Chapter 189 Reprimand

After Niuniu finished eating, Zhang Yunniang packed up her things. Before leaving, she begged the doctor to check her pulse again to make sure that her daughter was really fine. Then she left with Niuniu and Gu Zhao with many thanks.

Gu Mingda stayed and continued to take care of Xie Xingchuan.

"You can go back, you must really want to be with your child." Xie Xingchuan suddenly said.

Gu Mingda had noticed something was wrong with this child before. This child was so strong that his own father did not stay to take care of him when he was injured. Instead, he asked strangers like them to **** him back to Beijing to recuperate. Gu Mingda guessed in his heart that Xie Xingchuan probably wanted to do the same. Accompanied by family.

Gu Mingda did not show his inner sympathy, but said: "I will embarrass my wife if I go back now."

Xie Xingchuan looked puzzled.

Gu Mingda explained: "If the little girl does something wrong, her mother will probably scold her. I am next to you. When I see the pitiful child, I probably can't help but want to make peace with her."

Zhang Yuniang had been suppressing her mood before, thinking about her daughter before she woke up, fearing that she wouldn't be able to bear the scolding.

But now that the doctor said that the child was fine, when Zhang Yunniang returned to her room, she handed Gu Zhao to Mrs. Gu and turned to Niu Niu with a sad face.

Niu Niu also knew very well why her mother was angry and lowered her head: "It's all my fault, I'm sorry."

Zhang Yunniang's tears fell again. After wiping them away, she said, "You are scared to death, mother. Do you know?"

Three days ago, when facing the water thieves, the situation turned around so quickly. Niu Niu fell into a coma for no reason. Their daughter was still in a coma and fell into life and death several times. Zhang Yunniang and Gu Mingda were naturally sure that their daughter had used special abilities.

Even Mrs. Gu and Dad Gu were vaguely aware of something.

"You child is not good at all!"

Zhang Yunniang has adopted Niu Niu for so long, and this is the first time she has scolded her daughter.

Niuniu curled her lips and was about to cry.

Zhang Yuniang saw her daughter about to cry, and she felt very uncomfortable. She was thinking whether she had spoken too harshly just now, whether her daughter could withstand such a severe reprimand after recovering from a serious illness, and whether she should wait for a few more days...

But if I wait for a few more days, I am afraid that my daughter will not have a long memory and will do it again next time.

Zhang Yunniang's mind was like a mess, and she couldn't find the thread after struggling for a long time.

But Niu Niu was one step ahead of her. The little girl threw herself directly into her mother's arms and cried, "Mom, isn't it good now? Everyone is fine, and Niu Niu is fine too. We are all fine."

When Zhang Yuniang heard this, she lifted up her daughter's sleeves to reveal the birthmark on her wrist.

"Your birthmark, I remember it was light red when I first adopted you. Later I gave you a bath and the color became darker each time. What do you think it looks like now?"

Niu Niu lowered her head and saw the small fish birthmark on her right arm. Now the color was so light that it was almost the same as her skin color. There was only a faint red color on the edge, which barely made it possible to tell that it was once a small fish-shaped birthmark.

"It's color will slowly turn red, Mom, I'll be fine." Niu Niu said with a guilty conscience.

The little girl herself doesn't know what her abilities are, and she just wants to comfort her mother by saying this.

Zhang Yunniang sighed and said: "My dear, you may have a great background, and you may do something different in the future. Your father and I are just ordinary people, and we often cannot help you, and we don't want to hold you back." hind legs.”

Zhang Yuniang actually sometimes thought that Niuniu might be the reincarnation of a god. With such a life experience, descending to earth is like going through a tribulation, and she will definitely experience many twists and turns in the future.

What she and Gu Mingda fear most is that Niu Niu's special power may be used up once and for all, and now it is used up. What if her daughter does not have enough power when she needs it in the future?

Niu Niu raised her little face, and her clear eyes were filled with the reflection of Zhang Yun Niang. "But to Niuniu, you have never been a hindrance. You are everything to me."

Zhang Yuniang felt sad. She had always told herself that raising a child requires reward, and she could not be a person who asked for nothing in return. But when her daughter really used her special power to reward her, she could only be filled with worries about her daughter.

"My dear, everyone has his or her own life. If we are really killed by water thieves, it is also our life. Don't force it. Just live well." Zhang Yunniang looked calm.

Niu Niu shook her head vigorously: "That is not your life. If you are gone, Niu Niu will not be able to live well."

Zhang Yuniang didn't know what to say for a moment, but even if she was asked to **** her daughter's blood calmly, she couldn't do it.

But Niu Niu stumbled and said: "You all say that I have special abilities... maybe this ability... is to protect my mother... to protect everyone... our family is doing well... Niu Niu is very happy."

Zhang Yunniang was stunned immediately.

"Niuniu, you are already very well behaved. It should be an adult's job to protect your family. You are a child and you are already very good at taking care of yourself." Zhang Yunniang said.

Niuniu tilted her head and thought for a while, then asked: "Mom, if you were me, would you not save daddy?"

Naturally, Zhang Yunniang couldn't just die without saving her.

Niu Niu continued: "Niu Niu doesn't want anything else. Niu Niu just wants everyone to be well. Niu Niu's wish is very small."

Zhang Yunniang had nothing to do with her daughter.

She sighed, thinking that maybe she was the one who forced her daughter to give up her family.

Zhang Yunniang said helplessly: "My dear, please promise me that you will not make any wishes casually in the future."

Just after saying this, Zhang Yunniang was stunned. It seemed that she had said this to her daughter more than once.

Niuniu also nodded sweetly with a smile like she had done countless times in the past: "Okay, I will listen to you."

Zhang Yunniang gave her daughter an angry look.

Niu Niu then asked: "Mom, where is brother Xie's family? Do you want him to come to Beijing with us?"

Zhang Yunniang sighed and explained: "Your brother Xie's father, General Xie, is the deputy general of the naval camp. The imperial court issued an official document some time ago, asking the navy to wipe out the water bandits who entered Beijing along the way. General Xie is busy with official duties, so he will Leave it to us.”

They were also unlucky that day. Every time the Water Pirates' Village changed to a new owner, one or two important things had to be done to let the ships coming and going know that filial piety had to be transferred to another person.

This big event in Wuyazhai happened to be held on their ship.

Although the chief shopkeeper was gone, the boatmen kept most of it, and most of the guests on the ship were fine. They still rushed to Beijing, so after the ship was cleaned, they continued their journey to Beijing.

While the mother and daughter were talking, there was suddenly a commotion outside.

"You agreed to double the money, do you want to cheat?"

"Why are you lying? We are not lying, but you haven't done anything either. The one who really protects us is the navy! What does it have to do with you?"

First update

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