After Yu Chengxing finalized the short video he was going to play, he soon found an interesting appetizer.

The title appeared in the eyes of the duelists in the 6 duel worlds at this time.

《5 Old Ai at the beginning! The opponent's mentality collapsed! 》

DM World.

The moment seeing this title!

Many duelists were stunned.

Old Ai?

What is Old Ai?

Is it a new deck?

But when they saw the monster cards displayed on the screen of the short video.

They immediately fell silent.

Old Ai?

5 Old Ai?


It actually refers to the Dark Mage [Exodia]!!!

Thinking of the Dark Mage!

Kaiba Seto immediately couldn't hold it anymore!

In the past, when the duel rules were not perfect, he was killed by Muto Yugi's 5 Old Ai!


Has it come to the Dark Mage's deck?!

"The Dark Master! It's Exodia!"

"Grandpa! It's your favorite card!"

"I'm sorry! Grandpa, if I hadn't given the insect feather moth"

"Those cards won't work."

Yugi Muto on the side was so excited that his whole body was twitching!

His voice was trembling.

But Muto Sugoroku on the side was silent.

Exodia was his life's work.

Now he could see it.

He was already satisfied.

GX world.

The people from Duel Academy were also shocked that the next short video was from Lao Ai.

In their impression,

Lao Ai seemed to exist only in vague memories.

At this time, the video information related to Lao Ai suddenly appeared.

It was like a bolt from the blue, making them a little overwhelmed.

"Old Ai? Exodia, the mysterious and powerful deck that once disappeared"

"Isn't it? If I hadn't seen these words, I would have forgotten that there was this forgotten deck."

"No, didn’t everyone notice that there’s something wrong with this title? Let’s start with Five Old Ai? ? ? ?"

"Huh? Is that true? Then we won right from the start? Is that true?"


Among the voices of emotion and indignation of many duelists, there were more people remembering Exodia.

It seemed that duelists afterwards rarely used Exodia decks as mainstream decks.

Even though there were imitation Exodia cards in later generations, it did not cause much waves.

Because it was too difficult to collect 5 cards.

Before the 6 duelists in the duel world could continue to remember Lao Ai, the duel short video had already started.

The opening was a lightning strike!

Lao Ai's binding play.


Let's play cards this time!

" Everyone, pay attention to Lao Ai's binding play!

This guy started with five cards in his hand!

" Before the opponent could react to Lao Ai's binding play, this guy immediately unfolded the cards in his hand to his opponent.


"【The Sealed One's Right Wrist】!【The Sealed One's Right Wrist】!"

"【The Sealed One's Right Foot】!【The Sealed One's Left Foot】!"

"Yes! That's right! This guy started with 5 Lao Ai!"

"The last card shown is [The Sealed Exodia]】!!!"


The video blogger's excited voice followed one sentence after another!

The five Old Ai cards in the picture were indeed all opened with the first move!

And this scene.

Once again confused the six duelists in the duel world!

What the hell?

Someone really started with five Old Ai?

Is this cheating?

What is the probability of starting with five Old Ai?

The guaranteed probability is also 1/65W!

Has anyone really done it?!

If it's not cheating! It's a fake video!

But before the six duelists in the duel world could refute it!

The voice of the video blogger sounded again.

Old Ai's bondage play, do you think this is cheating?"

Old Ai's bondage play, do you think this is fake?"

"No, no, no, this is a real thing"

"This is a picture of a 13-year-old boy starting with 5 Exodias in a game and winning directly"

"I can't believe it, but it's real."

"The boy raised his hands happily, as if he had saved the world......."

In the speech, the video bloggers all had bitter and complicated tones.

But the boy in the short video did start with five Lao Ai in the game.

Even if they don't admit it, they have to admit it.

This is the fact.

Lao Ai's bondage play I believe every player has a dream of starting with five Lao Ai."

Lao Ai's bondage play, including up, I am the same."

Lao Ai's bondage play But I have played Lao Ai for so long, and I still haven't had a"

"But, it doesn't mean that we can't use other methods to gather the Five Elder Ai, right?"

"Therefore, this up master provides you with several deck building plans to help us get the five old Ai"

"Option 1, [Panda Lao Ai】!"

"The core card in the construction is this card"

"【Treasure Hunt Panda】!"

