Chapter 255 Storytelling

Shen Changfeng was very happy to see her happy, and said proudly: "I reminded you of this! Otherwise, I wouldn't have singled you out!"

Niu Niu's eyes lit up after hearing this, she tilted her head slightly and smiled sweetly at Shen Changfeng: "Thank you, Brother Changfeng! Brother Changfeng is the best!"

Shen Changfeng felt as if his heart had been hit by something. He covered his heart and asked, "Although you have already recognized your godfather and godmother, do you want to recognize another godfather? I feel that in the future I may not be able to give birth to a daughter as cute as you..."

Before he finished speaking, Gu Mingda slapped him on the forehead: "She recognizes you as her godfather, so what did you call me?"

Shen Changfeng stupidly retracted his hand and apologized honestly: "Master, I was talking out of my mind."

Gu Mingda did not continue to say anything to him, but said: "Yesterday I taught you how to observe people's expressions. Today I will teach you how to roughly judge what a person has just done..."

Most of what Gu Mingda teaches is based on his own experiences in his past life.

"When something has been done, most of the time it leaves traces. For example, look at my shoes. Are they wet?"

Niu Niu and Shen Changfeng listened very carefully, and they nodded together.

Niuniu asked: "Daddy's shoes are wet. Is it because he accidentally splashed water on them when he drank water?"

"Did he accidentally step into a puddle?" Shen Changfeng asked.

The two children gave two different answers.

Gu Mingda shook his head and made a gesture of drinking water first.

"When drinking water, it's easier to get water on your chest than on your shoes. Can you see if there's any water on daddy's chest?"

Niu Niu shook her head in disappointment.

Gu Mingda raised one foot again and asked Shen Changfeng: "When your shoes step into a puddle, where did they get wet first?"

Shen Changfeng glanced at Gu Mingda's dry soles: "Master's soles are not wet, so he didn't step into a puddle."

But as a result, the two children didn't know where Gu Mingda got wet.

Gu Mingda continued to ask: "Don't you know what is being done in the front yard now?"

Shen Changfeng looked up at the sky and recalled the scene he saw when he entered: "Washing clothes! Someone is washing clothes!"

Gu Mingda nodded: "When I first came here, I passed by the well and Mrs. Qi accidentally threw water droplets on my shoes."

"If it's just water droplets, there's no way to tell. I passed by a person doing laundry. There was a crabapple by the well, and it's now blooming with pink and white flowers. Look."

As Gu Mingda spoke, he plucked a petal from his hair and showed it to the two children.

The two of them suddenly understood.

The whole morning passed quickly in teaching. Shen Changfeng learned a lot of reasoning and couldn't help but sigh: "If the people who judge cases in the yamen are as smart as Master, I'm afraid there won't be many unjust, false and wrong cases in the world. "

Gu Mingda shook his head and said: "Not everything in this world will leave traces, and people are not omniscient and omnipotent. There will always be places that are beyond human reach."

Gu Mingda used to think the same as Shen Changfeng, but after adopting his daughter and seeing all kinds of miraculous things about Niu Niu, he just realized the wonders of the world.

At this time, Niu Niu threw herself into her father's arms and said, "Tell me some specific stories about solving the case."

When Gu Mingda was in the county government, he often helped organize files, but he had read a lot of cases. Now he had to add many details himself when talking about them. He is a good storyteller and can describe a story with ups and downs in just a few words.

Shen Changfeng and Niu Niu were fascinated by what they heard.

After listening to it, Niu Niu sighed: "It seems that I also became a judge with my father."

Shen Changfeng nodded vigorously. He was not as good at describing as Niu Niu, but he felt exactly the same as Niu Niu.

Gu Mingda said: "You are so little, your mouth is so sweet every day."

Niu Niu smiled shyly and asked, "Why doesn't daddy write stories like my godmother? The stories written by daddy might also be sent to the theater and sung by others!"

Gu Mingda said: "There used to be a lot of things, and I never thought about it. It's just that these stories about solving cases are all obtained from the yamen. If I write them down, I'm afraid someone will imitate them."

After hearing this, Niuniu asked: "Dad, are you afraid that someone will read the story you wrote and do bad things after learning it?"

Gu Mingda nodded.

It was only then that Shen Changfeng realized belatedly that there were risks in such stories. His ideas always seemed to be slower than others.

But Niu Niu sighed and said, "But whether they read Daddy's story or not, bad people will do bad things."

Gu Mingda was stunned after hearing this.

Niu Niu continued: "Daddy's story may also serve as a warning to those who have been harmed by the same method. Maybe someone has killed someone using the same method. In this way, their family members can find out the real murderer after reading daddy's story. Woolen cloth."

Niuniu's words reminded Gu Mingda.

Gu Mingda let out a long sigh and said, "Niuniu is right, daddy's thinking is narrow-minded."

"Everything has two sides. The same story may harm people or save people. Stories are just stories. In the final analysis, it depends on people's hearts."

Niu Niu said: "If in the story written by Daddy, the bad guys end very badly, will those people who intend to cause evil be afraid after reading it? Maybe they will stop doing bad things."

Although Niuniu's words are naive, they are still a solution.

Gu Mingda nodded and said, "In this case, these stories are actually persuading people to do good deeds."

Niu Niu nodded vigorously and straightened her body proudly. Niu Niu felt that she had done another great thing.

Soon it was the day of the flower viewing banquet at the Princess Mansion.

In previous years, the Princess Mansion held the flower appreciation banquet in the garden outside the city, but this year it was held in the Princess Mansion in the city.

Everyone in the Gu family, including Liu Xiaoru, was invited to the post of the Princess Mansion.

Mrs. Gu had said long ago that she would not go. The apparent reason was that she wanted to stay at home and take care of Dad Gu. In fact, everyone in the family knew that the old lady was really timid.

She wasn't willing to go, and her family didn't force her to go. After all, that place was the princess's mansion, and there were countless dignitaries. If anyone bumped into the old lady, given the current status of the Gu family, they would most likely have to suffer the consequences of being dumb.

Before going out, Liu Xiaoru wanted to put jewelry all over Niuniu's head.

"There are many people in the Princess Mansion today. The ladies who are about the same age as Niu Niu are probably all wearing gold and silver. We Niu Niu can't be compared." Liu Xiaoru was afraid that Niu Niu would be ignored.

(End of chapter)

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