After the clever duelist analyzed the reason why the key first move could not be assisted,

Professor Chronos in the GX world became a little impatient!

The evaluation of this link monster obviously made him a little embarrassed.

"What does he know? No one knows more about ancient mechanical decks than me!"

"This linked monster [Ancient Mechanical Crossbowman] can obviously increase the strength of my ancient mechanical deck several times!"

"In my opinion, Ancient Machinery must be a powerful and mainstream card deck in Mr. You’s world!"


Professor Chronos was still chattering about the ancient mechanical deck.

Yu Chengxing in the main world almost couldn't help laughing at Professor Chronos's crazy output!

As expected of Professor Chronos!

This really fits his performance and personality.

But to be honest, the ancient mechanical deck is really not a mainstream deck in the environment.

But if you say this,

Professor Chronos will definitely not believe it.

"Oh, forget it."

"Instead of arguing with Professor Chronos about the strength of the ancient mechanical deck"

"It’s better to speed up the playback of the next short video!"

"Let me see, it seems like things are getting a bit lively in the DM world!"

"Instantly 99+ wow!"

"Let me see what they are talking about!"


Yujosei turned to the DM World chat group.

Soon, a series of messages appeared one after another.

DM World.

Kaiba Seto:"Huh! I told you long ago that this ancient mechanical deck is no match for Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" Pegasus

:"Hahaha! Kaiba boy still believes in Blue-Eyes White Dragon! I think they each have their merits!"

Peacock Dance:"Hmm! Hey, hey, hey, the ancient mechanical deck also has a fusion monster with 4500 attack power, so it can still be taken seriously."

Keith:"My evaluation is that you don't have to pay attention to it. Didn't you hear what the video blogger said? Overall, it's just a little bit off!"

Jonouchi:"Mr. Yu! Mr. Yu? Can you still hear me? Can you tell me about Red-Eyes! After talking so much, how did my Red-Eyes perform on your side?"......

After reading through the news one by one, Yujo Sei quickly fixed his gaze on Jonouchi's news.


Speaking of Red-Eyes, we have to talk about the birth of that card.

Alas, unfortunately, it has already been confined to the palace.

But it is still worth finding relevant videos for Jonouchi to watch.

Yujo Sei:"Mr. Jonouchi, I received your suggestion."

Yujo Sei:"If it is Red-Eyes, let me find you a few mainstream ways to play Red-Eyes at present."

Yujo Sei:"After reading it, I will show you a more exciting news about Red-Eyes!"......

DM World.

Jonouchi was slightly startled when he heard Yujosei's words!

What the hell?

Hot news about Red-Eyes?

Holy crap!

I have to look forward to it now!

Jonouchi:"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you very much!"

Jonouchi:"To be honest, I like Red-Eyes! This card has helped me defeat one deck after another!"

Jonouchi:"But speaking of Red-Eyes, I have to talk about what happened in the Duel Kingdom."

Jonouchi:"When facing the dinosaur Ryuzaki,......."

Jonouchi quickly opened up and talked about his past experiences in the Duel Kingdom.

The dinosaur Ryuzaki who was around him was so angry that his face turned green! He was defeated by an unknown person!

How unhappy was Ryuzaki, the runner-up in the regional competition?

He was still picking up his scars.

It was even worse........

Yu Chengxing listened to Jonouchi's recollections with true feelings.

He couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

Such a detailed recollection.

It seems that this guy is really Jonouchi himself?

Originally, Yu Chengxinghai had some doubts that these people were fake.

Now it seems.

I have to believe it 90%.


It doesn't matter whether it's true or not.

It's better to show them the short video of Red-Eyes as soon as possible and then show them the video of Red Daddy's birth!

I wonder what they will think after watching the video of Red Daddy's birth?

Yu Chengxing:"Okay, Mr. Jonouchi doesn't need to talk anymore."

Yu Chengxing:"After we are ready, we can start watching this Red-Eyes explanation video."

After that,

Yu Chengxing immediately went to the search bar to look for related Red-Eyes video content.

After finalizing and selecting the target.

The title of the video has appeared in the eyes of the duelists of the 6 dueling worlds!

《Mainstream Red-Eyes construction dual schools! The best solution for the current environment! 》

DM World.

The moment he saw the short video related to Red-Eyes!

Jonouchi's excitement instantly made him burst into tears!

Finally! He

's waited for Red-Eyes! He can finally see!

The performance of Red-Eyes in the unknown advanced world of Yujo Planet!

He wants to see!

How will Red-Eyes perform!

At least!

He can't lose to Blue-Eyes White Dragon, right?

He must make Kaiba Seto look at him with new eyes!

A third-rate duelist? Are you kidding!

He doesn't exist at all!.......

GX World.

The moment he saw the Red-Eyes system!

Not only Jonouchi was so excited!

Tenjouin Fubuki, who had always used the Red-Eyes system, also stayed where he was!

The next system?

The Red-Eyes deck?

Isn't that the Red-Eyes that he is so proud of!

"Bro, it’s the Red-Eyes deck’s turn!"

"Really looking forward to it"

"I wonder how the real Red-Eyes will perform?"

Asuka Tenjouin blinked her big watery eyes.

She was expecting and envious.

When will it be the turn of the Electronic Angel?

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