Yugi Muto's words have proved a point.

What is he looking at!

Everyone in this so-called DM world knows it!

Yugi Star is a little overwhelmed!

The people in this world! Are they really real people in the anime?

The current situation!

It seems to indicate that this possibility is true!

If this is true!

Then what is this APP?....

Yugisei shook his head and paused the short video.

Kaiba Seto:"Huh! Why did you pause it, kid? Don't you plan to continue watching?"

Dino Ryuzaki:"Hey, hey, hey! Boy! Hurry up and show me the dinosaur short video! I am the runner-up of the regional competition, Dino Ryuzaki!"

Jonouchi:"Don't listen to him! Watch the Red-Eyes short video! What's the future of my Red-Eyes?"

Muto Yugi:"You can consider Black Magician. In fact, the Black Magician system is really good." Peacock Dance

:"Well, little brother, why don't you consider Amazon and Condor Girl?".......


After reading these comments,

Yu Chengxing can now be 100% sure that the person in the first DM duel time of this app unlocking function is the real person who watched the duel short video with him at the same time.

"Phew, I didn't expect that"

"How could this app be like this?"

"Hiss, it's a bit numb"

"But, never mind"

"Let's discuss it as netizens"

"Although a bit magical......"

Yusei took a deep breath and exhaled.

It can be confirmed that this so-called DM Duel World is open.

Then it can be confirmed that you can use more money from watching the video to unlock other Duel Worlds.

For example, GX Duel World, 5DS Duel World, ZEXAL Duel World, etc.

If the gift card function and duel invitation function are unlocked.......

Now, it gets interesting.

You Chengxing:"Okay, I believe you. If you have anything you want to see later or if you have any questions, you can ask me."

You Chengxing:"I will try my best to answer your questions about duels in our world through short videos and my understanding.".......

DM world.

While Yugisei was testing them, Kaiba Seto and the others were also testing Yugisei.

When they saw that Yugisei could really control the content of the video played, and that Yugisei's world was really different from theirs. Kaiba Seto smiled, and Yugi Muto and Atum smiled.

Originally, they were worried that they would not be able to connect with the people in this higher world.

Now this worry can be eliminated.

You can make good use of it and learn more about the duels in this higher world!

You must understand it thoroughly!

What is a fan card?

What exactly are Gray Flow and the added value G? Why do you bet on them in full three?

What the hell is K Snake?

And what is the banned card list?

That world is really too mysterious........

GX World.

Yuki Judai and the others who were not connected were still discussing the strength of the heroes with laughter.

It was because the popularization of the heroes left a deep impression on many people.

As a result, many duelists wanted to become hero players!

"Hahaha! Stop talking! Now! Please call me Xiong P!"

"Stop pretending. You are all at the bottom of the class. Do you really want to learn heroes like the tenth-generation brother and professional player Ed Phoenix?"

"That's right, do you understand the hero's operations? Do you know how Skyman is deployed with one card?"

"What's wrong with not understanding it? It doesn't stop me from playing heroes, right?"


Yuki Judai and Ed Phoenix were both distressed to hear other students around them love heroes.

Professor Chronos and Principal Samejima beside them were both impressed.

Professor Chronos was impressed that this hero deck that he once looked down upon would actually emit such an outrageous light in that world!

Principal Samejima was impressed because of the explanation video of this hero system.

Who would have thought that the popularity of heroes would far exceed that of Cyber Dragon?

You know.

Cyber Dragon is the inherited deck of Principal Samejima of the Duel Academy!

How many people were defeated by Caesar Liang using Cyber Dragon!

Just the strength of Cyber Dragon! Can't it cause any waves?.......

At the moment when other worlds are still eager to connect to Yujo Star.

The explanation of the Golden Kingdom in the short video has continued.

I want to be a master of the Golden Kingdom:"Hello! Dear friends! Today, the deck explanation I bring to you is the Golden Kingdom of the Underworld."

I want to be a master of the Golden Kingdom:"In short, this system is the underworld system. Just look at the construction and you will know."


As the video continues.

Several similar constructions of the Golden Kingdom appeared in the eyes of duelists from all worlds!

And seeing the red trap cards!

All duelists were silent!

What the hell? Half of the deck is trap cards? ? ?

Monster cards and magic cards occupy less than half of the deck? ? ?


Can this system be played? ? ?

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