Chapter 198 Empathy

  It was not easy for Li to write a storybook as she was always on the road. Now that she has settled down, she has free time. Now that she has been reminded again, she really takes this matter to heart.

It's just that she didn't find it difficult to write since she used to read from scripts. But now when she actually started writing, Li started to have difficulties from the first word.

She wrote for a day, scraped several pages, and finally got the final product: two lines.

Mrs. Li had a thread on her forehead. She only smiled when she saw the children. When Sun Jiaxing came back from the office, she was still extremely irritable.

"Look at you, why are you unhappy?" Sun Jiaxing asked.

Ms. Li didn't know why, but she got angry when she heard her husband's tone, but she still said firmly: "I'm not unhappy."

When Sun Jiaxing heard this, he immediately believed it and started teasing the two children.

When we parted yesterday, Changshou grabbed Niu Niu's sleeve to prevent his sister from leaving. Li took his daughter home and stayed there for one night.

Throughout the whole day today, Mr. Li relied on his longevity to keep Niu Niu here.

"Niuniu, have you finished your homework today?" Sun Jiaxing asked deliberately.

He originally thought that if the child played all day, he would not have done any homework.

Unexpectedly, Niuniu nodded seriously and said, "Daddy Sun, I have finished writing. If you don't believe me, you can check it."

Sun Jiaxing was slightly surprised when he heard this and said, "Longevity didn't bother you when you were doing your homework?"

Changshou is very dependent on his sister, and sometimes he is willing to cry until his voice is hoarse, just so that her sister can accompany him.

Niu Niu said calmly: "Daddy Sun, although Changshou is very young, he is very obedient. I asked him not to disturb me when I did my homework, and he really stopped arguing."

The nanny on the side, Mrs. He, also nodded with a smile and said to Sun Jiaxing: "Master, not only Master Changshou listens to Miss Niu Niu, but the one in my family also listens to her. Miss Niu Niu is really the queen of children, and children all like her."

When Sun Jiaxing heard this, he felt novel and couldn't help but feel a little more proud of his daughter.

He focused all his attention on his two children, but completely forgot about Li.

Ms. Li stood aside, tortured by the frustration caused by writing the storybook, and couldn't help but sulking because of her husband's neglect.

Niuniu suddenly walked up to Mrs. Li, snuggled into her arms gently, then stretched out her hand and gently touched her godmother's eyebrows.

"Only unhappy people frown. Godmother, why are you unhappy?" Niuniu asked with confusion on her face.

She still remembered that she once took on important responsibilities when the family was separated. At that time, Zhang Yuniang asked her to always pay attention to whether Mrs. Gu frowned.

Therefore, although Niuniu is young, she firmly remembers that frowning means unhappiness.

Just as Li was about to speak, Sun Jiaxing said from the side: "Are you really unhappy? Didn't you just say it was okay?"

When Mrs. Li heard this, she couldn't help but get angry again.

Niu Niu sighed like a little adult, and then gently helped Li's breath with her little hands.

"Godmother, you must tell me why you are unhappy, otherwise we will guess wrong." Niu Niu comforted her childishly. Ms. Li could still act petty when facing her husband, but she felt embarrassed when facing a child so much younger than herself, and said, "It's not like I can say anything."

Niu Niu glanced at her godmother in confusion, then at her godfather next to her, and said, "Why can't you tell me? Don't husbands and wives talk about everything?"

Li wanted to say otherwise.

But Niu Niu added: "My parents talk about everything. When my mother is unhappy, she always tells her directly."

Li suddenly remembered that Niu Niu seemed to have said similar words once. During the days she was on the boat, she witnessed with her own eyes how harmonious the Gu family was. The relationship between Zhang Yunniang and her mother-in-law was also extremely harmonious, and she couldn't help but have a trace of fantasy in her heart. , is it because I didn’t implement it thoroughly enough, so the relationship between husband and wife is not as harmonious as the Gu family?

Sun Jiaxing has always been slow in the relationship between husband and wife, but he understood it very quickly this time. He said to Mrs. Li: "I am a careless person. Although outsiders say that the Hanlin Academy is quiet, but when I went in, I felt that everything was complicated and complicated. I am exhausted every day. If I have made any mistakes, please forgive me."

When Mrs. Li heard this, she still remembered her little emotion, and asked instead: "Is the Hanlin Academy really busy?"

Sun Jiaxing originally didn't intend to talk about his official business, he just wanted to make a haha ​​and fool him.

But Niu Niu said: "Daddy Sun, if you don't speak yourself, how can we know whether you are doing well or not?"

After Sun Jiaxing hesitated for a moment, he said: "I took such a long family leave before, which is not as good as the other two colleagues. They took a short leave and were already familiar with my colleagues. Now I seem to be out of place. The one who is responsible for taking care of me My colleague also has a bad temper, and I always feel like he is targeting me.”

When Mrs. Li heard this, her heart immediately tightened. She felt that the dilemma her husband faced was far more serious than her failure to write the novel.

"Godmother, you have to say it too." Niu Niu urged Li in front of the little referee very seriously.

Sun Jiaxing also looked at his wife.

Mrs. Li endured her shame and said, "I wanted to write a storybook, but it took me a whole day to write two lines. I feel so useless."

Sun Jiaxing was speechless. Although he didn't know when his wife came up with this idea, he said: "A beginner can write so much, which is already very good. Why should you belittle yourself? Besides, you can think of finding something to do." , which is much better than others.”

The anxiety in Mrs. Li's heart gradually calmed down with her husband's comforting words.

She was also worried about the affairs in the Hanlin Academy and said, "What's going on with the old Hanlin who takes you to work? Can someone else take care of you?"

Sun Jiaxing said: "He has been in the Hanlin Academy for fifteen years. He does have real talent and learning, but he is very picky and always loves to find faults. Whenever he finds any mistakes, he will reprimand him in public without leaving any trace. He also always likes to push everything to me. The faster I finish, the more I will do.”

Li asked again: "How is this person's family situation?"

Sun Jiaxing said: "It is said that life is very difficult. The family still rents a house and has always wanted to be released from Beijing, but they have no way out."

But Mrs. Li instantly understood that this so-called senior was not jealous of her husband's good family background.

It's useless to please this kind of person. The more you please, the more proud he will be.

"Why does this person's way of doing things sound familiar to me?" Li murmured softly.

Niu Niu's ears were as bright as ever, and she said: "My godmother, my godfather's colleague, is very much like Xiaohua's grandmother in my hometown village! Her grandmother tortured Xiaohua's mother!"

After Niu Niu said this, she suddenly said: "No, you have never been to Qingshui Village, so you probably have never seen Grandma Xiaohua."

But Li suddenly realized that she was right, this way of teasing people was not like an evil mother-in-law. This was how Sun Jiaxing's mother used to tease her!

Second update

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