In the main world.

Yujo Star smiled faintly as he watched the two decks being tested in the ZEXAL world.

"Oh, not bad, not bad"

"Both of them achieved these points in their first attempt at the deck."

"It's already excellent."

"I will show them what Hope's and Galaxy-Eyes' explosions are later."

Yujo Sei murmured to himself and then watched the duel between the two seriously.

ZEXAL World.

The duel deck is still under testing.

Amagi Kaito used the resources that can be said to be the last resources to fight for a glimmer of hope!

On the scene.

Amagi Kaito's scene.

3000 attack power [Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon], the Gyro Killer is not afraid of the attack of the Gyro monster at all! 3200 attack power

[Galaxy-Eyes Light Blade Dragon], also has 1 heavy armor material that can be broken in the next round.

The defense of 0 defense power means that [Galaxy Photon Dragon] has a hand in case the situation in the first round happens again.

What's more,

Amagi Kaito knows that Yuma Kujuku still has the [Double Chance] in his hand.

【Galaxy Photon Dragon] If it is in attack mode, it will only deal 2000 damage. If it fails to kill Kujuku Yuma , he will be in danger. On the other hand, it is very difficult for

Kujuku Yuma to counterattack with only one [Beast Suit Combination Lion Hope] with 2500 attack power without materials and equipment.


"Kaito, I didn't expect you to use your resources to this extent."


"I am the only one who can soar to the sky!"

Jiujiu Yuma's eyes gleamed.

The formula for victory was already determined in his next draw!

Jiujiu Yuma placed his hand on the deck!

"My turn! Doro!"

"The card I drew is!】!!!"

"Hahaha! Activate the linkage! I discard 1 card!"

"Deck search: [Raging Raging Dwarf - Rumbling Raging Gloves] and [Shua La La Ban Chang - My My My Coat]】!"

"I Normal Summon Gloves! Special Summon Coat!"

"When the coat effect is activated, the graveyard pulls out [Hope Emperor Onomatopoeia】!"

"The monsters on the scene are! 4 3!"

"My scene is back again!"


When everyone saw that Kujiu Yuma used only one card to make full use of all the resources again!

Not only the ZEXAL world.

The duelists of the other 5 duel worlds were a little stunned!

This Xyz Hope King Hope deck!

Is the strength a bit too much?

Especially the main family search!

Not only does it assist in graveyard stacking, but it can also search accurately???

With resources!

Even if Kujiu Yuma was deducted 3200 life points and only had 4800 points left, he was not panicked at all!

On the contrary, Amagi Kaito's 8000 health was like a candle in the wind, which made them worried.


How can Kujiu Yuma break through the Xyz Killer [Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon]?

On the duel test!

Kujiu Yuma immediately used 3 4 monsters to restart the Oppa type!

Kujiu Yuma:"I will build a Xyz network with the gloves and Onomatopoeia!"

Kujiu Yuma:"Oopa type Xyz Summon!"

"The second one is [No.39 Hope King Hope】!"

"Next! Actively upgrade the summon!"

"Come on! Super upgrade [SNo.39 Hope King Hope ONE】!!!"

"Activate effect! When my health is less than 3000 points of the opponent!"

"You can remove 3 Xyz Materials from this card and pay LP to 10 to activate"

"Destroy and banish all Special Summoned Monsters on your opponent's field. Then inflict damage equal to the number of monsters banished by this effect x 300."

"Come on! Hope ONE!!!"

A desperate fight???

Kamishiro Ryoga, Mizuki Kotori, Kamishiro Rio and others all stared at the scene in front of them with their eyes wide open and a little bit unbelievable!

Especially when they heard the effect at the end!

They just felt that Jiujiu Yuma was using this advanced world deck too crazy!!!

Turning the life value into 10 points???

If there is no way to deal with Amagi Kaito!

The next round!

He will definitely die!

"Crazy? Is Kujuku Yuma crazy? What extra cards does Hope have in this higher world?"

"I don't understand! But there must be a reason why Yuma did this! There must be an additional card that can help you win the victory~"

"Wait and see, let the bullets fly for a while, Yuma is not such an impulsive person"

"Hiss! But I have to say, this high-level world's Xyz deck is so fucking awesome! Look how much fun they have playing!"


There were voices of confusion around.

Naturally, there were also people trying to understand.

But they were not Yuma, and they didn't know what cards Yuma had in his extra deck.

Including the duelists in other duel worlds.

At this moment, they had similar thoughts to the duelists in the ZEXAL world.

The DM world.

As a whole, seeing the current Yugi Muto showing a confused expression

"Another me? Why is this person called Jiujiu Yuma so crazy?"

