The expressions and movements of Bekas and Tapir were observed by the duelists around them. The duelists without the Millennium Artifact looked at each other in bewilderment.

At the same time, they became more and more interested in this advanced world!

This advanced world!

There really is everything!

Mysterious deck explanation! Transcendent duel match! Pirated fake card video! Banned card explanation directory....

After realizing this, the entire DM world was a little uneasy! What strange video content will appear next?

The GX world. A parallel fusion world that barely knows about the Millennium Artifact. After watching the effects of the 7 pirated fake cards of the Millennium Artifact. The entire Duel Academy was also boiling at this time!

"Oh my god! What the hell? Is there really such a pirated card for the Millennium Artifact?"

"The designers at Mr. You's pirated company are damn geniuses! Why do these cards look so interesting?"

"Well, it's interesting, but it's obvious that these cards don't have much logic."

"Indeed, it’s just for fun. If you are using fake cards, you can only use fake cards to duel with fake cards, right?"


After a discussion, the students gradually regained their composure.

Although they were surprised that these legendary cards of the seven thousand-year-old artifacts would be made into pirated fake cards in the Advanced World Cup, as long as they were sure that they could not be used in a regular duel, then these so-called fake cards were only for fun.

"Awesome! I wonder what else I can see in Mr. You's world!"

"Are there any pirated cards of heroes or something?"

Yucheng Judai is very interested in this short video series.

He also wants to see how pirated fake cards will be made for heroes.

As for the other worlds, they don't have much concept of the Millennium Artifact itself!"Eight, six, seven"

So when they saw these pirated fake cards of the Millennium Artifact, they were just slightly stunned!

When they were amazed at how fake these effects were!

Most of them immediately returned to their normal state of mind after learning that they could not be put into use!

After all, if you can't be put into use, what's the use of being fake and awesome?

In the main world, after watching the reactions of the three worlds,

Yucheng Xing was very satisfied.

Especially in the DM world and the GX world.

Sure enough, there was a heated discussion about the Millennium Artifact!

Similarly, the original holders of the Millennium Artifact couldn't hold back their emotions after watching it and began to talk about making cards that were purely weakened!

For example, the Millennium Eyes of Bekas!

There are also people who think that it is better to use after it is made.

For example, the Millennium Wisdom Wheel of Tapir.

In these discussions, Yucheng Xing took the reward for watching the video and immediately started to open the chat function for the next video.

That is.


"Phew, it’s almost there!"

"If you want to unlock the ZEXAL World function, I'll see how much this software costs me."

After searching for a while, You Chengxing finally found the function.

The requirement was doubled from before.

It came to 4,000 yuan!

At the same time, there were additional unlocks for other functions!

You Chengxing squinted his eyes and scanned it. He finally understood what this function was!

"Card, gift function?"

"That is to say"

"Can I build a deck in my world and give it to designated users through the software?"

"Slow down."

"Could it be? Can I give the deck to the people in these chat groups?"

Thinking of this,

Yu Chengxing became interested.

He immediately spent money to unlock this new function!

As the function was successfully unlocked!

Soon a text message appeared on the phone screen!

【Congratulations to the user Youchengxing for successfully unlocking the ZEXAL chat world function】

【Congratulations to the user Youchengxing for successfully unlocking the card set gift function】

【In order to better experience the software functions, we will give you 2 sets of card decks for testing. 】

As the text message popped up.

Yu Chengxing finally unlocked this new function.

And then.

2 sets of card decks, namely [Hope King Hope] and [Galaxy Eyes] card information also appeared in the background prompt

"Galaxy Eyes, Hope?"


"I want to see what this so-called gift function is all about!"

Open the ZEXAL chat group message.

Soon barrages began to appear one after another.

Yuma Kujuku:"So, do any of you card players know what a Millennium Artifact is?" Kaito

Amagi:"It's useless and can't be used in the game. Why are you so concerned about it, Yuma?"

Kotori Mitsuki:"Well, did you notice anything wrong? Was there any sound just now?"

Rio Kamishiro:"No, maybe you heard it wrong, Kotori? By the way, where is my brother?"

After reading the discussion of the people in this Overworld,

Yuchengxing coughed and looked at Kamishiro Rio.

Of all the Yu-Gi-Oh anime, to be honest,

Yuchengxing's favorite is still Kamishiro Rio.

By the way, does this software have the function of adding friends?

Yuchengxing thought of this and tried to click on Kamishiro Rio's avatar.

With this click,

1 item option appeared.

The function that popped up was to give away a deck.

There were no other functions.

