the top Destroyer God-level combat power within a hundred years is a bombshell, and the Lawbreaker was so scared that he couldn’t believe it.

“Lord Lawbreaker does not understand how valuable the True God realm is! I guess this Jiangnan candidate should not be too old, if you don’t believe me, you can go and ask.”

Nayi chuckled and said,”I said that he would reach the peak Destroyer God level within a hundred years, but that is probably a conservative estimate. Who knows, at the Destroyer God Exchange Conference ten years later, this Jiangnan candidate may have caught up with you.”

Nayi said the first half of the sentence sincerely, and as for the last sentence, he couldn’t help laughing when he said it himself.

Because everyone knows that such words must be a joke.

Therefore, the Lawbreaker did not take it seriously. The only thing he listened to was that Jiangnan has a great chance of growing from his current strength to the peak Destroyer God level within a hundred years.

“Keep up with my pace, young man!”

The Lawbreaker took a deep breath and took a deep look at Jiang Nan who was already pressing Quetla to the ground.


At this moment.


Jiangnan held Quetla’s head and dragged him for more than a thousand meters. Along the way, the latter was no longer like a rat, with blood all over his body and scars all over his body.

“It’s over!”

Jiangnan kicked Quitla away with his foot, and then raised his right hand, and a huge energy ball instantly condensed in his palm.




This huge energy ball hit Quitla at a high speed, and exploded in an instant. A huge black mushroom cloud slowly rose in the field.

“Jiangnan wins!”

After more than ten seconds, the dark mushroom cloud dissipated, and Quitla, who didn’t know whether he was alive or dead, lay on the ground motionless. The voice of the angel Nai from the 18th universe rang out throughout the venue.

As this voice rang out in the venue, the people who were still fighting on the other two small arenas subconsciously stopped and looked over here.

The distance between the small arenas didn’t seem to be particularly large, so everyone saw Quitla lying on the ground, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

Seeing this scene, the four of them looked at each other, with a solemn look on their faces. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!) It was too exaggerated. A candidate for the God of Destruction beat a real God of Destruction to the ground like a dead dog. The visual impact of this scene was simply too great.

“This pervert, don’t fight him later!”

No one present felt that they were Jiangnan’s opponent. If they really provoked him, they would probably die.

At this moment, in the audience seats of the fifteenth universe, there was a candidate for the God of Destruction huddled in a corner, shivering and sweating profusely.

“Damn it! How can this kid be so powerful! He single-handedly blew up a powerful God of Destruction. If I were to face him, wouldn’t I be killed on the spot?”

This candidate for God of Destruction is naturally Zheye from the fifteenth universe. At the beginning of the battle between Jiangnan and Quitella, he was careless and hoped that Quitella would not kill this guy Jiangnan.

Otherwise, once he was kicked out of the fifteenth universe, he would definitely die.

He could not forget the look in Rebecca’s eyes when she looked at him. It was so cold.

But now?

After seeing how powerful Jiangnan was, he was really confused.

“Wait…it seems like there is another God of Destruction candidate from another universe who might have a chance to replace me!”

Tetsuya thought, and looked towards the high platform audience seats of the 12th universe. It was the mysterious God of Destruction candidate of the 12th universe, the black cloaked man.


“The gap between Jiangnan and these rising candidates for the God of Destruction is too big.”

On the high platform in the audience seats here.

Beerus shook his head and chuckled:”This is the second Law Breaker to appear. I don’t know how many years in the future, I’m afraid these guys will be overwhelmed by Jiangnan’s shadow.”

Thinking back to many years ago, he was also in the same situation. He was overwhelmed by the Law Breaker and didn’t even have the courage to catch up.

“Lord Beerus, Xiao Jiangnan can only be Xiao Jiangnan himself. The Second Lawbreaker……”

Hearing Beerus’ words, Bardos took over, chuckled and shook his head, and then lowered his voice a little and said:”In my opinion, even the lawbreaker can’t be compared with Jiangnan.”

The level of the two was not the same from the beginning, and there was no comparison at all.

Jiangnan was witnessed by her own eyes. How long did it take him to grow to where he is now? She has the most say.

If Jiangnan and the lawbreaker appeared in the same era, in Bardos’s opinion, Beerus is now the lawbreaker.

Hearing this, Beerus suddenly fell silent, then shook his head and smiled bitterly:”Indeed, I seem to have boasted too much about the lawbreaker. Jiangnan has only practiced for a few years, and the lawbreaker has practiced for a few years. Perhaps, the two are in the same period, and the one who has no fighting spirit now is probably the lawbreaker!”

After thinking about it, he also thought it through. From the beginning to the end, Jiangnan and the lawbreaker were not in the same era. If it is about strength, then the lawbreaker has practiced for so many years, and he must have the strength to crush Jiangnan.

But in terms of growth rate, the Lawbreaker is not even worthy of Jiangnan.

Just the self-indulgent skill that Jiangnan showed just now is a level that the Lawbreaker has not been able to achieve for countless millions of years!

Therefore, saying that Jiangnan will be the second Lawbreaker is really a bit of a compliment to this guy.

There can be millions of Lawbreakers, but Jiangnan is the only one!.

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