Chapter 202 Arrangement

Other than being delicious, Zhang Yunniang doesn’t see anything special about this sugar triangle sweet rice cake.

But as soon as the words "white sugar" came out, Zhang Yuniang could immediately feel the difference.

Sugar is a valuable commodity for ordinary people. If one can really make white sugar that Shu Ying describes in a certain way, it can be sold to high-ranking officials at a high price.

Zhang Yunniang was glad that because of the special nature of the crazy girl, there were no outsiders in the kitchen now, so she didn't have to worry about her words being overheard.

As an ordinary woman, she can see the huge benefits hidden in it, and most others can also detect it.

Although Shuying was crazy, she kept telling the truth and made another sugar triangle sweet rice cake. Zhang Yunniang didn't even suspect that she was lying, but she also understood the reason why she was guilty of having a jade.

"As for the brown sugar, I will decide whether to make white sugar after discussing it with my husband," Zhang Yuniang said.

Shuying didn't care much about white sugar and just said: "I want to make soap, so I have to prepare everything. Our princess can't use bad things."

Zhang Yunniang said: "I understand."

Shuying didn't leave the kitchen, but ruined the pork on the side again. She wanted to make pork jerky for Niu Niu.

Zhang Yuniang saw her so excited and took several breaths in a row before she calmed down.

But Shuying didn't stop and said, "Mrs. Ninth, can you buy some more pork? I heard from the lady that she has two brothers. I know the princess's temperament. She will never eat alone. If pork jerky is If there isn’t enough, how can the princess share it with others?”

Zhang Yunniang was too lazy to argue with a lunatic. Shuying did this not for herself, but for Niuniu and the others. Even though Zhang Yuniang felt like it was a waste, she still agreed.

Shuying continued to push the envelope: "Madam, there are people coming and going in this kitchen. I make some unique food, and I'm afraid that others will imitate me. Can you set up a small kitchen for me in the backyard? So that I can make snacks for the princess from time to time. Food."

Zhang Yunniang actually had the same idea, but she was not afraid of being stolen from her, but she was afraid that Shuying would cause trouble by talking nonsense.

"I can promise you." Zhang Yunniang said.

Shuying and Niuniu cheered together.

But when it was time for dinner, Gu Zhao's face suddenly fell when he saw that there was no meat on the table.

"Where's the meat? Why is there no meat today? Is our family too poor to afford meat?" Gu Zhao kept thinking casually.

Niu Niu put the white and tender sugar triangle sweet rice cake into her brother's bowl.

"This is delicious, better than meat!" Niu Niu said.

Gu Zhao had just had his teeth replaced, but Zhang Yunniang still forbade him to eat sweets, saying, "You are only allowed to eat this one."

Gu Zhao smelled the sweet smell and couldn't hear Zhang Yunniang's words clearly. All he could think about was the food in front of him.

Take one bite.

The fragrant and soft sweet rice cake captured his taste buds instantly.

"It's delicious, this is delicious, I want to eat it again!"

Before Gu Zhao finished the meal in his mouth, he reached out to grab the rest on the table.

Then Zhang Yunniang slapped her hand hard.

"I told you that you can only eat one." Zhang Yunniang said with a cold face.

Gu Zhao felt aggrieved: "If I don't give you meat, and I don't give you delicious rice cakes, how can I grow taller?"

Niu Niu said: "Third brother, please wait a moment. Sister Shuying will prepare the pork jerky soon. She said it is very delicious."

Gu Zhao's eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "Okay, okay, I want to eat this."

Before he noticed anything was wrong, Gu Yan, who was standing by, asked, "Who is Sister Shuying?" Niu Niu said, "Sister Shuying is the sister who lives in the backyard. My mother said she would talk nonsense, so she was not allowed to come out. "

Gu Zhao explained without raising his head: "She's just a crazy girl. I didn't expect that she, a lunatic, could actually remember her own name."

Gu Yan looked at his mother worriedly. This girl was a madman after all, and he didn't want Niuniu to get too close to the madman.

Zhang Yunniang said: "It's okay, I know it well. Every time I go to the backyard, I will accompany Niu Niu."

The rest of the family felt relieved.

Gu Mingda had been going out early and coming back late these past two days. Today, it was rare for him to have dinner with his family. After the meal, he said directly: "Azhao remember to get up early tomorrow and go to a private school to study. As for Ayan, he will take the Baiyun Academy exam in three days. "

Gu Zhao's face was full of displeasure, but he did not dare to refute at all despite the glare of his family.

Gu Yan said: "My son heard that admission to Baiyun Academy is extremely strict, and if it doesn't take a while..."

Gu Mingda understood what this child was thinking. Gu Yan was a mature and stable boy, but his problem was that he wanted too much stability.

Mr. Mingming had already said that he could quit, but after seeing his father's experience of rushing for exams for many years and never even taking part in the county examination, he had to be completely sure before he planned to quit.

It's the same now. Before I even take the exam, I'm already worrying about what to do if I fail.

"Ayan, if you miss this opportunity, you will have to wait another three months." Gu Mingda said.

However, Gu Yan still felt that his knowledge was not enough and was unwilling to waste this precious examination quota.

Niuniu tilted her head and asked, "Why does eldest brother think that he will fail the exam?"

Gu Yan forced a smile on his face and said: "There are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. Baiyun Academy has a great reputation, and those who can get in are talented people. I am just an ordinary scholar."

Niu Niu said: "But I think eldest brother is very powerful."

Gu Yan shook his head gently: "Niuniu, Luo Zhang is several years younger than me. His knowledge is almost the same as mine. I'm really not that powerful."

Niu Niu didn't understand very much and said: "This can only mean that brother and Luo Zhang are both very powerful. It does not mean that brother is not powerful. Why should brother compare with others? He may never win if he compares with others."

Gu Yan was stunned when he heard this.

Niu Niu continued: "Niu Niu doesn't compete with her brother, Niu Niu competes with herself. Today's Niu Niu knows more than yesterday's Niu Niu, then Niu Niu becomes even more powerful!"

When Gu Yan heard this, he didn't know what to say.

Niuniu asked Gu Mingda again: "Dad, do you think my brother is great? I think he is already very, very powerful."

Gu Mingda saw the expectant look in his eldest son's eyes and said, "This child Luo Zhang may indeed be more talented than you, but you are not far behind. At your age, dad is not as good at learning as you are."

In Gu Yan's heart, his father was an insurmountable mountain. Now that his father told him that he had surpassed him, Gu Yan suddenly had mixed feelings.

"Dad, how many times have you failed to take the exam? One failure doesn't mean anything. If you hesitate to move forward because of this, then you are really doing something wrong."

Gu Mingda rarely spoke so seriously, especially to his eldest son, who was always sensible.

Gu Yan stood up and gave a big salute to his father: "My father's teachings are true. It is the son who has excelled. In three days, my son will definitely pass the entrance exam."

When Gu Mingda heard this, he nodded with a smile: "You are a little boyish when you talk like this. Before, you pretended to be like a little adult every day. You are tired, and we are tired too."

Gu Yan sat back on the chair in shame.

Niuniu, on the other hand, looked at Gu Mingda with her big eyes: "Dad, what about me? Where should I go to study? Don't forget to arrange for me."

Second update

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