Some people think that we should start with G.

Of course, some people think that we should not start with G.

Instead, we should think of other ways to break through or stay conservative for one round.

Yuki Judai and Ed Phoenix are also in a heated discussion about this operation.

5DS world.

At this point.

Jack Atlas and Fudo Yusei are no longer shocked by the last operation!

They are shocked.

Instead, the shock and reversal brought by these operations!

There are more than the two of them!

"This, this is the Stardust Dragon VS the Crimson Lotus Dragon in the higher world!"

"I was so excited watching it!"

"Jack! Do you think the Stardust Dragon will win the game, or the Red Lotus Dragon?"

Fudo Yusei looked at Jack Atlas next to him excitedly.

"I have no idea"

"This is like a fight between gods, totally different from our duel"

"Maybe, fifty-fifty."

"After all, I think that the Crimson Dragon still has a way to unfold!"

Jack Atlas does not think that the Crimson Dragon in the short video will lose the game.

On the contrary, it may even win the game.

Not only because of the Crimson Dragon's life value advantage!

And on their side,

Jack has been losing to Fudo Yusei. He can't go to a higher world and keep losing, right?

There is always a way to win!


That's it.

And what is the answer.

The short video duel in the screen continues.

The turn comes to the Crimson Dragon with only 1 covered card left.

Looking at the card in his hand, the Crimson Dragon fell into deep thought.

The opponent's [Meteor Dragon] has 1 counter.

In other words, as long as this 1 counter is forced out, then this situation can be broken!


And in terms of the extra deck, there should be no Meteor Dragon.

Last Words can also be ignored.

Then, there is a way!

After thinking about it, the Crimson Dragon began to reverse the situation again in his turn!

The Crimson Dragon:"Awesome, awesome, you can actually use this method to continue to pull out the trump card."

Red Lotus Demon Dragon:"Unfortunately, it is not of much use."

Red Lotus Demon Dragon:"I have plenty of ways to break through you!""

"So, draw a card, and then open the trap card!"

"【Demon Chain】!"

"I target your Ryusei Star Dragon! As long as this card exists in the Magic or Trap Zone, the face-up monster cannot attack and its effect is negated."

A trap card that forces a counter!

Seeing this card!

Stardust Dragon frowned, how could he not know what the opponent's graveyard is that activated this card!

Even if he knew it, what would it matter?

He still had to give up this counter! There was no other way!

Stardust Dragon:"Activate the effect of Ryusei Star Dragon to negate your [Magic Chain] and destroy it!"

Crimson Demon Dragon:"Okay, okay, that's it, then I will Normal Summon [Crimson Resonator】!"

Red Lotus Demon Dragon:"Activate the effect of [Red Lotus Resonator], I will use [Bone Demon】!"

"Continue 4 2 Synchro Monster [Red Lotus Rising Dragon】!"

"Then, Red Lotus Rising Dragon takes effect, pulling out the Crimson Resonator from the graveyard.】!"

"Activate [Crimson Resonator]! I pull out 2 [Crimson Resonator] from my deck】!"

"The red lotus resonance takes effect, choose your [Liutian Star Dragon] to recover 4000 health points!"

"2 plus 2 plus 2 plus 6!"

"Do you know what I'm going to do?"

"That’s right! It’s this trump card monster!"

"Welcoming the three wise men of the king! The red lotus star will never fade!"

"Bury the Fool! Triple Synchrony!"

"【True Red Lotus Supernova Dragon】!!!"

With the final Triple Synchro Summons, even more outrageous Synchro Summons continued to appear!

The duelists from the 6 Duel Worlds all had question marks on their faces!

No way!

It can really be a reverse breakthrough again!

Before they could react!

The attack power of the [True Crimson Supernova Dragon] in front of them began to soar!

The original attack power!

It was only 4000 points!

But under the effect!

Every Tuner monster in the graveyard is providing attack power for [True Crimson Supernova Dragon]!

1 Tuner, that's 500 points!

In a duel so far! There are already 5 Tuner monsters in the graveyard!

In other words!

This time, the attack power of [True Crimson Supernova Dragon] is! 6500 points!!!

That's right!

It is beyond the limit! Breakthrough self-attack 6500 points!!!

DM world.

Seeing this, many old veterans completely collapsed!

This duel!

Will it ever end?

The final winner! Who on earth could it be?

This is the scene!

【True Crimson Lotus Supernova Dragon immediately suppressed the Flowing Star Dragon!

6500 attack power! It has also suppressed the Flowing Star Dragon with 4000 attack power!

From this point of view!

It's going to be a reversal!

If nothing unexpected happens!

The one who wins the duel!

It should be the Crimson Dragon!

5DS world.

