Chapter 237: Pamper me

Before Qin Jing fell asleep, she still struggled to get her servant to run to warn Duke Xian.

"The second young master must have been plotted by others. Please go and ask father not to do anything to him."

Qin Jing's warning was a step too late. When the servant arrived, Duke Xian had already taken action.

Qin Er was beaten so much that he cried for his father and called for his mother: "Father, listen! The eldest brother is my biological brother. The entire Xianguo Palace is counting on him. How could I harm him?"

But when Duke Xian heard what the boy said, he still didn't stop. Instead, he cursed viciously: "Useless thing! I don't expect you to bring glory to our ancestors. It would be better for you to cause trouble all day long!"

Qin Er felt extremely aggrieved: "I also look forward to my eldest brother being named on the gold list, why is it my fault again?"

"If you hadn't offended others by showing off outside, how could anyone come up with such a vicious plan to plot against your brother! All the mistakes are your fault!"

When Qin Er heard this, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

"Tell me quickly, where did you get this writing brush? Who was with you at that time? Who is plotting against our Duke Xianguo's mansion!" Duke Xianguo asked.

"I...I bought it at Moye Zhai...I went there by myself that day..."

Moyezhai is the property of Prince Qi. Duke Xianguo's mansion has no enmity or contact with Prince Qi. Prince Qi has no need to plot against Duke Xianguo's mansion.

Qin Er's mind was like a ball of mush. After interrogating Duke Xian for a long time, he couldn't get many clues, and he couldn't explain many things clearly.

"What an evil! You can't even figure out who is plotting this. I might as well not have given birth to your son!" Duke Xian cursed.

Qin Er lowered his head and asked, "Am I so unbearable in my father's eyes?"

When Duke Xian Guo heard this, he didn't take it seriously, but scolded him: "If I had known this, you would have drowned when you were born!"

Duke Xian's own official career was not going well and he had no merits. Therefore, he pinned all his hopes of revitalizing Duke Xian's palace on his eldest son Qin Jing. In his heart, even Qin Er's life could not be compared to Qin Jing's. A hair counts.

"Hit this **** ten times and lock him up for a month so that he can remember it for a long time!" Duke Xian ordered him casually.

Qin Jing only slept for a while, then got up and rushed to the examination room again.

It was Gu Mingda who still helped him in.

"You should also take care of your body. If you feel unwell, remember to call the person who patrols the exam. Don't ruin your body just for an exam." Gu Mingda still couldn't hold it back and advised again.

Qin Jing promised well, but still insisted on continuing the exam.

There were three exams, and each exam lasted three days. The first few days were sunny. The exam was fine at the beginning, but on the second day, there was a sudden crackle at noon.

Heavy raindrops hit the roof of the examination shed like crazy.

The moment Gu Mingda heard the sound of rain, he put away his examination papers. The examination shed was in disrepair and he didn't know where the rain was leaking, so he protected the examination papers first.

Gu Mingda looked up seriously for a long time, but there was no rain.

"That kid Changfeng really made it right." Gu Mingda said with emotion.

Previously, Shen Changfeng made a special trip to Gu's house to tell him that he had observed that it would rain for two days in a row.

"What a blessing." Gu Mingda couldn't help but sigh.

He used to have bad luck in exams, but ever since he got Niu Niu as his daughter, he could at least hand in the exam smoothly every time. It was also because of Niu Niu that he got to know Shen Changfeng.

If he had followed his past luck, he would have become a drowned rat by now.

"My paper! My paper!"

Amidst the dense rain, Gu Mingda heard exclamations coming from not far away.

"No noise!" an inspector wearing a raincoat yelled.

Gu Mingda suppressed the feeling of joy in his heart. After the rain, everything in the examination room was dark. He lit the oil lamp on the side and continued to answer the test by the light. In the examination shed not far away, Qin Jing also lit an oil lamp.

The rain was cold and wet, and Qin Jing was shivering all over from the cold, but she still held a pen in one hand and supported her shaky body with the other hand, struggling to answer the questions on the exam paper.

"It's coming, it's coming." Qin Jing cheered herself up in her heart.

I don't know how long it took, but Qin Jing finally stopped. He put the completed papers aside, then curled up and lay on the bench in the examination room. His vision went dark and he lost consciousness.

The exam did not open until the afternoon of the third day, and the gate of Gongyuan was opened, and candidates handed in their papers one after another.

Gu Mingda handed in his papers and walked out with the examination basket. He happened to pass by Qin Jing's examination booth and saw Qin Jing lying on the chair, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Go out after the exam. Don't stay here." The examiner said.

"Sir, this child is a junior of mine and the heir apparent of Duke Xian. He has a weak body and was forced to come to the exam. I am afraid that he is in a coma. Can someone wake him up?" Gu Mingda said.

Gu Mingda deliberately mentioned his identity as "the crown prince of Duke Xian", but the inspector did not dare to treat him normally. After hesitating for a moment, he finally called someone over.

After a cup of tea, everyone looked scared.

"Sir, this man's face is red and he's feverish! He can't wake up no matter how hard he screams!"

Gu Mingda also didn't expect Qin Jing to be so ill.

Seeing everyone carrying the person and about to leave, Gu Mingda reminded again: "Sir, he values ​​this exam more than his life, and he should have finished writing his answer sheet!"

After Gu Mingda's reminder, the examiner found Qin Jing's answer sheet on the examination table and put it away carefully.

The servants of Duke Xianguo's Mansion have also been waiting outside the Gongyuan. At this time, they were all anxiously surrounding Qin Jing to get into the carriage. Everyone looked like a disaster was imminent.

Gu Mingda held an umbrella and met the waiting family members outside the Gongyuan.

"Dad, are you tired? Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?"

In the carriage, Niu Niu beat Gu Mingda's legs diligently.

Gu Mingda enjoyed her daughter's service and felt happy.

"Not tired, not tired! But dad is a little hungry. Do you have anything to eat?" Gu Mingda asked.

Niuniu generously took out her snacks and shared them with him.

"This is pork breast, this is snowflake cake... These are all prepared by sister Shuying for me. They are delicious!" Niu Niu mentioned these delicious things as if they were her treasures.

Gu Mingda took a bite of the snowflake cake. He had never seen such a novel food elsewhere.

He had been preparing for the exam before and didn't pay much attention to the crazy girl. Now that the exam is over, he can spend some time with the crazy girl.

It’s just that the plan can’t keep up with the changes.

Early the next morning, as soon as he got up, Niu Niu asked, "Does Daddy want to study today?"

Gu Mingda shook his head.

"Want to write a policy paper?"

Gu Mingda still shook his head.

Niu Niu was visibly happy. She grabbed Gu Mingda's sleeve and asked, "If dad has nothing else to do, can we go to Baiyun Town to see our brothers?"

Gu Mingda swallowed what he was about to say. His daughter had already acted coquettishly and begged him. How could he do anything else?

First update

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