
5DS world.

After defeating the Time Machine God Zone and saving the Synchro World, Yusei Fudo has returned to his normal life.

At this time, he is having an entertainment riding duel with his partners Jack Atlas, Izayoi Akira, Krogan, and others!

"Huh? What's going on?"

"There seems to be a problem with your data screen!"

"It seems that this is not your duel scene!"

As the referee, Long Ke was the first to notice that something was wrong!

"Hey! It really is!"

"Yusei! Jack!"

"And Kroghogen!"

"Stop the duel!!!"

Izayoi Aki's clear and pleasant voice spread across the entire track through the microphone!

The pupils of the three people who were still in the riding duel shrank!

The next second, they all braked and stopped the duel!

Fudo Yusei, Jack Atlas and Krogan looked at each other!

All showed horrified expressions!


All their riding duel data disappeared!

Instead, there was!

A duel scene that had never been seen before!

"What does this mean?"

"Is there something wrong with the virtual system?"

Krogan looked confused.

"No! There is no problem!"

"Instead, this is connected to someone else's duel!"

Jack Atlas frowned and pointed out the possibility of the problem.

However, he was not sure.

Is this really someone else's duel?

Why are all the duel combos I have never seen before!

"No, maybe! Neither!"

"Maybe we have connected to other worlds"

"You see, this guy is using a black card."

"Also, they don't seem to have rules for riding duels"


Fudo Yusei calmly looked at the black card flashing across the screen!

The strange way of stacking and summoning!

Everything showed that this scene did not belong to the duel in their synchronized world........

ZEXAL World.

In Shinzono City, Kujuku Yuma is dueling with his friends.

When all the screens are connected to other duel screens!

Kujuku Yuma! Kamishiro Ryoga! Amagi Kaito! Kamishiro Rio and others all look at the screen!

Not only them, but also the surrounding crowds are focusing their eyes on it!

"What does that mean? Super is not mainstream! Synchronicity is?"

"Hey, hey, hey! This person said that most of the numbered cards are junk cards! Are you kidding?"

"No! Don't you find that there is something wrong with these pictures? They don't seem to belong to our world......."

"Damn! It's true! Brother, you said that! I also found that something was wrong. Many of their cards were new to me."


The buzzing discussions of the duelists around them also made Kyujuku Yuma, Kamishiro Ryoga and the others fall into silence.

The screen kept showing the Xyz combo!

The same tone explanation! The card narration and other information!

All of them showed that these images came from other duel worlds!



They were far better than the images in their Zexal world!

Because the next second of the video playback!

What appeared was the card information of the Pendulum system.

"Yuma! Perhaps a new crisis is about to emerge!"

"may be"

"A terrifying world that we can't even touch"


"There are more powers beyond the numbered cards that we don't know about."

The voice of the astral body appeared in Jiujiu Yuma's mind.

These words also made Jiujiu Yuma's face pale.

If this is really the case!

No wonder I saw a picture in front of me.

Someone said shamelessly that most of the super numbered cards are waste.

Could it be that there really is a world duel rule that is far beyond their understanding!.......

ARC-V World.

Yuya Sakaki, who was dueling with Reiji Akama, stopped drawing cards.

Reiji Akama was about to say something. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that the duel scene between the two of them on the big screen had been replaced!

"staff member!"

"What do you eat?"

"Don’t you understand how to operate the virtual duel system?"

"Hurry up and switch the screen back!"

Akama Rei shouted angrily!

This was a critical moment!

He was just about to see what combo Sakaki Yuya would use to solve his DDD!

But there was no connection!

What was the point of fighting?

What was the point of the DDD scene he had worked so hard to complete!


"Unable to control!"

"The computer system has automatically played this strange duel scene!"

"We have no way to control it!"

But when the reason why we couldn't control it came,

Chi Ma Ling'er was stunned on the spot!

What does that mean?

Is there something that their Lion Group's security system can't solve?


Their Lion Group's security system can also be cracked to the point where it can't be controlled?

Then the duel! Isn't it going to end!

"Red Horse Linger!"

"Maybe this isn’t a bad thing for us!"

"Check out the duel scene!"

"It seems that there are dueling techniques unknown to us!"

Yuya Sakaki pointed at the big screen.

His voice was trembling slightly.

Originally, he thought that it was just a malfunction of the Lion Group's security system and was hacked.

But when he saw the blue card appearing on the screen, he was silent!

The other duelists around him were also silent!

Link summon?

Link summon?

Inventory of super-use cards in link?

Who is that person?

What is going on?

Gongen Sakasho, Hiiragi Yuzu and others have already had some brains overloaded.

What are the extra link grids for?.......

VRAINS world.

A connected world with the most advanced duel technology.

When Fujiki Yusaku had powerful hacking skills but couldn't break the controlled computer screen, he realized something very scary.

The person who controlled their entire world network and played the weird duel screen.

Or in other words, it was a duel world more advanced than theirs!

"A combination of fusion, super, synchronization, and pendulum"

"There is also a duel with the rules that connect us"

""What kind of horrible realm has the duel level in this world reached?"

Fujiki Yusaku muttered to himself.

His heart was already in turmoil.

Facing the unknown, even Fujiki Yusaku, who was a powerful code talker in this world, had to carefully examine the strange scene in front of him.

At the same time, other duelists in the VR world, such as Homura Takashi and Zaizen Aoi, also realized this!

When they looked up at the big screen, the title of the short video had already appeared!

《A must-play deck for Dragon Cancer players! An explanation of the explosive Blue-Eyes White Dragon! 》

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