Chapter 172 Reunion

Sun Jiaxing thought for a while and asked, "Your mother still expects you to repay her. What can you give her in return?"

Niuniu said confidently: "I can make her happy!"

When Sun Jiaxing heard this, he couldn't help but smile, but after thinking about it carefully, he couldn't help but feel sad.

No matter it is my brothers or my mother, it seems that no matter how much I give, they will never make me happy.

Unlike Sun Jiaxing, Mrs. Li was as happy as a double happiness when she heard that her mother-in-law was not going to the capital.

Now seeing that her husband is almost convinced by Niu Niu, now she has two children, her husband is an official, and her mother-in-law stays in her hometown. For her, this is almost the most comfortable life in the first half of her life!

"Our dear baby is still very perceptive and understands more than us adults!" Mrs. Li boasted with a smile.

With pride written all over her face, Niu Niu said: "From now on, I will give all the principles to my brother Changshou!"

Mrs. Li hurriedly said: "You are so lucky to live a long life and have such a powerful sister."

Niu Niu was a little embarrassed by the praise and said: "I just know a little more truth. In fact, knowledge is like that. There are many things I don't understand."

Sun Jiaxing immediately said: "Our dear boy still knows how to be humble. He is so sensible."

Anyway, whatever Niuniu does is good in their eyes.

But Niu Niu didn't laugh with them, her face suddenly drooped.

"What's going on? Why is my dear baby suddenly unhappy?" Li and Sun Jiaxing were extremely worried.

"I...I don't seem to have done my homework..." Niu Niu cried.

These days, she was either taken out to play by Sun Jiaxing, or she stayed at home with Mr. Li and Changshou. A room full of maids and women all made her happy. She only wanted to eat, drink and have fun, and she had long forgotten about studying.

When Sun Jiaxing heard this, he also slapped his forehead and said, "Your father seemed to mention homework in the letter he wrote to me. He blamed me, but I didn't take it to heart."

Niu Niu didn't dare to play anymore. Sun Jiaxing picked her up and took her to the study, saying, "Your father seems to be arriving in the next two days. Let's catch up on our homework quickly."

Sun Jiaxing turned over Niu Niu's homework and watched the little girl sitting behind the big desk with a sad face and writing big words one after another.

She was obviously catching up on her homework, but she had no intention of being perfunctory.

Sun Jiaxing lowered his voice: "My dear, how about I write a few pages for you? I'm going to imitate your writing, so your father won't be able to tell."

Niuniu's heart moved for a moment, but she thought of Gu Mingda and Zhang Yuniang's expectations for her, and slowly shook her head.

"I don't study to cope with my parents' examination. They hope that I can really find a way out in books. I have already made a mistake by neglecting my studies because of my playfulness. If I ask Daddy Sun to help me with my homework again, it will be an even bigger mistake. Wrong." Niuniu said seriously.

Sun Jiaxing was a little ashamed when he heard this. Just now he was thinking of helping Niu Niu finish writing the big characters before taking his children out to watch the sideshow.

After Niu Niu carefully finished writing the big characters, she took out the book again.

Sun Jiaxing was with him so that if Niuniu didn't understand anything, she could ask directly.

After studying so hard for two days, Niu Niu spent almost all her time studying during the day. Even so, she could not make up for the homework she missed.

The Gu family has already arrived in Nanlin County.

Even though Gu Mingda hurriedly hurriedly took his time, it still took him seven or eight days to sort out the matters in Guang'an County.

There are many houses in the Sun family's house, so they just set up a courtyard to entertain the Gu family.

"Father, mother, grandparents, Aunt Liu, eldest brother and third brother, Niu Niu misses you so much!" As soon as Niu Niu saw them, she immediately pounced over them like a little swallow.

Mrs. Gu hugged the little girl and screamed "heartbroken". "I've lost weight..." As soon as Mrs. Gu said the words, her eyes immediately focused, she weighed the little girl, and said, "You're not thin, you seem to be a little fatter. It shows that you are living a good life in the Sun family."

Niu Niu smiled and said: "My godfather and godmother are so kind to me! My brother Changshou also likes me the most! My godfather took me to eat Nanlin's specialties, and also took me to the temple fair..."

Niu Niu kept talking about how good the Sun family was and the Gu family was a little annoyed.

"You are having so much fun at Sun's house, don't you miss us anymore?" Mrs. Gu asked deliberately.

Niu Niu shook her head and said: "I had a lot of fun at Sun's house, but I also miss you. I miss the gingerbread made by grandma. There always seems to be something wrong with the ones made in Sun's kitchen. I miss the ones grandpa made for me. Little grasshopper, I miss my mother’s song to put me to sleep…”

Listening to Niuniu counting the benefits of her family one after another made the Gu family smile happily.

They hadn’t seen each other for a long time, and no one was disappointed to check their homework, but Niu Niu jumped out of Mrs. Gu’s arms and walked to Gu Mingda.

"Dad, I have been playing around these days and have not completed my homework. Please punish me." Niu Niu took the initiative to admit her mistake.

Gu Mingda's heart melted when he saw the little girl being so obedient and obedient. He was not willing to punish her.

Mrs. Gu also immediately took her good granddaughter into her arms and said, "My good baby is so heavy in studies, it's rare to relax for a few days. She has also made up for it seriously. Don't scare her with a face!"

Gu Mingda felt dumbfounded and said, "Mom, how did you see me scaring her? You protected her before I even said anything. You never stopped me from taking care of a few big ones before."

Mrs. Gu glanced at Gu Yan and Gu Zhao, then at Niu Niu who looked like a snow dumpling, and immediately said: "Niu Niu is still young, this is different."

Niu Niu took the initiative and said, "Grandma, you should be punished for being lazy when doing homework. Daddy is doing it for my own good."

When Mrs. Gu saw that she was so good, she was even more reluctant to let her be punished. She only said to Gu Mingda: "Second brother, your skin is delicate and will leave marks if you touch it. If you want to hit someone, just hit me." ”

Not only was Mrs. Gu ignorant, but Father Gu also said vaguely: "Grandpa... got beaten for my dear..."

Before Gu Mingda could take action, he encountered his own parents who wanted to kill each other. He immediately couldn't laugh or cry and said, "In your eyes, am I such an unreasonable person?"

Mrs. Gu curled her lips: "It's hard to say."

Gu Mingda:…

Before Gu Mingda punished Niu Niu, he felt as if he had become the sinner of the family. He did not make up his mind to punish the child corporally. Instead, he said: "When you get to the capital, for three consecutive months, you will have to write five more words every day." Zhang Dazi, do you know?”

Mrs. Gu still wanted to bargain, but Niuniu had already said crisply: "Okay, daddy is so good to me!"

Seeing that the little girl accepted the punishment happily, Gu Mingda swallowed his explanation.

In the old lady's yard in the backyard, Sun Jiaxing is still reminding his mother.

"I accept that Niu Niu is my daughter. It is a done deal and cannot be changed. Brother Gu is also an official now. With his talent and learning, he will be named on the gold medal list sooner or later. Even if it is for the sake of the second and third brothers and the Sun family, don't give it to me tomorrow. Do anything out of line.”

Sun Jiaxing was afraid that his mother's accusation against Niu Niu would happen again.

Old Mrs. Sun narrowed her eyes and said, "Since it's all for the Sun family, don't forget to say hello to the county magistrate."

The greeting Mrs. Sun said was naturally to seek benefits for her other two sons. These two people were causing trouble in Japan. If they didn't say hello to the county government in advance, they would be imprisoned one day.

Second update

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