While Kaiba Seto was deeply doubting himself!

Video blogger"Hanayome is mine" has already started talking about these two fusion cards.

Hanayome is mine:"These are about all I can invest in fusion cards, because the most used one is still Blue-Eyes Ultimate Drake!"

Hanayome is mine:"As for Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, Blue-Eyes Double Burst, Ultimate Dragon Knight, etc., they are just the price of discarding the real Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon in a row."

Hanayome is mine:"Of course, Blue-Eyes Fusion can also invest in Blue-Eyes Tyrant Dragon, which is also a good card for strong attack. Next, let's see which cards will be invested in Synchro."

【Card Name: Blue Eyes Silver Dragon (9*)】

【Attribute: Light】

【Race: Dragon】

【Attack and Defense: 2500/3000】

【Effect: Tuner + 1 or more Normal monsters other than Tuner】

【①: This card is always activated when it is Special Summoned. All Dragon-Type monsters on your side of the field cannot be destroyed by effects until the end of the next turn, and both parties cannot target them with effects until the end of the next turn.】

【②: During your Standby Phase, you can activate this card by targeting 1 Normal Monster in your Graveyard. Special Summon that monster. 】

In the next few seconds of the video, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon card related to Synchro appears.

The silver-white card flashing with white light immediately attracted the attention of several duelists from the Old World!

This is it!

Is it a white Duel Monster card that they have never seen before?

What is Synchro?

Adjuster Monsters and Non-Adjuster Monsters?....

DM world.

Kaiba Seto's original contemplation was instantly broken after this card appeared!

2500 attack power is not the point for him at all!

The point is the effect of this card!

It can actually provide resistance to effect destruction for all Dragon monsters!!!

This is resistance! It is a rare resistance that all Dragons can obtain!

The preparation phase is even more outrageous!

Unconditionally revive normal monsters in the graveyard!

Without a doubt!

It is an absolute artifact that cooperates with Blue-Eyes White Dragon!

"No! Is this also the Blue-Eyes White Dragon's trump card?"

"Hippocampus! Do you know what adjustment and non-adjustment mean?"

"How to summon? Do you understand?"

The Pharaoh Atum who was sleeping in Yugi Muto's body couldn't hold back and controlled Yugi Muto's body.

The question made Kaiba Seto beside him speechless.

He wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it!


What exactly is the adjustment monster?

"Game! This white card could be a new way to summon?"

"It's like a fusion, a ritual!"

"Adjustment, maybe that's the condition!"

Masaki Anko analyzed it calmly.

Jonouchi, who was still trying to complain, also calmed down. On the other side, Bakura, Isis, Malik and others all frowned.

Adjust the monster?.......

GX World.

Yuki Judai scratched the back of his head.

When he saw this white card, he already felt very confused.

He only liked fusion heroes, so naturally he couldn't understand what synchro was!

"Mamma Mia!"

"This card is the same as the fake cards made by street vendors!"

"When did Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters have white cards!"

"How come I don't know?"

Professor Chronos covered his head and paused!

He said this, but he knew in his heart that this white card must be real!


"Blue-Eyes White Dragon is the ace card monster of Kaiba President"

"President Kaiba has never used it!"


Asuka covered her mouth.

Her tone was already filled with confusion and bewilderment.


"Interesting alternative cards and duel rules"

"I want to see what kind of combo this Blue-Eyes White Dragon with the white card has."

Caesar Liang just sneered.

He was not too surprised by the card that appeared at the moment........

In the 5DS world,

Yusei Fudo and Jack Atlas looked at each other.

They were not from the worldviews of the two worlds above, so they were naturally very clear about the power of this Synchro Card!

"The strength is good, and it has been greatly improved after the Dragon Clan was added"

"Just gotta get involved with the usual monsters!"

"And the number of stars is very high."

Fudo Yusei muttered to himself. He was still analyzing something in his mind.

"Don't worry, Yusei"

"This person also introduced another card"

"The next card, it seems?"

""Blue-Eyes Elf Dragon!"

Izayoi pointed at the data screen of the Duel Motorcycle.

Sure enough, just as she said.

Another Synchro Card Blue-Eyes Field Ace Monster appeared!

【Card Name: Blue-Eyes Elf Dragon (9*)】

【Attribute: Light】

【Race: Dragon】

【Attack and Defense: 2500/3000]

And the strength of this Blue-Eyes Synchro! made many duelists dumbfounded!

1 Effect! It can block both parties from Special Summoning 2 or more monsters at the same time!

2 Effect! Once per turn, activate the effect of a Graveyard card!

3 Effect! Both parties can sacrifice themselves at 2nd speed to Special Summon a Dragon-type Light Synchro Monster in Defense Position!

Unfortunately, the monster is destroyed at the end of this turn.

Three effects!

Kaiba Seto, who is proficient in Blue-Eyes White Dragon, immediately thought of the Blue-Eyes Silver Dragon!

"Could it be!"

"During the opponent's turn, the Blue-Eyes Elf Dragon will jump out, and the Blue-Eyes Silver Dragon will appear!"

"With the help of Blue Eyed Silver Dragon, you can achieve self-destruction and self-discipline without any hesitation!"

"It's your turn!"

"It can even revive normal monsters from the graveyard, that is, Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

These words made Yugi Muto, Peacock Dance, and Jonouchi beside him tremble!

What a terrifying combo! Can you play it like this?

And it can also restrain the graveyard!

Is this not possible?

And the other duelists also reacted belatedly!


A scene in this short video.

Let the six duelists in the duel world���All fell silent and fell into endless silence.

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