Chapter 210: Squeeze

Brother Shen tried other dishes. He was young and his taste was similar to that of a child.

He had eaten all kinds of chicken, but this was the first time he had fried chicken. There was no clue what condiments were wrapped on the whole chicken, and it instantly killed the countless types of chicken he had eaten in the past.

There are two plates of fried food on the table, one is fried chicken, and the other is a fried food platter. The fried mushrooms, fried meat, and fried tofu are served with unique sauces and a layer of steamed pancakes, which is quite novel. Very.

The eldest princess didn't touch the delicacies much, but praised the braised pork with pickled beans.

"This kind of practice is rare. If you think about it, it's simple. But there are very few people who do it. The cook in your house is a thoughtful person." The eldest princess praised.

When the food was served, everyone found it strange again.

A large casserole was presented, filled with braised pork and crispy pickles. The golden crispy rice at the bottom was soaked in the aroma of oil.

Every grain of rice is stained with the braised pork soup, and one bite seems to be wrapped in happiness.

The eldest princess still maintained the manners she had taught her, but little brother Shen didn't have the slightest bit of demeanor as a young master from aristocratic families at this moment. His head was almost buried in the bowl and he kept shouting "delicious".

"No wonder Niu Niu doesn't let me see the cook. It turns out that she is afraid that I will poach him." Brother Shen complained casually.

After hearing this, the eldest princess stopped thinking about summoning the cook, and only ordered someone to prepare a reward for the cook.

The meal was a feast for both the guests and the host. Brother Shen ate a lot. He even shouted, "I really wish I could have three meals a day at your house."

The eldest princess glanced at him with a half-smile and said, "If you really think so, it's not a bad idea."

Brother Shen's eyes suddenly lit up and he said to his mother, "If this is true, then I will move here today!"

The eldest princess lightly tapped him on the head and said, "Don't jump up and down in front of Mr."

Brother Shen looked puzzled.

The eldest princess explained: "When the date is chosen, you will have a formal apprenticeship ceremony."

Brother Shen looked at Gu Mingda, who nodded lightly at him.

"I take Uncle Gu as my disciple, so I should be regarded as Niu Niu and Azhao's senior brother?" Brother Shen said in hindsight.

Shen Ling said with a smile: "You are the last person to enter, and you still want to be the senior brother?"

Brother Shen let out a wail.

Gu Zhao was so excited that he almost jumped up: "Okay, I'm a senior brother!"

Niu Niu consoled her: "Brother Shen, I still call you brother."

Brother Shen felt slightly comforted after listening to the little girl's words, and then looked at Gu Zhao expectantly.

Gu Zhaocai didn't care about this. He was jumping up and down at this time, and everyone was saying: "I have a junior brother, from now on I will be senior brother Zhao!"

Brother Shen:…

In the end, it was Gu Mingda who ended the farce. He grabbed Gu Zhao and said, "Liu Yue, send the young master to school and let him listen to the teacher's lectures."

After hearing this, the honest and honest Liu Yue immediately ran over and took Gu Zhao to go out.

Gu Zhao hadn't shown off enough, but when he saw his parents' faces darkened, he didn't dare to be presumptuous anymore and went out honestly.

But as soon as he entered the school, his classmate asked casually: "Gu Zhao, do you still remember the content of your teacher's lecture this morning?"

Gu Zhao's ears automatically filtered out what he didn't want to hear, and asked his deskmate: "How did you know that I became a senior brother?"


Gu Zhao continued to straighten his body and show off: "My father just accepted a disciple today. He is more than ten years older than me, but he still wants to call me senior brother."

The eldest princess did not stay at the Gu family for long. After lunch, she took her daughter and left, leaving only Brother Shen behind. Brother Shen forgot about being his junior brother in the shortest possible time. He excitedly said to the Gu family, "As promised, I want to accompany you for a nice stroll around the capital!"

When he said this, he looked at Gu Mingda with a somewhat guilty look. After all, this was his future master, and he was afraid of being reprimanded by his husband for not doing his job properly.

In the past, none of his masters could hear the word "play". He would just mention it and they would train him to death, and they would make a big fuss if they caught the slightest mistake.

Over time, Brother Shen no longer liked reading, and he was even afraid of meeting his husband.

Gu Mingda was not angry, but instead cupped his hands towards him and said, "Young Master Shen, spring is coming soon. I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you. Thank you for your hard work."

Although Brother Shen is a kid at heart, he likes to be treated like an adult, especially Gu Mingda, who is his respected elder and future teacher.

At this moment, he felt as if he had a heavy responsibility, and immediately patted his chest and promised: "Uncle Gu, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of everyone."

Except for Gu Mingda and Gu Yan, who wanted to stay at home to study, everyone in the Gu family was dispatched.

Brother Shen and his sister knew the capital very well, and they took the Gu family around for most of the day, only to return after dark.

"I'll pick you up early tomorrow morning." Brother Shen's face was still red with excitement when he said goodbye.

He always felt that there was nothing interesting in the capital, so he felt a little irritated and had to leave the capital along the Jiuqu River.

Only now did he realize that the capital was still the same capital, but it became much more interesting when the people around him changed.

Although he was incompetent, he never wandered around the streets and alleys like other dandy boys. Instead, he focused on looking for delicious food. He could not meet close friends outside, and he would be constantly belittled by his father when he came home. Although Brother Shen spent the first half of his life as a splendid person, he was still Full of frustration.

Although the Gu family is old and young, they are all very good at providing emotional value.

Brother Shen took them to visit the capital. Everywhere they went, they would marvel and praise him.

"If it weren't for you, little brother, who is a native of the capital, how would I have known there was such a fun place." The wonder in Mrs. Gu's eyes was all genuine.

The person she marveled at was just a certain storytelling teahouse in the capital.

The old lady was not polite at all, but a real sigh.

"Brother Shen, I have lived for so many years and I have learned a lot. Thank you." The old lady's eyes were full of pure gratitude.

At that moment, Brother Shen had a feeling that the old lady was not speaking to the son of the eldest princess, but purely to him as a person.

Even Father Gu, who was a little confused, held Brother Shen's hand when they parted.

Niu Niu stared all the way with her eyes wide open. Even if she was sleepy and rubbed her eyes, she still insisted on seeing what was new. When she arrived at the door of her house, she fell into Zhang Yunniang's arms and fell asleep.

Zhang Yunniang looked at Brother Shen apologetically: "Tomorrow Ayan will take the exam at Baiyun Academy, and the whole family will accompany him."

When Brother Shen heard this, he felt a little envious.

The Gu family is not rich, but the kind of closeness between family members is not found in the Princess Mansion. His mother spends most of his time in the palace, his sister is obsessed with studies, and his father is never seen, which makes him seem superfluous.

"I haven't been to Baiyun College yet. Can I go with you tomorrow?" Brother Shen asked expectantly.

Zhang Yunniang said: "There's nothing we can't do together, but we have to leave the city before dawn tomorrow, and I'm afraid that the young master won't be able to get up from bed."

Brother Shen lives in the inner city, so he has to get up early to go out of the city.

Brother Shen immediately said: "I won't go back tonight. Ah Zhao and I will squeeze in, okay?"

He really wanted to be with the Gu family and didn't want to go back and face the cold yard.

Second update

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