The students, especially those who have been defeated by Professor Chronos many times, are now looking at Professor Chronos with trembling.

Well, this wave of explanations on the ancient mechanical deck has restored Professor Chronos's prestige.


Professor Chronos was seen as a funny and a little stupid teacher.

Now, even though Professor Chronos does not have control over the strength of the new Gu Juji deck, it still makes them tremble.

On the other hand, Professor Chronos is becoming more and more happy.

"Hahaha! Oh my god! I can’t stand it! I can’t stand it!"

"You saw it all!"

"Who dares to say that my Leo Ku is a hand-stuck monster?"

"【Please give me a good understanding of [Ancient Mechanical Super Giant] and [Ancient Mechanical Chaos Giant]!"

"Take a good look at what a strong pressure attack is!"

Professor Chronos became more and more complacent.

On the other hand, in the DM world, after seeing these fusion monsters with powerful attacks and powerful combo suppression, even Kaiba Seto fell silent.

Compared with the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, the ancient machinery does not seem to be weak at all!

In other words, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon and the ancient machinery, both decks have their own advantages and disadvantages.

But why is it so unpleasant?

Now looking at the ancient machinery is more unpleasant than looking at the Black Magician.

Kaiba Seto gritted his teeth, took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, trying to calm himself down.

"Seahorse boy!"

"It can be seen that Leo Ku and your Blue-Eyes White Dragon have certain similar characteristics"

"But it doesn't matter"

"You have to understand one thing, the description on the Blue-Eyes White Dragon white card."

Becas said with a strange smile......

ARC-V World.

Fusion Dimension.

Ziyunyuan Suliang squinted his eyes and looked at the ancient mechanical fusion monsters on the screen.

He was using the magic toy fusion deck.

For the first time, he felt a trace of fear in this ancient mechanical fusion system.

"What a terrifying fusion force"

"I don't know how it compares to Yuri and Serena's decks."

"Who is more powerful?"

After muttering to himself, Ziyunyuan Suliang immediately shook his head.

What a joke.

How could he have such an idea?

It is obvious that the predatory plants are the most powerful!

Ziyunyuan Suliang will never forget how the predatory plants in the game became famous.

"Forget it, let's go to the basic dimension world"

"We have to speed up."

After Ziyunyuan Suliang came to his senses, he stopped looking at the ancient mechanical card group explanation and continued to work on his plan.........

The short video of the ancient mechanical fusion monster inventory is not over.

Leo Ku is a belief and began the follow-up explanation.

Leo Ku is a belief:"Hahaha, after reading this, are there many friends who have become fascinated by Leo Ku?"

Leo Ku is a belief:"In fact, Leo Ku's strength is far more than that."

Leo Ku is a belief:"In this system, there is another fusion monster"

"His attack power is not strong, and his desire to attack is also weak"

"But I can tell you"

"This card can give ancient mechanical constructions a unique second life."

"This card is"

"【Ancient Mechanical Devil】!!!"

【Card Name: Ancient Mechanical Devil (8 stars)】

【Attribute: Earth】

【Race: Mechanical】

【[Attack and Defense: 1000/1800]

What the hell?

Only 1000 attack power?

Defense power.

Only 1800?

Is this really an ancient mechanical field monster?

When did the main family put in such a weak card?


It seems!

It's not that simple!

The duelists of the 6 duel worlds were stunned at first!

When they wondered if this card was a joke!

But they noticed the effect of this card!

1 Effect!

This card on the field is not affected by the effects of other cards.

Simple and plain, easy to understand!

Weak panel!

God-like resistance!

What is the origin of this card! ?

It actually has the same resistance as God? ? ?

Not affected by any card effect?

What's the value of this?

2 Effect!

Can be activated during your main phase. Inflict 1000 damage to the opponent.

Simple and domineering! Burning blood hell!

Main stage burns 1000 points of blood! It's nothing in the high-level world!

But this is their low-level duel world!

If this card can easily burn 1000 HP!

Then the duel can be over in 4 turns!

Isn't this just a pure way to delay time?


A fantasy linkage with the Golden Kingdom?

On the contrary, the 3rd effect!

This card can be activated when it is destroyed by battle and sent to the graveyard. Special summon 1 ancient mechanical monster from the deck to ignore the summoning conditions.

Great! Last Words can also assist special moves that ignore conditions!

After the battle breaks the field!

It can also help the enemy to deploy! It

's outrageous! What the hell is this! What kind of disgusting card is this?......

GX world.

Even Professor Chronos was dumbfounded!

What is this? Is this an ancient mechanical card?

Are you sure it's not the illegitimate child of God? Can ancient machines actually have a reinforced fusion card with god-like resistance?!

But soon Professor Chronos was about to cry out!


The resistance given by the card is sufficient.

The deterrent power of the card is very strong.


The panel is too weak!

1000 attack power! Isn't it obvious to tell him.

Playing this mechanical demon can only rely on burning blood to deal with the enemy?

Professor Chronos rubbed his temples with a headache.

He would never have thought of it.

The ancient mechanical card group.