【Card Name: Treasure Hunting Panda (4)】

【Attribute: Earth】

【Race: Beast】

【Offense and defense: 1100/2000】

"Why is this card so important? Because it can banish a Magic Trap from the graveyard to perform a special move on a normal monster in the deck."

"1 picture means 1 star, and all of Lao Ai’s corpses are 1 star!"

"So here comes the problem"

"How do we get all the magic traps in the graveyard?"

"Naturally, it is related to the rate of card drawing."

"For example, the price of waste wood】、【Purgatory of Nothingness】、【Gold Goblin] and other cards"

"It's okay if Lao Ai's body goes to the cemetery"

"We can bring [Dark Mass Production Factory], which can help us recover 2 Normal monsters from the graveyard"

"So, the idea is very clear, isn’t it?"

"Panda, except for the graveyard trap to pull corpse pieces, the deck puts in [The Price of a Loser] and [Magic Wand】���

"You can send the corpse to the grave and draw 2 cards."

"Then follow the same idea and keep drawing our deck"

"Finally, I got all 5 Lao Ai. It's that simple."

"Not enough advance explanation, low probability"

"If you can put the banned card Pot of Greed into it, then I have nothing to say, you are invincible."

The first idea of Old Ai was explained.

The six duelists in the duel world were all stunned?



What kind of weird combo is this?

What kind of brain circuit can actually combine these cards to find the possibility of gathering Old Ai in one round?


The idea is weird and novel!

Moreover, there is no difficulty in understanding.

Even these old people, after listening to the explanation of this so-called up master, can understand the specific operations.

In conjunction with the fast-playing Old Ai animation on the screen, they actually came up with a very simple idea of gathering five Old Ais!

When it came up, they were all shocked by themselves!

The second idea of Old Ai's binding play."

Old Ai's binding play This plan basically does not deviate from the central idea, that is, the rate of withdrawal."

Old Ai's binding play But the rate of withdrawal will also have different methods, and the operation will be different"

"For example, there is an old Ai Ka group that has invested in the [Destiny Girl] axis"

"The idea is similar"

"【Fate Girl Wattley] and Fate Girl Pasti synchronize [Stardust Charge Warrior】!"

"Then [Stardust Charger] draws cards for us!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Then use the magic card [Synchronize】!"

"Transform the Stardust Chargers into Watley and Pasti"

"This will activate Wattley's effect and draw 2 cards."

"Then continue to draw cards in this way."

"The Destiny Girl of the main family also has the [Destiny Future] magic card for recycling, and the main family excepted draws 2 cards!"[]

"So this is also an old Aite entertainment deck"

"Be careful, don't use it to gain points, or you will cry."


You will cry.

The first person to cry was one of the duelists in the 5DS world.

And this duelist was none other than Kali Nagisa who used Fate Girl!

"Huh? Huh? Huh?"

"My destiny girl? Huh? How did she become Exodia's plaything?"

"woo woo woo woo!"

"I won't take pictures anymore!"

Kali Nagisa's reading glasses almost fell to the ground.

Jack beside him waved his hands helplessly.

He really had no idea what to do with Kali Nagisa, who had recovered from her dark personality.

Sometimes she was very cute.

Sometimes she was very difficult to deal with.

Besides, wasn't Old Ai more impressive than Destiny Girl?

Investing in Destiny Girl, isn't this a strong combination?

"Uh-huh! Shh!"

"Carly, don't you think this is big news?"

"Think about it, Lao Ai! Lao Ai can put all the ideas together in one round!"

"Why don't you take a picture of it?"

Jack whispered a few words. Carly was stunned!


This must be taken!

���The second idea of bondage play has been discussed!"

Let's talk about the third idea of Lao Ai's bondage play."

The third idea of Lao Ai's bondage play is much more interesting"

"We can put heroes from new space and help the draw rate"

"There are only 3 key cards involved!"

"The first card [Conversion Contact] can help us send new space heroes to the graveyard without monsters."

"The second card [Gift from the Cosmic Tribe], draw 1 card for each new space on the field, theoretically you can draw up to 5 cards"

"The third card [New Universe Extension], as long as there is no card on the field, the hand will help us fill up the new space hero"

"With the three-card combo, the ideas are linked together!"

"We draw frequently, and if we draw a key card, we can continue to draw frequently, so that we can collect all five old Ai in one round."

"Again, entertainment decks, entertainment, don't play them!"

Any ideas?

What kind of duel thinking and brain circuits do people in this advanced world have?

One routine after another can be thought of!