"Ai Bo, think about it, haven't we done enough crazy things?......"

After a brief chat with the Pharaoh Atum in his body,

Yugi Muto was immediately relieved.

What's wrong with 10 drops of blood?

It's nothing compared to what they experienced.

GX World.

Yugi Judai's mouth twitched when he saw this scene.

"This guy called Kaito Amagi is so miserable!"

"This time, we're going to have to suffer!"

Yujo Judai was not concerned about the last 10 HP of Yuma Kyuju.

Instead, it was the glimmer of hope that Kaito Amagi had won, which was about to be extinguished like a flame in the cold wind.

"Yes, all three monsters were destroyed."

"900 health points will be deducted."

"It's a bit uncomfortable."

Asuka nodded slightly in agreement.

In addition to caring about these, she also found something wrong.

The other duelists in the live broadcast seemed to be talking about the higher world.

Although it was very quiet, it was still audible.

Could it be that Jiujiu Yuma and Amagi Kaito were not people from Mr. Yu's higher world?

On the ZEXAL duel field, the scene was just as they expected.

Amagi Kaito's 3 monsters were all destroyed!

【Galaxy-Eyes Light Blade Dragon] was excluded because it was destroyed.

It was not sent to the graveyard, so it was impossible to pull out [Galaxy-Eyes Light Blade Dragon], and finally deducted 900 health points from Kaito Amagi.

Kaito Amagi's remaining health points were 7100 points.

But Kujuku Yuma only had 10 health points left.

Kujuku Yuma:"Hahaha! It's not over yet!" Kujuku Yuma

:"I activate the effect of [Shura Bancho - My My My Coat] on the field, and pull out Onomatopoeia from the graveyard."

"Glove effect, special summon to the field!"

"I have collected 3 cards with 4 monsters again!"

"Hahaha! Cool! So cool!"

"I will continue with the Oppa category!"

"The jackets and gloves on the field build an excess network!"

"Ultra Summon! [I I I I Mage】!"

"Activate the effect of [I I I I Wizard], remove the gloves and revive [.99 Hope King Hope Dragna in the graveyard】!"

With the successful completion of this Xyzun!

The Xyzun monster resources on the field of Kujuku Yuma have been maxed out!

And the combined direct attack battle value of these monsters!

Has far exceeded Amagi Kaito's 7100LP!

The outcome of the duel! It's clear!

The one who finally soared into the sky is! Kujuku Yuma's Hope King Hope!

Kujuku Yuma:"Okay, soar into the sky!"

Kujuku Yuma:"Directly enter the battle phase!"

"2000 attack power [I I I I Mage] attacks directly!"

"2510 attack power [SNo.39 Hope King Hope ONE] direct attack!"

"3000 attack power [No.99 Hope King Hope Dragna] attacks directly!"

"Finally! 1500 attack power [Hope Emperor Onomatopoeia] attacks directly!"

"Winning! The winning formula worked!"

"What an interesting duel!!!"

As the last blow landed,

Kaito Amagi's HP has become 0! (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The deck test of the two has ended perfectly!

And Kujuku Yuma is still excited. But Kaito Amagi can't laugh anymore.

Looking at his Galaxy-Eyes deck, he knows very well that he is still not familiar enough! He is still not proficient enough!

There are still many resources in the extra deck that cannot be fully utilized like Kujuku Yuma!

If he can use them all!

One more time!

He has a chance to win the game!

Main World.

Yusei breathed a sigh of relief after watching the last operation.

Sure enough.

This is the protagonist

's halo, right? It is destined that the second onomatopoeia link will be given to Kujuku Yuma in one draw.

Kujuku Yuma has to continue to make the field.

And the doubling opportunity in his hand has become a discarded product of the second onomatopoeia link.

It seems that

Kujuku Yuma's thinking is really different.[]

"Phew, done, done, the test is over"

"Let's see what rewards this software test deck will give us after it's finished."

Yu Chengxing stretched his body and lazily clicked on the test result background.

In addition to the duel video of Jiujiu Yuma and Amagi Kaito, there was also a record of every step of the two.

【Congratulations to Youchengxing user for successfully completing the software deck testing task】

【Congratulations to Youchengxing users for successfully obtaining the world connection function】

【Can we connect the DM world, GX world, 5DS world, and ZEXAL world through dialogue? 】


What does that mean?

Connect through dialogue?

Does it mean to let each other's world know that there are other parallel worlds?

Yu Chengxing turned on this button function.

After clicking it, a dialog box popped up.