Jack stared at this True Crimson Lotus Supernova Dragon with his eyes wide open!

Sure enough!

This Crimson Dragon deck is stronger than he thought!

There is actually a card that is far more powerful than his Crimson Dragon deck!

The appearance of this card!

Wouldn't it be possible to win the duel steadily?!

That's right!

It must be!

【True Red Lotus Supernova Dragon]!

It is invincible!

"He can still fight back. This duel is so exciting!"

"Who says it's not? I'm getting more and more confused about who will win."

"Maybe it's the Red Lotus Dragon? No, no, no, I still think it's the Stardust Dragon. Yuxing's Stardust Dragon won't let me down."

"However, it's not Yusei who plays this deck, but the Crimson Dragon is still strong! It's too difficult to break through with [True Crimson Supernova Dragon] here."


The voices of Long Ya and Long Ke discussing, mixed with the voices of other duelists, all illustrate the horror of [True Crimson Lotus Supernova Dragon].

Similarly, they are more eager to see!

The final outcome!

In the end, who will win the final duel?

In the short video, the Crimson Dragon that summoned [True Crimson Lotus Supernova Dragon] immediately began its subsequent operations!

Crimson Dragon:"I will attack directly!"

Crimson Dragon:"Deduct 2500 points from your life!"

Stardust Dragon:"But! After you destroy it!"

Stardust Dragon:"The effect of the second [Demon Awakening Dragon Lavabaur] in my hand activates a special summon for myself."

After successfully destroying [Liu Tian Xing Long],

Stardust Dragon's life value is only the last 5500 points!

The turn is reversed again and given to Stardust Dragon.

Looking at the terrifying 6500 attack power of [True Crimson Lotus Supernova Dragon], even Stardust Dragon, who now holds the resources, showed a solemn expression.

Extra deck.

There is not much power left to break through [True Crimson Lotus Supernova Dragon]!


The resources in the cemetery have accumulated enough!

In the cemetery!

There is still power to break through [True Crimson Lotus Supernova Dragon]!


It can be reversed!

It can also reverse the situation!

Stardust Dragon:"Maybe, I should win the duel! If I succeed in breaking your trump card this time!"

Stardust Dragon:"You should, can't continue to break through, right?"

Stardust Dragon:"Activate magic card! [Resurrection of the Dead]】!!!"

"The monster I resurrected is! [Liutian Savior Star Dragon】!!!"(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The 4000 attack power [Ryuten Savior Star Dragon] really brought hope to the Stardust Dragon!

Because this card has two effects!

One of them is to negate the opponent's monster effects!

But there is another one! When the opponent activates the effect, you can banish this card until the end phase, making it negate the activation and banish it.

It is precisely because this card has these two effects![]

【If True Red Lotus Supernova Dragon dares to counter the effect of Flowing Sky Savior Star Dragon!

Then True Red Lotus Supernova Dragon will be countered by Flowing Sky Savior Star Dragon!


Everything is over!

The Red Lotus Demon Dragon thought of this and his face turned pale!

And the situation!

It is developing towards this situation!

Stardust Dragon:"Activate the Flowing Sky Savior Effect!"

Stardust Dragon:"I will invalidate your True Red Lotus!"

"Come on, do you choose to counter?"

The original Red Lotus Dragon chose silence.

In other words, he did not choose to activate the True Red Lotus effect.

The attack power dropped sharply to 0 points!

At this moment!

The attack power of the two aces is 4000 points!

The original Stardust Dragon:"Okay! Then I will Normal Summon [Junk Synchronist】!"

Stardust Dragon:"Activate the effect to pull out the [Scrap Converter] from the graveyard (cicd)】!"

"Then! 3 plus 2 Synchro Summons!"

"【Junk Fighters】!"

"First, I will use the Transformer effect of the chain graveyard, and then I will pull out the Satellite Synchronizer.】!"

"According to the Junk Warrior effect, the final Junk Warrior's attack power becomes 3000 points!"

"Come on! Get my advantage back!"


With the final command!

The 4000 attack power [Liu Tian Jiu Shi Long] and [True Crimson Lotus Supernova Dragon] perished together!

In the end, the 3000 attack power of the Waste Warrior directly attacked!

But it did not cause fatal damage to the Crimson Lotus Dragon!

Seeing this.

The duelists of the 6 duel worlds were completely ignited!

They never thought that this duel!

Could be so thrilling!

One by one, the cards were constantly used and repeated!

In the end, the dead resurrected and pulled out the foundation for possible victory!

In this case!

A useless warrior with 3000 attack power!

It's like a life-saving straw for the last trump card!

He fought back the situation!

But can he really win?

The answer will be revealed soon.

In the short video.

