Chapter 194 Harsh

Zhang Yunniang said: "Mother, it's just what a dandy said, so why should you take it to heart?"

Mrs. Gu shook her head and said: "Our family is doing well in Guang'an County, but when we go to the capital, everyone else's eyes are in the sky. Respect Luo Yi first and then respect others. This has been the same since ancient times. If our family sits It’s his own carriage, and there are servants to serve him, so the second son’s slap today will not be in vain.”

Zhang Yunniang was slightly confused.

Mrs. Gu said: "I know that the second son was whipped and was not injured, but if there was a servant, it must have been the servant who stopped the dude. I would rather give more money to appease the servant afterwards than let you suffer. whip."

Mrs. Gu admitted that her words were not very humane, but she was also a mother.

After hearing this, Zhang Yunniang sighed and did not try to persuade her any more. Instead, she said, "You are right. You are old. I will buy a few people to serve you. I am still young and I don't need anyone to serve you."

When Mrs. Gu heard this, she became anxious and said: "It's not like I can't move. I need servants to serve me wherever I go. Listen to me. You only need servants to support your appearance when you are walking outside. I can't say a few words to the parents of the East and the West. , I have a servant by my side, and the other old ladies won’t pay attention to me at that time.”

"You don't want servants to serve you, and neither do I." Zhang Yunniang said.

Mrs. Gu sighed heavily and said: "If you don't think about yourself, you also think about Niu Niu. Look at the little girl today. She is about the same height as Niu Niu. How grand she is. She is surrounded by maids and women, all around her. Come on, don’t you want Niuniu to be like this?”

Zhang Yunniang smiled and said: "Mom, of course I hope so, but when it comes to ostentation, you have to live within your ability."

"If you don't want to serve anyone, Niuniu will definitely not want it. If you really want to buy it, everyone will definitely want it."

Seeing that she couldn't talk to her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Gu could only say: "That's it, you are a daughter-in-law. My mother-in-law always replies ten times to every word she says. I can't control you anymore."

Zhang Yunniang said: "Then let's go out together tomorrow? Since I am the one who serves you, it must be to your liking."

Mrs. Gu reluctantly nodded and said, "I am an old country woman, and I never thought that I would be taken care of by servants."

On the carriage in Duke Xianguo's mansion, Mrs. Xianguo was scolding her daughter.

"Who asked you to slip out of the carriage?"

When Qin Jingshu heard this, she felt tired.

"Mother, I put on a curtain. No one can see my daughter's face. The maids and women are all following me. It won't affect my reputation."

Listening to her daughter's explanation, Mrs. Xianguo said: "You have a different status from them. As a daughter, you must be chaste and dignified. I have told you so many times, why can't you remember it?"

Seeing that it didn't make sense, Qin Jingshu could only lower her head and admit her mistake as she had done countless times in the past: "Mother, it was the daughter who was wrong. The daughter should not be in a hurry to come forward because she is worried about her second brother."

After Mrs. Xianguo saw her daughter admitting her mistake, the expression on her face gradually relaxed, and she said: "They are just a bunch of low-class people. They can just give them some money. Why do you need to apologize in person?"

Although Qin Jingshu is young, she has a lot of experience. She said: "Mother, that gentleman is the second best in the new department and has already entered the Imperial Academy. There has always been a saying that those who are not in the Imperial Academy will not join the cabinet. It is not good to offend him casually."

Mrs. Xianguo sneered and said: "The imperial examination is held every three years, and the second place only comes out every three years. It sounds impressive, but counting forward, there are several people who actually entered the cabinet who were second place. It must be so easy to get into the cabinet. , wouldn’t it have been ruined for a long time?”

Mrs. Xianguo was most proud of her old father. Ordinary Jinshi were not in her eyes at all, and her words were inevitably full of contempt.

Qin Jingshu sighed and said: "Second brother whipped his whip and got the second place in the new subject. Do you really think this is nothing?"

Mrs. Xianguo said: "Does he still dare to argue with our Duke Xianguo?"

Qin Jingshu:…

The carriage slowly entered Duke Xian's mansion. When Qin Jingshu got off the carriage, Qin Er happened to run over again.

"Mom, since those poor households confiscated their money, can you give me the money?" Qin Er asked confidently.

Qin Jingshu looked at her mother after hearing this. When Mrs. Xian Guo heard this, she was not angry at all. She smiled and asked, "My son, do you need money?"

Qin Er was obviously very used to asking for money. He acted coquettishly towards his mother, making her laugh very happily.

Mrs. Xianguo gave the money, and then warned: "Let the people around you be tight-lipped, don't let your father know, and you should go to less **** places, remember?"

Qin Er nodded casually and agreed. After getting the banknote, he immediately ran away with his entourage and disappeared.

Qin Jingshu sighed and said, "Mom, the second brother is a man. He is the one who will stand up in the family in the future. You can't be too indulgent to him."

Mrs. Xian Guo Gong glanced at her daughter and said: "Sons and daughters are different. Daughters must be disciplined strictly from childhood to adulthood. It is normal for sons to be playful when they are young. When he grows up, he will know how to make progress sooner or later."

When Qin Jingshu heard this, she thought that her second brother was already fifteen years old. Is he still a child?

Mrs. Xianguo turned to find fault with her daughter again and said, "You are only six years old, can't you act like an ordinary little girl? Why are you not childish at all?"

Qin Jingshu's right hand clenched into a fist instantly.

If she becomes lively, her mother will scold her for not being dignified. If she becomes too dignified, her mother will tell her that she is not like a child.

Sometimes she couldn't figure out how to satisfy her mother, and whether her biggest mistake was that she shouldn't have been born a girl.

"Sister-in-law." Mrs. Li, the second room in the Xianguo Palace, greeted her with a smile.

When Mrs. Xianguo saw her, she nodded gently.

The scene fell silent for a moment.

However, Qin Jingshu took the initiative to break the embarrassment and asked: "Second Aunt, how is grandma today?"

Mrs. Xianguo seemed to have been reminded and said: "When I lived in Zhuangzi outside the city, I missed my mother the most, and I was so worried that I couldn't even eat well."

No one here believed this. After all, Mrs. Xianguo went to Zhuangzi to relax because she had a bad time with her mother-in-law.

Mrs. Li smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, don't worry, everything is fine with my mother. She is just thinking about Jingshu."

Qin Jingshu said immediately: "Since grandma is thinking about her, Jingshu will go and pay her respects to grandma."

Qin Jingshu looked at her mother.

Mrs. Xianguo waved her hand and said, "Okay, you go ahead. I have a headache. I will go to pay your respects to your grandmother in a few days."

Mrs. Li was not surprised at all that her sister-in-law would say this. She led Qin Jingshu through the corridor and finally stopped in front of a rockery. After shooing away the servants waiting on her left and right, she asked Qin Jingshu with a distressed look on her face.

"Jingshu, did your mother just make you angry again?"

Qin Jingshu's nose felt sour when she heard this. Facing her second aunt's loving eyes, she threw herself into her arms and cried.

No matter how mature she is, she is only a six-year-old child, and she will still feel uncomfortable because of her mother's harshness towards her.

"Why doesn't my mother like me no matter what I do?"

Mrs. Li has no daughter and has always doted on her niece as if she were a daughter. Hearing her cry like this makes her heart break.

Second update

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