After the explanation of Ghost Bone Mound, most of the people in the DM world understood the important role of this [Evil Eye of the Dead King] in the Golden System!

Suddenly, they understood the importance of the field magic card Undead World!

Relying on the Undead World, it brought a duel game that tortured the opponent!....

GX World.

Professor Chronos was so numb that he couldn't speak!


From this point of view!

It seems that it is not so easy for his ancient mechanical giant to deal with the Golden Country!

After all, the ancient mechanical giant has an attack power of 3000 points!


He also has to face the possibility of becoming an undead!

He also has to face the situation of breaking the opponent's monster, but ended up being unkillable and being cleared by the Golden Country Lich!

But for the sake of face!

Professor Chronos still coughed a few times and analyzed the disadvantages.

"Looks and scares people"

"But students and teachers"

"Think about it, this deck relies too much on magic traps."

"This is what it is, the immortal world, right?"

"A field magic card!"

"If I solve it, won't [Evil Eye of the Undead King] be useless?"

"So, don't think it's so complicated."

"A whirlwind can destroy it."

Professor Chronos's analysis also made many duelists think.

It's true!

As long as the venue is destroyed, the effect of [Evil Eye of the Dead King] will be greatly reduced!

"Professor, it doesn’t seem that simple!"

"Look at that monster!"

"【Banshee of the Corpse World】!"

"It seems that we can save the field."

Maruto Sho next to him pointed at the academy broadcast screen.

And on the screen, the next monster card that can be considered for investment has indeed appeared!

【Card Name: Banshee of the Corpse World (4*)】

【Attribute: Dark】

【Race: Undead】

【Offense: 1800/200】

【Effect: This card's effect (2) can only be used once per turn.】

【①: As long as this card exists in the Monster Zone, the"Undead World" in the Field Zone cannot be destroyed by the effect, and both players cannot target that card with the effect.】

【②: During your or your opponent's turn, you can activate this card by banishing it from the field or the Graveyard. Activate 1"Undead World" from your hand or deck. 】

Two simple and easy-to-understand effects.

One provides the possibility of protecting the field's Undead World!

It gives a disgusting effect-breaking resistance, a resistance that will not be targeted by effects!

One provides the possibility of active search!

It gives the deck the effect of activating the Undead World!

Two effects!

Silenced Professor Chronos!

This field!

When did there become an extra card that can protect it? If you look at it this way!

Isn't the protection ability of this field maxed out?

Even if it is resolved, you can still use this card to pull out the field! This is ridiculous!

The duelists in the GX world were instantly speechless!

In this Undead World, is it so difficult to resolve even a field magic card?

Has the world changed?.......

I want to be a master of the Golden Country:"Okay, seeing this, I think the Golden Country school of the Undead World is almost there."

I want to be a master of the Golden Country:"I believe that with this understanding, everyone has their own understanding of the Golden Country system."

I want to be a master of the Golden Country:"Next, after looking at a possible blockade monster, the monster cards in the Golden Country system are almost there!"

"This card is it!"

"【Patrol skateboarders】!!!"

【Card Name: Patrol Skateboarder (4 stars)】

【Attribute: Light】

【Race: Mechanical】

【Offense and defense: 2000/2000】

"how to say?"

"If there is a monster on your field, this card cannot be Normal Summoned or Special Summoned."

"However, if the Summon is successful, as long as this card exists in the Monster Zone, the number of times each party can activate the effects of monsters per turn will be up to the number of types of monsters on the field (Ritual, Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, Pendulum, Link)."

"simply put!"

"The more types there are, the more times you can activate monster effects!"

"It can be considered as a disguised way of blocking the number of times both sides' monster effects can be activated!"

"After all, you can't possibly have so many types at the beginning, right?"

"As for myself, I mainly rely on trap cards, so I am not worried."


After hearing the comments of the [Patrol Skateboarder] who might still be involved, the duelists became even more numb.

This Golden Country system! It really wants to use blockade, interference, and suppression to the fullest, right?

The blockade in front!

Plus the blockade of the Patrol Skateboarder!

The duelists in the 6 dueling worlds were secretly gasping in their hearts!

If they really encountered the Golden Country system to duel!

What are their chances of winning?

Will they be defeated?


Maybe, they will summon their fists to continue attacking!

At least!

This is what Jonouchi in the DM world thought at this moment!

Jonouchi can be said to be the deck that least likes the underworld.

After listening to the entire monster process!

Jonouchi's fists have been clenched into fists!

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