Chapter 139 Staying Overnight

 The deputy of the caravan was caught in the rain and froze in place.

Boss Qin, on the other hand, quickly pulled him back and couldn't help but apologize to Sun Jiaxing and Gu Mingda.

"Master Sun, Gu Xiucai, I'm really sorry. Xiao Shitou is his direct nephew, and he was careless for a while. He definitely didn't mean to offend. Please forgive me." After Boss Qin finished speaking, he pressed his deputy and followed. Sun Jiaxing apologized.

Sun Jiaxing waved his hand and said, "That's all, Boss Qin, the most important thing now is to quickly find a place to rest."

Boss Qin often travels on this trade route and is very familiar with the situation along the way. He said: "Not far ahead, there is a village with a postman's family there. I will discuss it with him soon. We are a group of people in the village. Stay overnight.”

No matter how hard the rain fell, so hard that the vision was blurred, the group still walked towards the village despite the dense and dense rain.

The short two-mile journey, which would normally take a carriage only a quarter of an hour at most, now took a full hour of walking in the heavy rain to arrive.

The caravan stayed overnight, and the villagers had money to make, but no one said no.

"Master Sun, the family with the best conditions in the village is Yuan Li's wife. When he heard that you were staying overnight, he had already packed up the house." The postman said diligently.

Sun Jiaxing is now a Hanlin Academy official awarded by the imperial court. He is only in his thirties. If there are no accidents, his future will be bright.

For a young official like him, the country gentry were willing to sell him well and make good friends.

Sun Jiaxing's family was well off and he was not short of money at all. He directly sent the money to Ming Changsui. After they received the money, he took the Gu family and rushed over with an umbrella.

Different from the mud houses of ordinary people in the countryside, Li's wife's family was obviously well-off. Not only did they occupy a large area at the end of the village, but they also built a courtyard with three large blue brick houses.

Li Yuanwai is a young man under thirty years old. His speech is very polite, and his demeanor does not look like that of an ordinary country member.

"Our family admires scholars the most, and I'm not afraid of your jokes. Back then, I also thought about taking the imperial examination, but unfortunately my talent was average. I studied with my husband for many years, but I still didn't understand." Li Yuanwai said with a smile.

The sedan chair was carried by everyone, and now that I was staying at their house, no one would say anything annoying without looking at her.

Sun Jiaxing glanced at the children outside Yuan Li. They all looked sickly and not very smart.

Sun Jiaxing closed his eyes and boasted wildly: "The young masters in your family seem to be talented people, and they will definitely achieve success in their studies in the future."

Li Yuanwai was naturally overjoyed and said: "Master Sun, I am really lucky to have you say this."

Officer Li also inquired in advance and found out that Sun Jiaxing did not bring his family with him, but he heard that he brought his goddaughter who he loved very much.

His eyes fell on the only little girl among the group, and his eyes suddenly stopped.

Niu Niu didn't know why, but she always felt uncomfortable when she saw this person, so she hid behind Zhang Yunniang.

Zhang Yuniang remembered that her daughter had always been generous outside. Although she didn't know why her daughter suddenly became shy, she still cooperated to protect her daughter behind her.

"The daughter-in-law of Mr. Sun's family is very beautiful. No ordinary person has ever seen such an outstanding girl." Li Yuanwai praised enthusiastically.

Thinking of the startling glance just now, he almost thought he was dazzled. He wanted to take another look, but Zhang Yunniang was protecting her to death.

Sun Jiaxing did not feel this subtle undercurrent. On the contrary, he was very proud of others' praise for Niu Niu. He said: "Our baby is really the smartest little girl in the world. I have just told her the story of twenty-four filial piety." , she remembers it clearly, and she can tell it to me..." He is similar to Liu Xiaoru, they are both experienced Niu Niu blowers. They can talk about the good things about the little girl for several hours without repeating them. .

Li Yuanwai cooperated with a look of amazement: "It's really a magical power, but it's a pity that I was born a girl by mistake."

Sun Jiaxing had no such regrets and said: "A daughter also has the benefits of a daughter. I would not trade such a caring little girl even if she gave me ten sons."

Li Yuanwai deliberately turned the topic to Niu Niu and inquired about Niu Niu's birthday and year without leaving any trace.

Zhang Yunniang rarely interrupts randomly, but perhaps because of Niuniu's strange behavior, she said before Sun Jiaxing could speak, "This child turned seven last month."

When Li Yuanwai heard this, he said with a smile: "She looks only five or six years old, but I didn't expect that she is already seven years old."

Zhang Yunniang chuckled and said, "This child grows slowly, so he looks small."

Sun Jiaxing has already recognized Niu Niu as his goddaughter, and he naturally knows the year of Niu Niu's birthday. Hearing what Zhang Yunniang said, he opened his mouth. Although he didn't understand why, he didn't reveal it on the spot.

Li Yunniang continued to ask about Niuniu, but Zhang Yunniang changed the subject without leaving any trace.

After the pleasantries with Mr. Li ended and the group moved into the guest house, Sun Jiaxing couldn't help but speak.

"Sister-in-law, what did I just say wrong? You also know my situation. I have been looking forward to having a biological child for many years. Is it true that the child's birthday and age cannot be easily told to others? Is there something I don't want to do? Do you understand the taboo?”

Sun Jiaxing didn't think it was Zhang Yunniang who was targeting him. Instead, he thought it was some strange custom.

Zhang Yunniang shook her head and said, "I actually don't know why I did this."

Sun Jiaxing was stunned.

Zhang Yunniang continued to explain: "Niuniu seems to be afraid of this member Li, so I am not happy to let him know too much about Niuniu."

Sun Jiaxing didn't expect this to be the reason. He squatted down, eye level with Niu Niu, and asked in a warm voice: "My dear, why are you afraid of that member Li? Did he offend you in some way?"

Niu Niu shook her head and whispered: "I don't know, but I wanted to hide as soon as I saw him. I borrowed his house and talked about him like this behind his back. Isn't it bad?"

Sun Jiaxing couldn't help but laugh when he heard this. He reached out and gently patted the top of the little girl's soft hair and said, "Although we rented to live here, we also gave him money. We don't owe him anything."

Niuniu breathed a sigh of relief.

Sun Jiaxing added: "If you are afraid of him, it must be his problem. Our dear baby can't be wrong."

Niu Niu's eyes widened slightly. Although she was very happy to be protected unconditionally by her relatives, she still said: "Daddy Sun, everyone makes mistakes, even saints make mistakes..."

Sun Jiaxing said: "In my heart, everything Niuniu does is right."

Mr. Li, who was staying in the main courtyard, thought about the face he had just seen. The more he thought about it, the more something was wrong. He stood up in a hurry, braved the heavy rain and entered the backyard, entering a room filled with a strong smell of medicine.

First update

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