Chapter 247: Secrets in the Inner House

“Who on earth thought of giving these decoctions to postpartum women?” Doctor Zhang asked with a frown.

Mrs. Qian suddenly felt cold: "Is it because these tonics are causing me to lose money? The child's wet nurse is also drinking these decoctions, will it affect my son?"

Doctor Zhang opened his eyes wide and said: "Tonic medicine? Where can I get this medicine? It's completely poisonous to people's lives! You take these soups every day, no wonder you are getting weaker and weaker. If you continue to drink like this, you won't be able to give birth to a baby." My life is going to be lost!”

When Mrs. Qian heard this, she immediately trembled like chaff. What she cared about most was not herself, but her child: "My daughter also took the tonic soup through the nurse's milk..."

"Stop it, stop it quickly! If you drink more, you mother and daughter can stay together in the underworld!" Dr. Zhang blew his beard and glared.

Mrs. Qian's whole body collapsed, and her eyes were blank at this moment: "Why... why did she do this to me..."

When Dr. Zhang heard this, he wanted to cover his ears on the spot and said: "Madam, don't tell me too much about your affairs in the inner house. I will give you some dietary supplements for your body."

Mrs. Qian immediately asked: "What about my daughter? I am the only child..."

Doctor Zhang said: "Ask the wet nurse to eat with you."

Mrs. Qian breathed a sigh of relief and finally sent Doctor Zhang away. She immediately whispered to her personal maid to continue looking for other doctors.

In fact, once she was bitten by a snake, Mrs. Qian would not just listen to one person's words now. She would have to find a few more people before she could feel relieved.

Zhang Yuniang witnessed a secret affair in the house. At this moment, she felt uneasy and turned to look at Mr. Li.

Li nodded gently toward her, and then moved with ease.

Mrs. Li first took out the handkerchief, squeezed out a few tears in the shortest possible time, and said to Mrs. Qian: "I thought you were lucky, but I didn't expect that we have the same fate."

No one likes to be laughed at by the wives of his colleagues. What Li is doing now is to close the relationship between himself and Mrs. Qian. If he can completely become his own person, he will definitely not be resented by her and look at her secretly.

The best way to get closer is to share a common secret, or to be deeply involved in the other person's secret.

Mrs. Li didn't say much about her own affairs, but acted like she was "for the sake of money" and quickly helped with suggestions.

"This girl Liu Ruyi has bad intentions. Now that you know about it, have you thought about how to deal with it?" Li asked.

Mrs. Qian said: "What else can we do? Naturally, we should tell my husband-in-law and mother-in-law and let them handle it."

Mrs. Li immediately said: "Your husband-in-law will definitely be on your side, but that may not be the case with your mother-in-law. You have to think clearly."

Mrs. Li knew that women couldn't bear to hear that their husbands didn't take her to heart, so she said this deliberately.

Sure enough, Mrs. Qian said: "It is true that my mother-in-law loves that bitch. Even if this matter breaks out, she will probably still protect her."

Mrs. Li continued: "Even if your husband-in-law is on your side and your mother-in-law makes a fuss, what will happen to him?"

Mrs. Qian looked grim and asked, "Sister Li, what should I do?"

Li said: "You still can't come forward to deal with this matter yourself, but let your husband-in-law handle it."

"But my husband... you just said that he can't stand my mother-in-law's troubles..." Mrs. Qian said.

Mrs. Li sighed and said, "Then think of a way to stop your mother-in-law from making trouble. Think about what is most important to your mother-in-law, of course your husband-in-law!" Mrs. Qian looked at it stupidly. Li's eyes were filled with pure confusion.

"But this matter has nothing to do with my husband-in-law." Mrs. Qian was very confused. In fact, her husband-in-law didn't like her daughter much, so it was difficult for her to connect the two things.

Ms. Li is no longer the Ms. Li she used to be. She has already opened her mind now.

"My cousin plotted to fill my cousin's house, so she murdered my cousin-in-law. With such a scandal happening in the inner house, do you still want your husband-in-law's official title?" Ms. Li asked in a low voice.

Mrs. Qian's eyes suddenly lit up: "Sister, you still have a way. If you hadn't brought Mrs. Gu here today, I might have been killed inexplicably."

Mrs. Li also knew Mrs. Qian's worries, so she patted her hand and said, "Don't worry, Madam Gu is a trustworthy person and won't talk nonsense. As long as your husband-in-law takes care of his cousin, no one will dare to Use this to threaten his career."

Mrs. Qian was now very convinced of Mrs. Li. She looked at Niuniu aside and saw that the little girl was far away. She was concentrating on playing with a set of ornaments on the table. She probably didn't even understand what the adults were talking about. At this time, I was completely relieved.

"Sister, I will listen to you."

Li said with a sincere expression: "For us women, taking good care of our bodies and living a long life are the most important things. If you don't think about yourself, you should also think more about your children."

Mrs. Qian nodded vigorously. She had suffered from her stepmother herself, and she would definitely not want her daughter to suffer again.

Mrs. Li gave Zhang Yunniang another look.

Zhang Yunniang hurriedly said: "Mrs. Qian, women are weak, and there are many things that need to be paid attention to in maintaining the body. Please listen to me and tell you in detail..."

Zhang Yuniang did not tell Mrs. Qian any oral method, but asked her to move more.

Mrs. Qian was extremely cautious about what she put into her mouth when the wind was blowing. What Zhang Yunniang taught her was really to her liking.

Finally, Zhang Yuniang added: "My youngest son is now learning medical skills from an old lady. I once heard the old lady say that not only the decoctions taken into the mouth, but also some medicinal materials that are brewed and taken must be used with caution. You can’t just eat it by yourself, you have to ask a doctor.”

Mrs. Qian nodded vigorously.

After Zhang Yunniang and her party left, other doctors who had been sent to invite them also arrived.

After looking at the dregs of the medicine, they came to the same conclusion as Dr. Zhang, and the regimen for Mrs. Qian's body was also similar.

Mrs. Qian explained in detail the health-care methods taught by Zhang Yunniang.

"These methods can indeed strengthen the body. As long as you stick to it, madam, your physique will become stronger." Almost all doctors have affirmed these health-preserving methods taught by Zhang Yuniang.

But at the same time, almost all doctors concluded that it would be difficult for Mrs. Qian to get pregnant again because of this loss.

"Is there really no other way?" Mrs. Qian asked bitterly.

The other doctors all shook their heads, but only one young doctor became an honest man.

"Madam, your body is already in such a bad state. Even if you are really pregnant, it would not be a good thing. The mother is weak. If both mother and child die..."

Mrs. Qian suddenly turned pale with horror.

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