Chapter 245 Tonic

When Mrs. Qian heard this, she looked at Zhang Yunniang blankly.

"Can't I take tonics during confinement?"

Zhang Yunniang shook her head, she also understood the principle of not being intimate.

"You can take tonics, but you can't take them randomly. The medicinal properties of each tonic are different. Some are suitable for the elderly, and some are suitable for women who have just given birth. You should take them according to the situation."

Mrs. Qian immediately explained: "Cousin Ruyi's ancestors were imperial doctors, and her father is also a well-known local doctor. She said that this tonic is specially designed to treat postpartum Qi and blood deficiency, so it should be right."

After hearing this, Zhang Yuniang asked again: "She said just now that she would continue to cook the medicine. Is it for the wet nurse? Is it the same recipe?"

Mrs. Qian nodded and said, "My cousin said this recipe can also help the wet nurse to expel milk."

After hearing this, Zhang Yunniang frowned so hard that she could kill a fly.

Mrs. Qian couldn't help but become nervous: "Can't you eat like this? What do you think is wrong?"

Zhang Yunniang sighed and said: "Of course it is inappropriate. Do you know that the tonic taken by the nanny may enter the child's mouth through the milk?"

This was the first time Mrs. Qian had heard about this, but she still didn’t know what was wrong and asked, “Can’t children eat it?”

Zhang Yunniang nodded: "You hired a doctor earlier. The child was too young and the medicine was poisonous. The doctor did not dare to prescribe medicine to the child. How could he rashly let her take the same body-building medicine as adults through breast milk?"

Mrs. Qian's face changed drastically: "Then I...Then I will quickly ask someone to stop the nanny..."

"How long has the nanny been taking the tonic?" Zhang Yunniang asked again.

After thinking for a moment, Mrs. Qian said: "I have already taken it... I started eating it as soon as the child landed... My daughter is getting lighter and lighter as she grows. Is it because she takes tonics?"

However, Zhang Yunniang did not dare to vouch for it, but said: "It's better to stop. It's best to ask a doctor again. Logically speaking, Miss Liu comes from a medical family and should understand this truth better than others."

Mrs. Qian nodded and added: "Although my cousin comes from a medical family, she is the daughter of a daughter who has not yet left the government. These things may not be clear."

Zhang Yuniang followed this topic and continued to ask: "Speaking of which, why does Miss Liu live in the house?"

Mrs. Qian's eyes were full of pity: "My cousin's father unfortunately fell off the cliff and died while going up the mountain to collect medicine. Her mother was not in good health. She went there not long after hearing about this."

"They only have one daughter, my cousin. The Liu family wants to be extinct. My mother-in-law took pity on this girl and asked someone to take her in and raise her."

Zhang Yuniang asked again: "It seems like you have a good relationship?"

Mrs. Qian nodded and said: "I have been married for many years, and now I have just given birth to a daughter. My mother-in-law has often been harsh on me for this. But since my cousin came, she has dealt with it for me. My mother-in-law has also been kinder to me. She is a good person." A good boy, not a difficult sister-in-law, who can understand other people's hardships. "

Mrs. Qian was very grateful to Liu Ruyi when she thought about the past torture she had suffered from her mother-in-law's rules.

"Does your mother-in-law have any plans for her marriage?" Zhang Yunniang asked again.

When Mrs. Qian heard this, a sad look appeared on her face: "I think this girl is very good, and I wanted her to marry a brother from my mother's family, but my aunt thinks that this girl's parents are dead and she has no relatives. "But fortunately, this girl is open-minded. She was anxious in the first two years, but this year it doesn't matter. I think it's okay to stay for two more years and slowly explore the girl's family. Marrying is like changing your life, you have to find the right one.”

When Zhang Yuniang heard this, she couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in her heart.

Are you not in a hurry, or do you already have a partner?

Mrs. Qian asked her maid to stop the wet nurse from drinking the medicine, but she picked up the bowl of soup again.

Zhang Yuniang continued: "The prescription is not static, but can be increased or decreased according to the physical condition. Madam, you have been taking the medicine for many days, have you ever felt any improvement?"

When Mrs. Qian heard this, her expression paused, then she shook her head and said, "It has not gotten better, but she feels a lot of discomfort in her body. She has trouble sleeping at night, and easily wakes up with palpitations. After holding the child for a while, she feels weak and panicked." …”

Zhang Yunniang said: "In my personal opinion, I think your prescription needs to be changed. It's best to invite more doctors to come and consider it carefully together."

Zhang Yuniang never directly said that Liu Ruyi had a problem from beginning to end, and she could only raise this point. After all, Mrs. Qian was not the Li family, and they were not familiar with each other. If she talked too much, she would be suspected of sowing discord.

Mrs. Qian found it a bit troublesome: "It doesn't have to be like this. My cousin is not an outsider, so I can naturally trust her."

Zhang Yunniang hurriedly said: "It's not that I think Miss Liu's prescription is not good, it's just that she is not a real doctor, and she still needs to ask a real doctor to diagnose her pulse and adjust the prescription. Your health is not a trivial matter, and you don't have to think that you will have to go through labor after giving birth. closed."

"Ah?" Mrs. Qian couldn't understand Zhang Yunniang's words.

Zhang Yunniang deliberately threatened her and said: "There used to be a woman in the countryside who felt safe after giving birth. She also felt very weak, but her family was reluctant to ask a doctor to get her medicine. One night, the bleeding suddenly stopped, and when the doctor came, my body was cold. "

Mrs. Qian, who was still in confinement, was so shocked that she turned pale when she heard this.

Zhang Yunniang continued to administer a strong dose of medicine: "Not long after she left, her husband asked another wife to come into the house. She pitied the children she gave birth to after all the hard work. Life was miserable under the stepmother's hands. The little ones were big and small. People like this have to do all the hard work at home, and their stepmother will always beat and scold them if they don't get their way. It's really pitiful."

No mother with a child can listen to these words. Mrs. Qian herself also struggled to make a living under her stepmother. She can understand the pain and sorrow of those years better than anyone else.

She glanced sideways at her daughter, who was still sleeping soundly, and said, "Okay, I will listen to you and call the doctor in two days."

Hearing this, Ms. Li said: "That's right. You must not hide your illness and avoid medical treatment. We women must take good care of our bodies for our children, if not for anything else."

Mrs. Qian nodded.

Niu Niu stood aside and looked at Mrs. Qian, then at her mother, with a look on her face that was about to speak but was hesitant.

"My dear, do you have anything to say?" Ms. Li asked.

Niu Niu whispered: "Daddy taught me a few days ago, saying that tomorrow comes tomorrow, and there are so many tomorrows..."

Mrs. Li couldn't help but laugh when she heard this, but she praised again: "My dear, you are so amazing. You remember everything your father taught you so clearly."

When Zhang Yuniang heard this, a look of contemplation appeared on her face, and then she took the initiative to say to Mrs. Qian: "It's better to choose a day than to hit the sun. Otherwise, don't wait for tomorrow. Why don't you ask the doctor now? It's just right, I will Ask the doctor if he can give you some methods to take care of your body."

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