It's outrageous!

What's more outrageous is, how can you think of linking all these cards together?

There are so many cards in the card library, and you can think of this!

It must be a very difficult thing!

GX World...........

These new space warriors!

Yuki Judai already understood the effects and combos of these cards very well!

So after listening to these ideas, he immediately showed an expression of sudden enlightenment.


That's what's going on!

The new space warriors can actually provide a lot of help for Lao Ai's draw rate!

If so.

Can we put Lao Ai's cards in his hero deck?

Lao Ai's binding play finally came to our 4th idea!"

Lao Ai's binding play is different from the previous one!"

Lao Ai's binding play is considered a specialized deck of Exodia!"

"Let’s take a quick look at how to expand it!"

"As long as we have the [Original Man Awakened from a Thousand Years of Sleep] in our hands, we can use the Original Man to activate its effect!"

"Place the [Original Man Awakening from a Thousand Years of Sleep] sticker on the magic trap"

"Then activate the original effect and pay 2000LP for a special move!"

"Deck Search【Millennium Dynasty Shield】!"

"After activating the [Millennium Dynasty Shield] effect, continue to pay 2000LP!"

"We can recruit [Millennium Dynasty Shield]! Deck Search [Millennium Cross】!"

"And activate the [Millennium Cross] effect!"

"We show the opponent the hand, deck, and 5 corpses on the field"

"The deck can now be Fusion Summoned!"

"The soul that has been sleeping for thousands of years awakens!"

"【Phantom Summoning God Exodia】!!!"

【Card Name: Phantom Summoning God Exodia (10 Stars)】

【Attribute: Dark】

【Race: Magician】

【Attack and defense:? /0】

【Effect: 5 sealed monsters】

【: This card on the field cannot be destroyed by the opponent's effects.】

【: Once per turn, you can activate this card during damage calculation for a battle. This card gains an attack power equal to your LP.】

【: Once per turn, can be activated when the effect of a Spell or Trap Card is activated. This activation is invalidated.】

【: You can activate this card during your opponent's End Phase. Place 1 Magic Fire Magic Trap Card from your deck on your field.】

【: This effect is activated during your Standby Phase. You lose 1000 LP.】

"At the end of the round"

"We can build a deck with [Angry Hellfire Ekuzodo Flame Cannon]"

"This card can provide us with the effect of bombing the opponent's entire field, and can also help us recover 5 corpses"

"This is the end of the show."

"If you have [Millennium Cross] at the beginning, you don’t need to pay life points!"

"After fusion, the attack power of Lao Ai can reach 8000 points."

Lao Ai? Fusion?

Lao Ai actually has a fusion-specialized deck???

After listening to the last explanation in the video!

1.36 Duelists in the Duel World couldn't hold back at all!

Lao Ai is strong!

Isn't it because of the direct victory of the duel brought by 5 cards!

But now!

Lao Ai also has a fusion-specialized Millennium deck!

And the fusion Lao Ai brought by this deck!

It's so easy to appear!

This is a bit hard to hold back.

DM world.

After listening to these ideas, and the final Lao Ai-specialized fusion deck!

Muto Sugoroku's dormant memories were wiped out!

The whole person was dumbfounded on the spot

"No? Am I really going backwards in time?"

"The old Ai card deck does not rely on placing high-defense monsters to delay the turn!"

"Are you relying on trap cards, magic cards and other distractions, and then slowly putting them together?"

"Listening to what this young man said, can we really gather all five Elder Ai in one round?"

Muto Sugoroku couldn't stop asking questions.

Muto Yugi beside him smiled awkwardly and nodded.

"Grandpa, it seems so"

"And the specialized old Ai Ka group"

"It seems that it is getting easier to summon Lao Ai's trump card........"

Yugi Muto was horrified.

He had to accept this fact!

Sir! Times have changed!

Old Ai has a specialized deck!

Whether it is an entertainment deck or a fusion deck!

It is no longer the 5 Old Ai that can only delay the round to get together!

Old Ai's restraint play Do you think this is the end?"

Old Ai's restraint play No, no, no, there is actually a very interesting Old Ai deck"

"The deck is [Ignite Flame Saint Exodia】!"

"In the YCS National Tournament"

"There is a kind old man, but he uses this deck"

"Defeat the weak mermaids, the Pearl Tear Sorrow Tribe"

"Want to know? We will reveal the national championship duel to you soon!".

Share: SAZ

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