Chapter 235 Sweeping Willow Leaves

Gu Mingda felt that this child was too polite. He was not much older than Shen Changfeng, but he was much more mature than Shen Changfeng. He had a complete family style, but he couldn't understand how such a gentleman and upright Qin Jing could There will be a **** brother like Qin Er.

When Qin Jing saw the rest of the Gu family, he also saluted as a junior. When he saw Niu Niu, he smiled at the little girl.

Niu Niu whispered: "Brother Qin Jing, take care of yourself."

"Thank you Niuniu for your concern, brother, I will remember it." Qin Jing said softly.

Qin Jing was helped by his servants to get on the carriage at the end of the long street.

After the outsiders left, the Gu family swarmed around Gu Mingda.

"Ms. sir, are you okay? Did that lunatic hurt you earlier?" Zhang Yunniang asked eagerly.

"Mingda, are you feeling uncomfortable in any way?" Mrs. Gu asked, tugging on his sleeve.

Even Niu Niu kept asking around Gu Mingda: "Daddy, daddy, are you dizzy or not? Do you feel uncomfortable in your heart?"

Gu Mingda was very touched by his family's concern. He bent down and picked up Niuniu, proving with practical actions that he was in good health.

"You also know that someone was causing trouble at the gate of Gongyuan earlier? I'm very lucky. Even though the lunatic is crazy, there seems to be a little reason for those things. If you are willing to give in to him, he will not catch people and chase them and beat them up."

"He was originally in the same queue as me and kept fighting to get in front of me. I let him go, so he didn't stab me."

"Something happened later, and I couldn't bear to watch the fun."

Listening to Gu Mingda's explanation, the Gu family all took a breath. They could all think of the danger at that time. Fortunately, this disaster did not involve any of their own family members.

"It's okay, okay, let's go back first. From now on, you will all remember to avoid joining in the excitement, got it?" Mrs. Gu warned the others.

But as soon as she said this, the whole family looked at her strangely.

Father Gu opened his cloudy eyes and said hesitantly: "Old... old lady, you... you love... watching the fun..."

Mrs. Gu jumped up anxiously when she heard this: "You are the only one who talks so much! People are confused, and there are so many things to say! It just makes you look so powerful!"

Father Gu scolded the old lady, perhaps automatically blocking the unpleasant words, his eyes became confused, and he turned back into the confused old man.

Mrs. Gu was so angry that she felt that scolding her husband was in vain.

There was a "bang" sound.

Before the Gu family left, they immediately turned their heads when they heard the voice. It turned out that it was a middle-aged Juren in his thirties or forties who suddenly got angry. He grabbed another middle-aged Juren and asked, "Why are you hurting me?"

Mrs. Gu rushed over with a "swish".

She squeezed into the crowd, her eyes shining, and she even turned around excitedly and shouted to her family members: "Come on, look, there's a fight!"

The whole family looked at her with expressionless eyes.

Zhang Yunniang stepped forward, grabbed her mother-in-law, and whispered: "Mom, didn't we agree not to watch the fun?"

Mrs. Gu's joy suddenly turned into sadness.

"Look again! For the last time!" Mrs. Gu said pitifully.

Zhang Yunniang looked at her helplessly and whispered: "Mom, Niuniu is still looking at us. She wants to set an example for her children. My husband is rushing back to rest."

Mrs. Gu sighed helplessly: "Okay, it's all for Niuniu and Lao Er."

As soon as the Gu family returned to the house, Mrs. Qi took out the brazier and willow water that had been prepared.

"Sweeping willow leaves can remove bad luck." Mrs. Qi explained.

Gu Mingda stepped over the brazier and was swept away by willow leaves. After eating the chicken soup that his family had stewed on the fire, Gu Mingda walked around the yard twice, then took a bath, dried his hair, and fell asleep. go.

The whole family moved quietly for fear of disturbing him.

The rest time between exams was very short, and Gu Mingda got up again in the middle of the night. He put on a new suit of clothes, carried the test basket that his family had prepared for him, and once again, under the watchful eyes of the whole family, and accompanied by Qi Dashan, he rushed to the second test.

On the way, Qi Dashan said cautiously: "Don't worry, sir, I've stepped over the brazier several times at home in the past few days and swept myself with willow leaves several times. There must be no bad luck on my body."

Gu Mingda nodded and comforted: "It may not be that you have bad luck. You don't have to blame yourself for this."

However, Qi Dashan said in a matter-of-fact tone: "Sir, it's not me who has bad luck, could it be you? You are a master of Juren, a Wenquxing who came to earth, how can there be bad luck on you."

Gu Mingda didn't know what to say for a moment.

Fortunately, there were no accidents on the way to the exam, and Gu Mingda rushed to the street where Gongyuan was located safely.

It's just different from the casual atmosphere before the exam last time. This time, you can see brightly lit and heavily guarded scenes from a long distance away.

Two rows of sergeants stood on both sides of the street. They all looked solemn and stared at the passers-by with their eyes like sharp swords.

At the intersection of the street, Gu Mingda and Qi Dashan were stopped by the sergeants.

"Only those who are here to take the exam can enter. No one else is allowed to enter."

Gu Mingda took a look at the situation in the street, took the things from Qi Dashan's hand, and said, "You go back first."

Then he handed the certificate proving his identity to the sergeant for inspection.

Because of the madman's **** incident at the gate of Gongyuan, it is only natural that the security should be tight this time.

After the sergeant checked Gu Mingda's identity, he waved his hand and motioned for him to hurry in.

Gu Mingda heard a voice coming from behind.

"My young master is not in good health. Could you please help me help him in..."

The servant's request was flatly rejected by the sergeant.

"I said no outsiders are allowed in, so I can't change it!"

"Do you know who my young master is? He is the eldest son of Duke Xianguo!" the boy said loudly.

Gu Mingda turned around and saw Qin Jing.

Qin Jing was pale at this time and weakly reprimanded her servant: "Don't show off your identity..."

When the sergeant heard this, he was very polite, but he still said: "These rules are set by the adults above. I am just a business person, so don't make things difficult for me."

Qin Jing nodded and struggled to walk inside.

"You always have to ask me to help you lift things in. Look at my young master's condition. Can he still be able to lift it now?" the boy said.

The sergeant glanced at Qin Jing, who was in extremely poor condition, and then looked at the test basket, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

Gu Mingda quickly took a few steps back.

"Let me get it. I know him."

Gu Mingda passed over the sergeant, caught the test basket in the boy's hand with one hand, and supported Qin Jing with the other hand.

"I have to bother Uncle Gu again." Qin Jing said apologetically.

Gu Mingda sighed: "Since you feel uncomfortable, why continue to take the exam? Is it worth it to burn out your body for an exam?"

Qin Jing lowered his head and said, "It's okay. I... took the medicine before going out. It won't delay the exam."

First update

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