Chapter 124 Leaving the House

The Luo family is a large and powerful family. Although the population is small, there are people who have served as officials in the government for several generations. It can be regarded as a veritable official family.

Nanny Wang was a daughter of the Luo family, and she once served Luo Zhang's mother. Because of her status as a nanny, she always walked sideways among the servants in the house.

Therefore she has few scruples.

As early as Luo Zhang's enlightenment, Nanny Wang planned to have her son be the young master's companion.

But unexpectedly, Fang Yuan emerged from the stabbing. A relative of the Luo family's concubine, a shabby householder who jumped out of nowhere, also came to pursue the Luo family's wealth. The Luo family members stayed behind. After meeting Fang Yuan, Mr. Luo said, He even decided on the spot to follow Luo Zhang.

To Luo Mansion, Fang Yuan was neither a serious relative nor a bonded servant. His status was actually very embarrassing, and it was not easy for him to be around Luo Zhang.

Luo Zhang was not a very difficult master. Even if Nanny Wang had been provoking him for many years, he would only say a few unpleasant words to Fang Yuan and rarely deliberately embarrass him.

After the abduction incident, Luo Zhang's attitude toward Fang Yuan changed, and the Luo family began to treat this honest boy as a serious young master.

This made Nanny Wang so uncomfortable that she even felt darkly that Fang Yuan had robbed her son of his opportunity!

Everything Fang Yuan gets now should belong to her son!

One fangyuan was enough to make her uncomfortable, so the Gu family sent another group of people.

The only thing that comforted the nanny was that after Fang Yuan became a young master, there was a vacancy for a book boy around Luo Zhang, and her son could finally work as an errand in the government.

However, with Gu's family around, Luo Zhang has no shortage of playmates of the same age. He spends his time and energy on others, so naturally he cannot get close to his brother-in-law.

Nanny Wang looked displeased with almost everyone present except Luo Zhang.

At this time, Niu Niu saw that she was silent and repeated the words that Nanny Wang had muttered before.

The little girl's eyes were clear and she still hit the ball straight: "Are you talking about me with that sentence?"

Struggles in the inner house always have needles hidden in the fabric. Nanny Wang has never seen such directness.

"Niuniu, did you hear wrongly?" Nanny Wang wanted to fool her.

Niu Niu sighed and said: "Mother Wang, my ears are very good and it is impossible to hear wrongly. Why don't you want to admit it?"

After hearing this, Nanny Wang stared at Niu Niu, put her hands on the little girl's shoulders, and said, "You must have heard wrong. No one likes children who lie."

Gu Yan stepped forward immediately, pushed away Nanny Wang's hands, frowned at her, and said, "My sister is not a liar. Mother Wang, please don't scare her."

Gu Yun also took two steps forward and stood directly in front of his younger brothers and sisters. However, he did not have the good temper of Gu Yan. Instead, he followed the example of the veterans in the yamen and said, "You old woman, how dare you do this?" Don’t you dare to recognize me? My little sister has the best ears. If it hadn’t been for her, I wouldn’t know where your young master is now.”

While speaking, Gu Yun actually reached out and patted the saber hanging on his waist.

Nanny Wang was so frightened that she took two steps back, and then looked at Luo Zhang with a look of applause.

"Brother Zhang, look at these people. If you say a few words, you will use the knife if you don't dare."

Luo Zhang looked at both sides. On one side was the nanny who had taken care of him since childhood, and on the other was his new friend who was also his savior.

Gu Zhao was impulsive and said directly to Luo Zhang: "Are you going to favor this old pious woman? I won't play with you anymore!"

Fang Yuan, who could have stayed out of the matter, suddenly raised his feet silently and protected the Gu family with Gu Yun.

When Nanny Wang saw this, she became more and more eloquent: "Brother Zhang, look at it, our family provides good food and drink to Brother Fang, and when we call him Young Master, he turns out to be a white-eyed wolf with his elbows turned out!" "

But this attempt to sow discord does not work.

