As for why he thought so!

Yuujo Judai immediately gave his own explanation!

"What a terrible hero power!"

"This card! No! This is the card of the hero of destiny!"

"It’s so strong that it’s beyond my comprehension!"

"Don’t underestimate the 2500 attack power, combined with effect 1, it is actually when accumulating graveyard hero materials!"

"It’s nothing for the pseudo-attack power to break through 3000 points!"

"Now you have the points, the 2-effect card explosion, and you can even chain the effect of the opponent's card to explode the card!"

"After clearing the field, the next step is sustaining the attack!"

"This card! The disgusting thing is that it can continuously sustain itself, right?"

"You need a sacrifice to explode the card, so you can give this sacrifice to yourself!"

‘Strong! Really too strong!’


Yuki Judai's exaggeration and exaggerated expression made

Principal Samejima, Professor Chronos and others who didn't understand the situation behind him gradually understand.

"Not bad! This Destiny Hero! It's even better than the Destiny Hero Blood Demon D in my hand!"

"The terrifying power of destiny!"

"For the first time, I felt that my destiny was actually suppressed by this card!"

"It's not just what Yujo Judai said."

"In fact, in my personal opinion, the strength of this card lies in its appearance conditions!"

"It’s simple, too simple! It really can’t be simpler!"

"The Demonic Man meets the 6-star requirement, and the Sprint Man also meets the requirements!"

"Summoning is simple!"

"that's enough!"

"Just think, one is troublesome enough, what if you merge 2?"


After Ed Phoenix spoke up with his own understanding, he once again shattered the hero views of Principal Samejima, Professor Chronos, and others behind him!


It really is!

The advantages of this card! It's ridiculous!


This card! Isn't it a must-have for every hero deck?.....

5DS world.

Although for a Synchro Duelist who only knows how to ride a motorcycle and play cards, he is not interested in fusion cards.

But when he saw this Destiny Hero Phoenix Man,

Yusei Fudo couldn't sit still!

"This card is a bit overpowered."

"Simple summoning, attack reduction, clearing the field, resurrection, etc. are all advantages"

"I can't even find a single fault with this card!"

"Can anyone tell me what the shortcomings of this card are?"

Fudo Yusei was feeling more and more emotional as he spoke.

Compared with this card, his Stardust card and Synchro card were too helpless.

Or, too many shortcomings.

Although he always said that even trash cards can have their own day to shine.

But strong cards are already shining, and weak cards still have to find ways to shine.

This is the difference.

"The starting point is different."

"Some people are born as cattle and horses, some are born in Rome"

"This card is obviously a product of that era."

"I really want to chat with people from that era."

"I don't know if there's a chance."

"I also want to experience other decks of that era."

"I hope this screen will change later."


Izayoi Aki's words moved many duelists around him.


This world must be very interesting.

If possible, I really want to go and duel!.......

ZEXAL World.

Ninety-nine Yuma and Astral, who were only focused on collecting Xyz Numbered Cards, had to focus on this Fusion Monster. The originally scattered duel crowd was also attracted by this card!

The Fusion Facade Card was placed here!

They had to re-examine this card!

And after this wave of examination.

They were a little out of control!

Fusion seems to be an ancient summoning method!

There is actually such a powerful facade card?!

"It seems that the Fusion Summoning method should not be underestimated! This card is very powerful!"

"That's right! And I feel like this hero's performance is not over yet! It's definitely not enough to rely on the destiny hero Phoenix alone!"

"So what you mean is, after integrating this trump card, can we still continue to perform?"

"Hey, why do I want to play a hero? What should I do? I want to become a hero player!"


The voices of the duelists around him increased.

This also made Jiujiu Yuma more and more curious about this hero system.

It was the first time he had seen a fusion system deck that could achieve such a level!........

ARC-V World.

In another dimension, the fusion dimension.

Yuri and Serena, who are proficient in fusion, both looked solemn.

"Serena, this hero deck is pretty strong."

"Hehehe, I am a little excited."

You Li laughed sinisterly and took out his own deck.

That is the Predator Plant.

A system deck that is also proficient in fusion.

"It doesn’t matter, aren’t your predatory plants very strong?"

"Besides, my Moonlight deck is not bad either."

"This hero is really good at fusion."

"But, that's it."

"I don't like it anyway."

Serena curled her lips and didn't take the so-called hero seriously.

But even so.

She would glance at the Phoenix Destroyer from time to time.

Is it the facade of fusion?

Just this card?

Really, can it be used as a facade?........

In the VRAINS world, the shock brought by the fused Phoenix Man forced the duelists in this world to change again.

Fujiki Yusaku even recorded the information of this card, the Destroyer Phoenix Man, in his database!


Fujiki Yusaku began to be interested in this deck!

If the hero at the beginning only revealed the variable fusion field!

Then when he saw this card!

He realized that this deck might be placed in their Link world!

It is also a super mainstream existence!

"Fujiki Yusaku, what are you doing?"

"Is this card really that strong?"

"Obviously, you have to sacrifice your own card resources to explode the card."


Zaizen Aoi looked at Fujiki Yusaku in confusion.

She didn't understand. Is this card really worth being so excited about?

Not only that!

Hong Shangjian and Homura Takashi actually showed awe!

A barrel bullet!

A Salamangreat!

Both can be said to be the super mainstream of the Link world!

They are actually excited about this card? What is this?

What's going on?

Is this card really that strong?

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