The Stardust Dragon has finished his turn.

The turn comes to the Red Lotus Dragon again.

The resources of both sides are constantly exhausted in the duel.

But the duel does not stop.

As long as there are cards in hand.

There are also trump cards.

The duel can be full of possibilities!

Red Lotus Dragon:"My turn! Draw a card!"

Red Lotus Dragon:"Is it over? No."

Red Lotus Dragon:"It's not over at all"

"In fact, the duel is already determined"

"I won this duel!"

"I activate the effect of [Wild Wind] in the graveyard!"

"After excluding yourself, the deck searches for [Soul Resonator】!"

"I Normally Summon Soul Resonator】!"

"Activate its effect, and when this card is Special Summoned, you can activate it. Add 1 Level 4 or lower Demon-Type monster from your deck, excluding Soul Resonator, to your hand."

"I searched for the second card in the deck, Wind King!"

"At this moment! I will recruit Feng Lai Wang again!"

"4 up 2! Continue to synchro me and give me the last expansion card in my extra deck!"

"【Red Lotus Rising Dragon】!!!"

The final explosion unfolds at this moment!

The 6-star [Crimson Dragon], which is also the last Crimson Dragon invested in the Extra Deck, appears!

The appearance of this last card!

It also means that the duel has entered the last round!

Once the Crimson Dragon itself can't use these resources to defeat the Stardust Dragon with 5500 health points in front of it!

The scale of the duel will tilt towards the Stardust Dragon!

So this 6-star Crimson Dragon! Will be the last chance!

Crimson Dragon itself:"I will activate the effect of [Crimson Dragon] again!"

Crimson Dragon itself:"I will pull out [Crimson Resonator] from the graveyard】!"

"【[Crimson Resonator] takes effect and pulls out the last Resonator in the deck!"

"Come on! [Vision Resonator]! The second [Synchronous Clone Resonator】!"

"Finally! I synchronized the 6-star [Red Lotus Rising Dragon] with the 2-star [Crimson Resonator]!"

"The King's encouragement! Bring more Red Lotus's ascending power!"

"Synchro Summon!"

"【Red Lotus Demon Dragon Right Red Scar】!!!"

It's time for this card to appear!

Shocking the 6 duel worlds! And even all duelists!

The final reversal!

The appearance of Crimson Dragon Right Red Mark has also brought about earth-shaking changes!

Crimson Dragon Original:"I activate the effect of [Crimson Dragon Right Red Mark]!"

Crimson Dragon Original:"Destroy all Special Summoned Effect Monsters with attack power less than this card's attack power, except this card."

"After that, inflict damage equal to the number of monsters destroyed by this effect x 500"

"You are on the field! [Satellite Synchronizer] plus [Junk Warrior] plus [Demon Awakening Dragon Lavabaur]】!"

"I'm on the field! [Vision Resonator] plus [Synchronous Clone Resonator】!"

"There are 5 cards in total! Deduct 2500 LP from you!"

After the effect is activated successfully!

All the cards on the field!

Except for the card of [Red Lotus Demon Dragon Right Red Mark] are destroyed and sent to the graveyard!

The deducted 2500 LP!

Reduced the life value of Stardust Dragon to only 3000 LP!

And 3000 LP!

Just perfectly matches the current attack power of [Red Lotus Demon Dragon Right Red Mark]!

That's right!

【The attack power of the Red Lotus Demon Dragon Right Red Mark is! 3000 points!!!

The final result!

It is self-evident!

A comeback against all odds, a reversal of the duel!

【[Red Lotus Demon Dragon Right Red Mark] launched the final attack on Stardust Dragon!

Stardust Dragon's HP dropped to 0!



DM World.

Kaiba Seto, who was already shocked by the two systems.

Seeing the final scene of the duel!

Kaiba Seto couldn't sit still anymore and stood up!

"Impossible! Is it over?"

"Another reversal?"

"The final duel!"

"He was actually captured by the Red Lotus Dragon!"

"This is so, so wonderful......"


Kaiba Seto was completely shocked by the last wave of performance!

He never expected that the Stardust Dragon, which was in an advantageous position, would actually be defeated in the end!



"In this duel, the final [Red Lotus Demon Dragon's Right Red Mark] seemed to be completely calculated!"

"At the end of the game! They actually won the game!"

Becas couldn't help but exclaimed!

After watching the final reversal!

Even he had to admit that this duel was absolutely wonderful!

GX World.

The final duel, the duel won by the Red Lotus Dragon. All the students and teachers of the Duel Academy couldn't help but exclaim.

The voices of discussion also rose at this moment.

Yucheng Judai and Ed Phoenix were both stunned as they watched the final duel unfold!.

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