Luo Zhang said expressionlessly: "Nanny, apologize to Niuniu." When Nanny Wang heard this, her voice became shrill: "Brother Zhang, I didn't say anything wrong, why do you want me to apologize to a group of country people? ?”

Luo Zhang looked at the wet nurse steadily and said, "Niuniu is my friend. She has done nothing wrong. You shouldn't talk about her right and wrong like this."

Nanny Wang thought Luo Zhang was the young master who relied on her wholeheartedly, and said: "Master, you grew up drinking my milk. I will not harm you. Although this girl is young, she is very thoughtful. Under the guise of asking for advice, if I see Tian'er running towards you, who knows if he is clinging to you!"

"shut up!"

Mr. Luo, who was standing behind the Bogu stand, suddenly spoke up. No one present knew how long he had been standing there or how much he had listened.

A flash of panic flashed across Nanny Wang's face, but she quickly calmed down. She kept telling herself to comfort herself that she had nursed Luo Zhang for a while, and Luo Zhang relied on her and could not send her away easily.

Mr. Luo's face was as cold as frost at this time, and he stared at Nanny Wang with a pair of cloudy eyes, and then said: "Brother Zhang is not young anymore. From now on, the affairs in his yard will still be left to Nanny Li. Wang The wet nurse is not young. She has taken care of Brother Zhang for so many years. It’s time for her to leave the house and enjoy her life. "

When Nanny Wang heard this, her face turned pale. She was only thirty years old, and the old man was going to let her go out of the house to take care of her in old age. He was planning to completely cut off her path.

As the only grandson of the Luo family, Luo Zhang is young, but his small treasury is very rich. Nanny Wang has been in charge of his yard for so many years and has made a lot of money.

She not only thought about her son coming to work as a book boy, but also thinking about her youngest daughter coming in as a mistress in the future. No official family would have a 30-year-old wet nurse to leave the house to provide for the elderly. She simply turned into a big joke.

Nanny Wang did not dare to disobey the old man, so she could only kneel down and crawl towards Luo Zhang: "Brother Zhang, I have been taking care of you since you fell to the ground. For so many years, there has been no credit but hard work. Please forgive me, old man. This time, I was wrong, I didn’t dare to offend the guests..."

Luo Zhang turned to look at the old man, cupped his hands and said, "Grandpa, my grandson has something to ask for."

When Nanny Wang heard this, hope appeared in her eyes.

After Luo Zhang got his grandfather's permission, he said: "After all, the wet nurse has taken care of my grandson for many years. My grandson wants to reward her with a decent amount of money. This money will come from my grandson's private treasury, so there is no need to disturb the public."

Mr. Luo nodded.

Nanny Wang shook her head crazily and said: "Brother Zhang, I don't want decent money, I want to stay by your side and serve you..."

Luo Zhang walked to the nanny and said softly: "You shouldn't say these things."

Nanny Wang was startled.

"In the past, you didn't like Brother Fang, and you used the warehouse behind my back. I know all these things, but I think you are also my family, and you also have your difficulties, so I don't take these things to heart." Luo Zhang said softly.

A chill ran down Nanny Wang's spine. She opened her eyes wide and looked at Luo Zhang in disbelief. The child she thought she could manipulate at will could actually see clearly better than anyone else!

What Niuniu said casually came to Luo Zhang's mind: "Family members should hope that each other will live well, nanny, after all, I was wrong. You are not my family."

Nanny Wang quickly defended: "Brother Zhang, I am your family member. I treat you as my own son. I really treat you as my own son!"

Luo Zhang shook his head and said, "What mother would speak ill of her son's benefactor behind his back?"

Nanny Wang suddenly seemed to have lost all her strength.

Luo Zhang continued: "Niuniu is not only my friend, but also my benefactor. You shouldn't say those things behind my back. For your own dignity, you should apologize to my friends."

Nanny Wang looked at Luo Zhang in disbelief. She naturally understood the implication of Luo Zhang's words. If she was unwilling to apologize, then she would not even get the last decent money!

Second update

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