There are a lot of strong attack cards in front, each of which is not less than 3000 attack power.

As a result, when it comes to this card.

It has gained invincible resistance, but the panel has become this 1000-point weak chicken.

"Oh, Mamma Mia, what a pity."

"If we still have to rely on burning blood, it would be too embarrassing!"

"Ancient mechanical decks don’t rely on this to win!"

Chronos is a professor.

Naturally, he couldn’t stand the final result of the underworld burning blood flow.

As an ancient machine!

No matter what, he has to rely on strong attacks to OTK the opponent in one breath!

That’s cool!

"Professor Chronos! Just be happy!"

"Our family has a resistance that rivals that of God!"

"Are you still unhappy with this?"

Asuka rolled her eyes.

She didn't know if her electronic angels would have a future!

At present, the ancient machines have strong attack cards!

Retreating has god-like resistance cards to delay the turn.

This is it.

Professor Chronos still dislikes it?........

5DS world.

After seeing this card with a stronger resistance than Earthbound God,

Yusei Fudo, Jack Atlas and others all showed solemn expressions.

"This card's resistance and effect are indeed not weak"

"It’s comparable to the Earthbound God!"

"It's a pity that the panel is too weak"

"This is so deadly."

"But! This is also the highlight! Must be photographed!"


Kali Nagisa, who loves collecting news, has arrived at the scene.

After seeing this card, she excitedly took the camera and kept taking pictures of the card.

Maybe it was because of Kali Nagisa's funny actions and scenes.

Fudo Yusei and Jack Atlas, who were originally worried about whether this card would involve the dark power similar to the Earthbound God, relaxed.

This card's resistance is indeed excessive.

But it should be an ordinary card.


With this attack power panel, this card can only deal damage by burning blood.

There should be no dark power similar to the Earthbound God........

When the duelists from the six worlds each had different thoughts and reflections on this card.

The fusion axis in the short video has been introduced.

The next part is about how to build an ancient mechanical deck one card at a time.

Leo Ku is a believer:"Okay, after looking at the ace monsters in the fusion axis!"

Leo Ku is a believer:"The next part is about why the key card mentioned earlier is the flying dragon."

Leo Ku is a believer:"As we all know, the flying dragon can retrieve most of the cards in the family."

"Then, with the help of the magic trap"

"How can we achieve linkage?"

"Let's first look at a simple one-card duel scene."

"First, you have 1 [Ancient Mechanical Dragon] in your hand.】!"

"We usually summon [Ancient Mechanical Dragon】!"

"The flying dragon takes effect, we search for the continuous magic [Ancient Mechanical March】!"

"Launch [Ancient Mechanical March】!"

"The advance takes effect, we search for the magic card [Ancient Mechanical Injection Machine】!"

"The march is taking effect. We liberate the dragon and draw 1 card to earn resources."

"Ancient Mechanical Injection Machine】!"

"The machine takes effect, blows up the advance, and the deck special recruits [Ancient Mechanical Dark Giant】!"

【Card Name: Ancient Mechanical Dark Giant (8 stars)】

【Attribute: Earth】


【Attack and Defense: 3000/3000】

【Effect: This card's effect (2) can only be used once per turn.】

【①: As long as this card exists on the field or in the graveyard, it is considered an ancient mechanical giant.

【②: You can activate this card when it is Normal Summoned or Special Summoned. Add up to 2 Ancient Machine Cards or Gear Streets from your deck, excluding Ancient Machine Dark Giant, to your hand.】

【After that, choose 1 card from your hand and discard it. After this effect is activated, you cannot set the card until the end of the turn.】

【③: When this card attacks, your opponent cannot activate Spell or Trap Cards until the end of the Damage Step.】

"This is where this card comes in!"

"After a quick look at the results, we will understand that there will be two ideas next!"

"The first backhand, we search for [Ancient Mechanical Fusion] and [Ancient Mechanical Fortress]! Discard the resources earned previously"

"One can fuse the deck, and the other provides object resistance and effect break resistance when summoning."

"For the second move, we search for [Ancient Mechanical Commander] and the trap card [Ancient Mechanical Battle】!"

"Discarding the commander in the graveyard can help us get rid of the self-restraint that prevents us from covering cards, and the trap card competition can also be used to fuse during the opponent's turn!"

"Have you paid the tuition fee?"

"This is Leo Ku’s most basic operating idea and his approach!"

"I think it's very simple, right?"


The duelists from the six duel worlds fell into silence again.

A series of outputs, combined with the flying dragon card on the screen, unfolded.

The duelists from the old worlds felt like they were in an English class and couldn't understand a single word!

They knew every word, but when they put them together, they started to get confused!

What search? What card explosion?

Why can you still think and operate like this after the ace monster is released?

What is going on?........

DM World.

The duelists except Kaiba Seto and Muto Yugi were already dumbfounded and speechless.

They were all wondering, what on earth was this video blogger talking about?

He was talking so much that they were all confused!

What's even more outrageous!

This is actually a 1-card expansion!

Only a flying dragon is needed!

You can fill the field with resources!

Isn't this ridiculous?

When did dueling develop to this point?

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