This made Yuchengxing a little disappointed. He originally wanted to add Kamishiro Rio to see if he could have a private chat or something.

Perhaps it is also possible that all functions have not been unlocked yet.

"Well, let's talk to them first!"

Yuchengxing took a deep breath and quickly began to send his message.

Yuchengxing:"I'm glad to be able to successfully connect to the ZEXAL world." Yuchengxing

:"I'm from the higher world, and I'm also the controller who controls all your systems for video playback."

Yuchengxing:"My name is Yuchengxing. If you have any questions about the subsequent content playback, you can contact me."

ZEXAL world.

Hearing the sudden voice of a strange man.

All the duelists who were originally laughing and joking shut their mouths!

And after thinking about Yuchengxing's words.

Many duelists immediately felt a chill on their backs!

Some duelists even looked at the display screen with horror!

The controller of the higher world?

The faces of Jiujiu Yuma and Astral Body also changed.

According to what he meant!

All these video contents!

Are they controlled by him?!

Is it true?

Is this voice an auditory hallucination?!

But if it is an auditory hallucination! It's impossible that both he and Astral Body have auditory hallucinations, right?

Then there is only one possibility!

This is the real voice!

Jiujiu Yuma:"What do you mean? You mean, your previous pictures of the Heavenly Sword, the Millennium Artifact fake card, and the Stardust Dragon vs. Red Lotus Dragon."

Kyuujiu Yuma:"All of these are from you?""

Guanyue Kotori:"Ah? Yuma, don't scare me! We are controlled by the higher world?""

Astral Body:"Maybe, it's true, I believe you, Mr. Yu, after all, the world is so big, like me from the Astral Body world."

From their conversation barrage.

Yu Chengxing was slightly stunned.

I thought Astral Body would doubt it, but I didn't expect that he believed it immediately!

This is not a big deal!

The key point is the performance of Jiujiu Yuma later.

It has also changed!

Jiujiu Yuma:"I believe it too, if possible! Mr. Yu, can I see the performance of Hope King Hope in the higher world?""

Kyuujiu Yuma:"To be honest, my deck is Hope King Hope, and this construction has accumulated too much of my hard work."

Astral Body:"If possible, can you tell us what the end point of your super is?"

Astral Body:"Is there any news about other numbered cards?"......(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Yucheng Xing's mouth twitched.

Good fellow.

These guys are actually asking for something from him.

Logically speaking.

The change in Moon-Watching Bird's expression should be there, isn't it? []

Yuma and Astral Body, as expected, it's easy to talk to a duel world where other worlds exist.

Yucheng Xing:"Of course, but I'm going to be different this time."

Yucheng Xing:"I will give you two decks from our world for testing." Yucheng

Xing:"At the same time, your duels will be reflected in other duel worlds for reference."

"The card groups are [Hope King Hope] and [Galaxy Eyes】"

"Do you have any objections?"

ZEXAL world.

Hearing that Yugi Sei will give them the decks of the higher world for experiments!

Yuma Kujiu and Kaito Amagi beside him were both trembling!

There is such a good thing!?

Then they must agree! Is there any need to say it???

Yuma Kujiu:"I have no objection!" Kaito Amagi

:"Me neither."

After the two finished speaking.

Yugi Sei gave the two decks to the two.

The whole process was very simple for Yugi Sei.

Just like giving a reward, click the avatar, select the deck and send it out.

But in the Xyz world.

Two beams of light fell from the sky, so dazzling that all duelists could not help but close their eyes!

And the light turned and disappeared.

It disappeared in almost 3 seconds.

When they opened their eyes.

It was as if nothing had happened.

But the decks of Yuma Kujiu and Kaito Amagi.

All have changed!

In other words.

There is another deck in their duel disk!


The title appeared on the big screen!

《Hope King Hope vs Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon! Witness the soaring to the sky! 》

The other six dueling worlds soon noticed that something was wrong with the video.

Because in the video, there were two duelists dressed strangely.

This made them a little confused.

Duelists from the higher world.

Are they dressed so fashionably?

But before they could think about it, the short video or live broadcast content had been played....0Both duelists.

Kujuku Yuma VS Amagi Kaito.

Both life points: 8000LP!

Attack first! Amagi Kaito!

Attack second! Kujuku Yuma!

ZEXAL World.

It is confirmed that there is a moment when they become the protagonists of the short video content!

Kujuku Yuma and Amagi Kaito are both in a state of confusion.

It can be said that they have not yet reacted!

"Is this the start? Who's going to attack first?"

"Amagi Kaito?"