【Can we integrate the dialogues among the GX world, DM world, 5DS world, and ZEXAL world?】

【Attention! Once merged, the world can have a conversation!】

【Later, more functions can be unlocked to arrange cross-border duels. 】Can the chat groups be merged?

Can duels still be arranged?

Yu Chengxing smiled and felt more and more interesting!

This package needs to be integrated!

"I choose"

"Let's merge."

After the fusion was confirmed, the chat groups of the four worlds were easily merged into one big group.

This operation was very simple and did not bring any unique impact.

As for the four real worlds, it was different.

A fusion.

The screen connections in 4 different parallel time and space began to overlap.

All the sounds and conversations were also quietly changing.

DM world.

Seto Kaiba:"What's going on? What was the sound just now?"

Yugi Muto:"I'm not sure, it seems to be an explosion or a fusion sound?"

Jonouchi:"Tsk, it's the same as the sound of the virtual system fusion, maybe someone is playing cards?"

Peacock Dance:"Maybe it's because the duel between Yuma Kujuku and Kaito Amagi before made people itchy?"

GX world.

Listening to the voices of Seto Kaiba, Yugi Muto, Jonouchi and others coming from the screen.

The duelists of the GX world who were originally discussing Hope and Galaxy-Eyes leisurely were instantly stunned.

Because at the moment they were talking!

The avatars and names of the virtual characters of the people who were talking appeared around them.

Yugi Muto, with a starfish head, it's definitely him!

Peacock Dance, with big blonde waves, it's definitely her!

Bekas, with white hair covering his eyes, it's definitely him!

All of these really appeared on the screen!

5DS world.

Yusei Fudo and others had just finished watching this wonderful duel and were eager to try to ride a duel with Jack.

The voices of the DM world and the GX world kept coming from the duel screen in the middle of their motorcycles.

Information about the duelists of the two worlds also came at this moment.

Yusei Fudo and Jack Atlas were stunned on the spot.

What the hell?

There's a ghost?


It doesn't seem to be?

This seems to be a message sent by duelists from other duel worlds!

In the ZEXAL world,

Amagi Kaito, who was still depressed, and Kujuku Yuma, who was extremely excited, both of them immediately noticed the voice coming from another world.

Fudo Yusei? Muto Yugi?

Yugi Judai? Jonouchi?

Who are these people? Why are they talking non-stop?

And what they are talking about seems to be about the duel between the two of them!

"Huh? What happened? These are people from the higher world?"

"No, it seems not! You see these people have marks next to their names when they speak."

"Eh? Really, it's just like chatting? What's the note? DM? GX? 5DS?"

""Shit! Are they dirty? They seem to be able to hear me talking. Am I labeled as ZEXAL?"

Before the people in the four worlds could react,

Yu Chengxing's voice appeared in the combined chat group of the four worlds!

Yu Chengxing:"Duelists from the DM world, GX world, 5DS world, and ZEXAL world, please pay attention."

Yu Chengxing:"Your duel worlds have been connected to the communication function."

"Afterwards, you can communicate by voice and ask for relevant information about each other's parallel worlds."

"Note: If you encounter a world duelist you don't like, you can block their messages."

"Secondly, you can also choose to turn off the other world chat acceptance function and temporarily ignore duelists from other worlds."


After Yucheng Xing finished his story and explained what was happening in front of everyone!

The people in the 4 duel worlds were all dumbfounded!

What the hell?!

The controller of the higher world! Can they actually connect their worlds to communicate?

No wonder!

No wonder there were so many pop-up messages and avatars similar to friends!

It feels like!

These people are all duelists from other duel worlds!


These people have all been clearly marked with which world they are from!

In the big chat group.

Yucheng Judai couldn't hold it back after hearing this! He immediately started a conversation with these people!

Yugi Judai:"Excuse me, are you Mr. Yugi Muto, the Duel King?"

Yugi Judai:"I'm Yugi Judai, a freshman at the Duel Academy!"

Yugi Muto:"I know you! I heard that the deck you use is a hero deck, right?" Yusei

Fudo:"Uh? Can you bring me along for the chat? Is the Duel Academy you're talking about the same as the one here?"

Yuma Kyuju:"Um? Dear seniors? We're from the world of ZEXAL, and we're proficient in Xyz Summoning. What about you?"

Masaru Kongque:"Brother Yuma? So, the protagonist of the short video above was you???"

Kaito Amagi:"It's over, so many people, no, did you all see that I failed?"

Jonouchi:"Uh, ahem, yes, it's okay, brother Kaito, you've been great!!!".......

I want to say: SAZ

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