Chapter 151 Complete Cutoff

After hearing this, Gu Mingda's eyes were slightly confused.

The leader of the caravan beside him has already replied hurriedly: "Village chief, we are a serious caravan, starting from Jiangzhou Prefecture. Our owner is the largest trading company in Jiangzhou Prefecture: Zhiyuan Trading Company."

When the old village chief heard this, his expression did not change at all, and he said: "I don't care which trading company you have, I don't know it anyway. Now I only listen to the correct words of the Juren Master."

The caravan leader immediately looked at Gu Mingda with an eager look on his face.

Naturally, Gu Mingda would not let this matter slip and said, "Don't worry, old man, this caravan indeed departed from Jiangzhou Prefecture and is a serious caravan."

The old village chief breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, you can live here. Let's discuss the money matter carefully."

Gu Mingda didn't care anymore.

After some bargaining between the caravan leader and the old village chief, the money for accommodation increased by another 20%, and the village chief asked the villagers to take the caravan members to stay overnight in various houses in the village.

Gu Mingda waited until everything in front of him calmed down, and then asked: "Village Chief, I have only been away for two months. Did something big happen in the village?"

The old village chief sighed heavily when he heard this and said, "Do you still remember the house of Mr. Li's wife where you stayed?"

Gu Mingda asked: "What happened to his family?"

"It's gone, it's all gone." When the old village chief mentioned this, his eyes were full of horror.

Gu Mingda only felt a chill down his spine.

"After you left, Yuan Wai Li's mother-in-law disappeared. She had been on the sickbed for many years, so it was not surprising that she was gone. Yuan Wai Li was also a grateful person. He held a large funeral and invited monks and Taoists to play and beat for several days. The money The flowers flow outward like running water."

"Just after the funeral, another caravan came to stay outside the village."

"If it hadn't been for the collapse of the inn in front of us, there wouldn't be so many people staying overnight in our village, but the villagers didn't take it seriously. They just entertained them as usual, hoping to make a fortune."

"But this caravan had a clear purpose. They disliked the poor conditions in the villagers' homes, so they paid a high price and insisted on staying at Li's wife's house."

"Mr. Li's family rarely stays overnight with passing caravans. His family is not short of money. They have always only stayed with guests with status."

"It was the same this time, but I don't know what the caravan leader said to Mr. Li. He actually changed his mind and allowed so many people to stay at his house."

"In the middle of the night, Yuan Wai Li's house burned down. Yuan Wai Li, his children, his concubines, and even the servants he served at home, none of them came out alive."

"The government sent a widower to do an autopsy. These people did not die in the fire, but died before the fire started. Almost all of them were killed by a knife. The Li family's gold and silver treasures were also looted, so the government believed that they were nearby bandits. "

Gu Mingda took a breath after hearing what he said.

"Village Chief, do you also think it was the bandits?" Gu Mingda asked the village chief softly.

The village chief sighed and said: "More than thirty lives were lost at the last word. I will believe whatever the government says."

The Gu family stayed at the village chief's house. When he returned to the house, Zhang Yuniang had already packed her luggage and the three children were fast asleep.

"Ms. sir?" Zhang Yunniang asked in a low voice.

"Go to sleep first. We'll talk about anything in a few days." Gu Mingda lifted the quilt and lay down next to the child.

It's not that he wants to hide it from Zhang Yunniang, but now that he has told it, his wife will not be able to sleep well all night. If any child who is not asleep hears it, he may have nightmares all night long. Early the next morning, the caravan immediately set off after breakfast, without stopping for a moment. The villagers were afraid that they were bandits, and the caravan was also afraid that bandits would visit the village again.

When the carriage was on the road, Zhang Yunniang had three children sitting beside her. She couldn't speak too clearly, so she said vaguely: "Why are you in such a hurry to leave? I also want to visit Mr. Li's house."

It's said to be a visit, but actually it's to inquire about information.

Gu Mingda shook his head gently, held her hand, and said, "He has a lot of things at home, and going there will only cause trouble for others."

Apart from a few twists and turns on the way back, everything went smoothly.

But just after returning to Guang'an County, before my **** was warm, people from all walks of life arrived to give me gifts.

Before Gu Mingda came back, Jiangzhou Prefecture had already sent the list of successful candidates in Guang'an County to the county government. Naturally, well-informed people had sent people to wait at Gu's house early.

Mrs. Gu was warned in advance, but she didn't lose her temper: "Second brother, as you said before, someone gave me a gift and asked me not to accept it yet. I listened to you and didn't dare to accept it at all, but there were still people who sent it to the shop. It’s gone.”

Liu Xiaoru said at the side: "It's okay. I didn't confiscate the ones you sent to the shop. I scolded the ones who had to send them to the shop. Don't worry, not only did it not affect our business, but when people heard about it, it was a solution." At the Yuan family’s shop, I bought more aggressively just to take advantage of my brother-in-law’s talent.”

Gu Mingda thanked his sister-in-law.

He is not greedy, nor is he a scornful person, but the matter of accepting gifts also depends on the situation.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law is very happy!" A woman's cheerful voice came from outside the house.

Hearing this title, everyone in the house immediately looked at Liu Xiaoru.

Liu Xiaoru quickly shook her head: "It's not me, I didn't say anything just now."

Zhang Huiniang and her husband squeezed in from outside the house: "Get out of the way, get out of the way, this is my sister's house!"

After seeing her, Gu Mingda and Zhang Yunniang frowned together.

"Brother-in-law, since I learned about your high school, my husband and I hurried to the city. Fortunately, we caught up." Zhang Huiniang said with a shy smile.

She is so affectionate now that she seems to have completely forgotten the unhappiness she felt during the New Year.

Jilai stretched out his hand to stop hitting the smiling person, Zhang Huiniang still held a gift in her hand, and there were a bunch of people watching outside the house. The Gu family looked annoyed and couldn't say anything.

It's just that Zhang Huiniang is far beyond the reality of ordinary people. Her brother-in-law has become prosperous. The first thing she thinks of is not her brother who was sentenced to exile. Instead, she rushes to take the benefits into her arms.

Zhang Huiniang was holding a basket of eggs in her hand, and she wanted to deliver them to the Gu family.

"Brother-in-law, I heard someone said that you found a good job for Gu Yun in the government office. You can also find one for my Dawu. You took my eggs, so don't keep your word." Zhang Huiniang said.

Mrs. Gu hurriedly sent the basket of eggs to the door. She remembered clearly that she spent a lot of money to find work for Gu Yun and treat the people in the Yamen to dinner. Now Zhang Huiniang just took a basket of eggs and asked for it. She wouldn't dare agree to do such a thing.

Zhang Huiniang is very thoughtful. She is not only thinking about her husband's errands, but also thinking about the braised food shop: "How can a good shop be left to my god-sister to take care of? It should be left to me. My sister and I are the ones who broke the bones." My dear sister."

First update

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