Chapter 239 I will be the prince

When Niuniu heard this, she immediately waved her little fist: "Evil will be punished!"

The little girl's timely summary made everyone laugh.

"I will also do good things in the future, and maybe one day someone very powerful will accept me as a disciple!" the little girl said innocently.

No one took these words to heart, but a little boy at the next table suddenly spoke.

"Little sister, I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I want to tell you that if you do good deeds with a good intention, if the purpose is to make a profit, it will seem too utilitarian. This is not the way to do good."

The little boy looks to be seven or eight years old. He is wearing a rich suit and the jade pendant around his waist is even more luxurious.

Shen Changfeng looked over when he heard the sound, raised his eyebrows, and said, "Xiaojiu, do you just make random arguments with anyone you meet outside?"

The little boy seemed to have just discovered Shen Changfeng, and immediately stood up and saluted him.

"Cousin Changfeng." The little boy shouted respectfully.

Shen Changfeng looked towards him again and saw only two boys of seventeen or eighteen years old.

The two men stood up reluctantly and called Uncle Shen Changfeng like the little boy.

Shen Changfeng explained to Gu Mingda: "Master, these are the grandsons of my mother's cousin."

Gu Mingda immediately understood that these people were members of the clan and did not know which prince they were descended from.

"This is my mentor Mr. Gu, why don't you come over quickly to pay your respects?"

When the three people heard Shen Changfeng's introduction to Gu Mingda, they immediately knew that this was a serious teacher. Juniors like them couldn't pretend to be stupid and ran over to salute Gu Mingda.

Niuniu looked at them curiously.

The youngest boy named Li Xuan, even though he knew that Niuniu was the daughter of Master Shen Changfeng, he still said in an old-fashioned manner: "A gentleman should act according to his heart and not be too utilitarian."

Niu Niu tilted her head and said in a matter-of-fact tone: "But my father also said that it is normal for a gentleman to judge his deeds but not his heart, and to seek rewards for doing things."

The Gu family doesn't have any education about doing things without asking for anything in return.

Even Gu Yan, who has always been relatively old-fashioned, said from the side: "When I do good deeds, although I never take the results in return, if I really get rewarded, I will not refuse, and I will feel that the effort is worth it. ”

When Li Xuan heard this, he frowned so hard that he could kill a fly. He still frowned and said, "I still can't agree. It's not a gentleman's behavior to ask for anything in return."

Niu Niu raised her little face and asked Gu Mingda in a crisp voice: "Dad, do you think I am right or wrong?"

Gu Mingda asked: "What do you think?"

Niu Niu hesitated for a moment and said, "I don't think I said anything wrong."

Gu Mingda smiled when he heard this and said: "Since you think you are not wrong, then you are not wrong. Be more firm next time."

A look of contemplation appeared on Niu Niu's face. After a moment, the little girl said confidently to Li Xuan: "I'm not wrong. Since you don't agree with me, then I won't agree with you either."

Li Xuan is about the same age as Gu Zhao. He has never experienced such a situation. For as long as he can remember, he has either persuaded others by himself or others have been persuaded by him. Everything will eventually come to a conclusion.

"How can this be done? The more arguments we make, the clearer the truth becomes. How can we just let it go?"

Niu Niu said: "Not all truths in this world are clear."

Li Xuan felt extremely uncomfortable, as if he was suspended in mid-air, unable to get up or down.

Gu Mingda said: "The truth only lies in the human heart, and people are different. If you want to do good deeds without asking for anything in return, this is your business. If others want to do good deeds with rewards, this is someone else's business. Let's go our separate ways." It’s on one side.”

Li Xuan still found it difficult to understand, and he still wanted to drag Niu Niu into the debate. The little girl already had a look of irritation on her face at this time. She felt that it was rare to see such an unreasonable person.

Gu Mingda originally didn't want to bully the child, but when he saw this kid was pestering him, he could only ask:

"You want my daughter to identify with you because you think such a change can help her become a truly kind-hearted person?"

Li Xuan nodded.

Gu Mingda asked again: "If my daughter agrees with your ideas and becomes a true gentleman in your eyes, will this make you feel happy?"

Li Xuan was not on guard when he heard this and nodded again.

Gu Mingda laughed and said, "You see, it is also a good thing to help others become true gentlemen, but you are also doing good things with a purpose. Isn't this contrary to what you call a gentleman?"

"I have no purpose, and I don't expect to get anything from you." Li Xuan felt very aggrieved when he said this.

But Gu Mingda said: "You hope to get pleasure from this thing, this is your purpose."

When Li Xuan heard this, his whole body felt as if he was struck by lightning.

He couldn't refute Gu Mingda, because he said these words honestly.

"There is no good deed without purpose in this world. It's just that the reward for everyone's prayers is different. If you follow your statement, wouldn't it mean that there is no gentleman in the world?"

Gu Mingda's words were a big blow to Li Xuan's heart.

After a long time, Li Xuan stood up and saluted Gu Mingda.

"Thank you sir for your teaching today. I will keep it in my heart."

When Li Xuan's two elder brothers heard this, they looked at each other. They knew their younger brother better than anyone else. Although his younger brother was knowledgeable and talented, he had a more serious temper. They didn't expect to be convinced by Gu Mingda so easily.

Shen Changfeng suddenly asked: "You guys, why did you suddenly come to Baiyun Town?"

When Li Xuan's eldest brother Li Yao heard this, a trace of guilt flashed across his face and he said, "Let's bring Ah Xuan here to relax."

When Li Xuan heard this, he frowned and glanced at his brother.

Shen Changfeng asked again: "Hasn't Ah Xuan only been focused on studying, so how could he take time off to relax? What happened to him? There is only an academy and a temple in Baiyun Town, so there is no suitable place to relax?"

Cold sweat almost broke out on Li Yao's forehead. Shen Changfeng kept asking questions one after another. He didn't know what to say for a moment.

Li Xuan asked in confusion: "Brother, why did you lie to your cousin?"

At this time, the cold sweat on Li Yao's forehead became even worse.

He really knew Li Xuan, his younger brother, and sure enough, Li Xuan said directly: "The eldest brother and the second brother brought me here to see if I can meet His Majesty."

"What do you want to do when you meet His Majesty?" Shen Changfeng asked.

Li Yao wanted to cover his brother's mouth, but it was too late.

Li Xuan threw a thunderbolt with a calm expression.

"I want His Majesty to like me and consider making me the crown prince."

First update

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