"It's your first strike!"

"Quick, quick, quick! Draw cards and prepare for the duel!"

"Soaring into the sky, I am soaring into the sky!"

Jiujiu Yuma excitedly put the new Hope card group he got into the duel disk.

The opponent Amagi Kaito started the duel before he could react.

After drawing the cards, looking at the 5 cards in his hand,

Amagi Kaito was stunned, or dumbfounded.

Monster Card [Metroid], Monster Card [Photon Emperor].

Magic Card [Designator of the Grave], Monster Card [Gray Flow Beauty], Trap Card [Eternal Galaxy].

5 cards, Amagi Kaito didn't know what to do!

Looking at his extra cards!

All of them were Xyz cards that he had never seen before! Plus the Galaxy Eyes three-piece set that I explained before!

Amagi Kaito felt that he didn't have enough brain cells!

This hand!

How can I unfold it to make full use of the resources!

"Me, Me, My Turn"

"I activate the effect of [Metroid], and I send the [Photon Emperor] in my hand to the graveyard"

"Special summon [Metroid], then activate the Photon Emperor effect in the graveyard"

"Warrior activates the effect, my deck search [Galaxy Mage】"

"Photon Emperor effect, this card revives from the graveyard defense special summon and provides the effect of a Normal Summon of Light attribute monster."

Amagi Kaito looked at the dazzling array of cards that could be searched!

In fact, his scalp was already numb!

But he could only bite the bullet and rely on his intuition and sixth sense of many years of Galaxy Eyes to search and set up the field.

Even other duelists saw Amagi Kaito.

This legendary numbered card hunter!

He was sweating nervously while using the Galaxy Eyes deck!


Playing a card dared to make him so panic?

Didn't he understand this deck?

And the fact was indeed so.

But Amagi Kaito still reacted quickly, took a breath and started the next set!

"I Normal Summon [Galactic Mage]】!"

"The tutor effect releases a card, and my deck is searched.......【Galaxy Summoner】!"

"I have one more chance, I normally summon [Galaxy Summoner】!"

"Activate the summoner effect and I will revive the magician in the graveyard."

It seems that I have some feeling.

Amagi Kaito's nervousness gradually disappeared, and a gleam of light appeared in his eyes.

"I activate the summoner effect again and turn [Metroid] to 4!"

"I will activate the magician effect again and turn myself into 8 stars!"

"There are 2 level 4 monsters! There are 2 level 8 monsters!"

"Build a super network! I put [Metroid] and [Galaxy Summoner] Oppa!"

"Ultra Summon! [Galaxy Photon Dragon】!!!"

"At the same time! Continue to build 5.0 super network!"

"I classify [Galaxy Mage] and [Photon Emperor] as Oppa!"

"Ultra Summon! Number 90!"

"【No.90 Galaxy Eyes Photon】!!!"

He used Hyper Quantity twice in one breath! The other duelists in the Hyper Quantity World were all stunned!

Amagi Kaito became more and more excited!

"It’s not over yet! [Galaxy Photon Dragon] Effect!"

"I can remove 1 Xyz Material from this card. Select 1 Photon or Galaxy Card from your deck and add it to your hand or send it to your graveyard."

"The card I chose to add to my hand is: Galaxy-Eyes Afterglow Dragon】!!!"

"I directly Special Defense Summon [Galaxy-Eyes Afterglow Dragon】!"

"I put 1 card!"

"My turn is over! Yuma! It's your turn!"

Amagi Kaito has finished the game! He is extremely proud!

It is worthy of being a deck built in the higher world!

The strength it brings is too terrifying!

Even if he is not proficient yet!

He can find a certain combo in a very short time!

This is also what Amagi Kaito is proud of!

Although the scene is not strong enough.

But [No.90 Galaxy-Eyes Photon] is strong enough!

The effect breaks resistance! The monster effect is good! The opponent's turn search!

3000 big butts! It is enough to deal with it first!

In addition to the magic card [Designator of the Grave] and the monster card [Gray Flowing Beauty]!

It should be enough.

Similarly, it will end early.

When Amagi Kaito wants to use the opponent's turn to make a game, he will take a closer look at his extra deck.

Learn about the Galaxy-Eyes extra in the higher world, and what else is there!

And the opponent Jiujiu Yuma's face changed slightly!

Just using this deck!

Amagi Kaito can easily operate 2 Xyz Summon!! He can even summon a 3000 attack power and 2500 defense power of the Afterglow Dragon!

These 3 monsters! Obviously, they are not simple!.

I want to say: SAZ

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