Chapter 141 Humility

Niu Niu did not agree immediately. Instead, she looked at Gu Zhao and said, "Mom has been protecting me. I didn't get caught in the rain when I got off the carriage. Third brother's hair is wet, so let third brother wash it first."

The mother-in-law was anxious and couldn't understand why everyone was so humble. She couldn't help but cast her expectant eyes on Gu Zhao, hoping that he would also be humble.

But Gu Zhao couldn't read her eyes.

Gu Zhao didn't want to do his homework at all, and he was not humble at all when he heard this. He suppressed his joy and said: "Brother, since my sister said so, I won't be polite!"

The old woman clenched and unclenched her fists, but said nothing. She honestly carried the hot water to the room next to her.

However, Gu Zhao was not honest when taking a bath. He was thinking about procrastinating for a while, and he didn't really want to do his homework, just like staying in the bathtub.

"Young Master, the water is getting cold, let's get up first." The old woman said in a good voice.

Gu Zhao rolled his eyes and said, "My back feels very dirty, and my hair has not been washed. I rub it again and again."

The mother-in-law could only lower her head and continue to wash the child reluctantly.

After finally scrubbing the person from head to toe, she thought the torture was about to end, but she didn't expect that Gu Zhao leaned back.

"Mother-in-law, if you have anything else to do, go ahead and I'll lie down."

Anyway, for Gu Zhao, as long as he doesn't write big characters, he is happy with anything he does.

When the old woman heard this, she couldn't help clenching her fists. Gu Zhao hadn't washed her well, so how could she help Niu Niu take a bath? After all, there was only a shallow bathtub for children in the living room.

"Young Master, if you think there is something unclean, I will rub it for you again. The water is not hot anymore. There is no need to soak in it all the time." The old woman could hardly remember how many times she had said this. .

However, Gu Zhao acted as if he didn't understand the hint and said, "It's okay, it's okay. The water is still hot for me. I'll get dressed when I'm done washing. Mother-in-law, you don't have to stay here all the time."

Seeing that the hint was useless, the old lady could only say: "Young master, your sister hasn't taken a bath yet. Old lady, I'll go get some hot water first and prepare it for her."

After the old woman finished speaking, without waiting for Gu Zhao's reaction, she turned around and carried the bucket to the big kitchen.

Because of Mr. Li's extra instructions, there was still hot water on the stove in the kitchen. The old lady filled it with hot water as soon as she came, and then walked along the corridor into the guest house.

When she came in, Gu Yan was also urging Gu Zhao.

"Diligence leads to work, but playfulness leads to waste. It will never take you so long to take a bath at home." Gu Yan said with a solemn face.

Gu Zhao lowered his head and whispered: "Brother, I want to hang out for a while..."

Gu Yan was not polite, took a book, grabbed a chair and sat on the edge of the tub, and started reading into his brother's ear.

This sound that sounded like a demonic sound made Gu Zhao's mind buzz.

"Brother, stop reading, I'll get up right now!" Gu Zhao hurriedly wiped himself and got dressed in a hurry.

The old woman happily stepped forward to help.

She finally filled the bucket with hot water again and ran next door to urge Niu Niu to take a bath.

But Niu Niu still shook her head and said, "It's my turn. His clothes are wet. He should have changed his clothes long ago."

Old woman: ...Why are you so humble again!

The old woman wanted to curse.

She couldn't help but wonder if Niuniu knew something. She felt as if she was being played at will by this family.

Gu Yan waved his hand and was about to say no, but the next second his nose suddenly itched and he couldn't hold it back:

"Ah sneeze!" Niu Niu's eyes were filled with worry and she said, "Brother, go and take a hot bath. I haven't been touched by the rain at all, and my body is as strong as a calf!"

Gu Yan couldn't help laughing and said, "You are a little girl, and you don't mind saying anything you say like a calf."

While he was talking, his nose became itchy again, and he couldn't help but sneeze three times in a row. He was like this. After all, he no longer showed humility to his sister.

But when he entered the small room to take a shower, he muttered in a low voice: "You were fine just now, why did you suddenly start sneezing?"

Gu Yan was older and already had a stronger awareness of men and women. He did not let the old woman take care of him, but took clean clothes and took a bath himself.

The old woman stood outside the door holding a wooden bucket filled with hot water. The more she thought about it, the more unwilling she became.

Even though she was used to doing manual labor all year round, it was not easy for her to lift this large bucket of hot water.

She rolled her eyes and shouted to Gu Yan who was taking a bath in the cubicle: "Master, I'm going to the kitchen to boil water now. I'll wait for you to finish washing in a while, so I can wash the little lady."

Her purpose in saying this was simple. After experiencing the previous incident of Gu Zhaolai being unable to get up from the bathtub, she was afraid that Gu Yan would also have this bad habit.

When Gu Yan in the cubicle heard this, he immediately sped up his movements.

The old woman returned to the kitchen with the wooden bucket and immediately urged: "Hurry up, the guest room is waiting for hot water."

The servant in charge of boiling water in the kitchen couldn't help complaining: "Although I have told you to be careful, the people in the guest house are too rude. They use water so fast, how can I boil it?"

The old woman had something in her mind, so she naturally didn't dare to defend herself, so she could only come forward to help with the work, and said: "I just need this bucket of hot water urgently, and I won't bother with the rest."

The servants in the kitchen reluctantly added firewood to the earthen stove to make the fire burn brighter so that the water could heat up faster.

With the old woman's constant help and urging, the pot of water finally got hot. She poured the water into the bucket and ran back in a hurry.

The servants in the kitchen looked at her hurried back and couldn't help but murmured: "It's strange, this old guy is usually good at cheating and cheating, but today he is very active."

The old woman was carrying a bucket full of hot water, and she only thought about Li's one tael of silver. She only received two taels of silver a month, but now she could get one tael just by looking at the little girl's arm to see if she had a birthmark. She is naturally very positive.

Calculating carefully, this was her third trip carrying a bucket full of water, and she felt that the bucket was getting heavier and heavier.

For a tael of silver, the old woman even exerted all her strength to **** milk, and veins popped out on her forehead from the excessive exertion.

She arrived at the guest house sweating profusely while carrying the bucket. She was so tired that everything in front of her was distorted.

"Hot water... the hot water is here... I will help the little girl take a bath..." the old woman said tenaciously.

Gu Yan had just finished taking a shower and changing clothes. Sun Jiaxing, who had been accompanying the children, also returned to his room, replaced by Zhang Yunniang.

Because Gu Mingda was out, Zhang Yunniang did not stay in the same room as Sun Jiaxing to avoid suspicion.

Zhang Yuniang took Gu Yan's hand, checked her up and down, and asked: "Ayan, Niuniu said you might have caught a cold. What's wrong with you? You must tell your mother? Are you dizzy? Is your body cold?"

Gu Yan shook his head and said: "Mom, after taking a bath, my son is much better. Now he doesn't even sneeze."

Zhang Yunniang breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this, turned to look at the old woman who came in with a wooden bucket, and said, "Excuse me, mother-in-law, to change the water in the tub."

The old woman's eyes began to spin, but she still insisted on entering the house, poured out Gu Yan's bath water, and forced herself to pour clean hot water in.

"Little lady, it's your turn to take a bath. I...I'll take care of you." The old woman said while holding back the discomfort.

First update

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