Chapter 26 Old things

After Gu Mingda showed his talent for reading when he was young, he spent most of his time in school.

After careful calculation, he basically lived in private schools in the county after he was ten years old.

The old Gu family has always been particular about keeping a bowl of water balanced. Even if Gu Mingda, his son who is studying, comes home, he will be asked to help the family with housework and farm work. Therefore, Gu Mingda has not had much contact with his younger sister.

When Gu Mingda occasionally recalled it, he could only vaguely see a vague face of a child. He only remembered that his daughter was very beautiful, like a porcelain doll, but he could not remember exactly what she looked like.

When he received the news that his little sister was seriously ill, he took leave from school to come back for a visit. Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the entrance of the village, he heard a heart-wrenching cry coming from his home.

His little sister fell ill and died too quickly, so he hurriedly hurried and took his time, and he didn't even get to see her for the last time when she came back.

"Your little sister...she...she is a very lucky child..." Mrs. Gu said with difficulty, her eyes gradually becoming moist.

Recalling the memories related to her daughter, Mrs. Gu felt like she had had a short and beautiful dream.

The little daughter is like the perfect daughter given to her and her husband by God. Although she is young, she is well-behaved and considerate. Even in their imagination, they could not imagine that there is such a good child in the world.

It is precisely because the little daughter is perfect that the two eloquent parents can't wait to put the best in the world in front of her. Father Gu was stimulated and gradually became confused after the little daughter died.

Mrs. Gu suddenly grabbed Gu Mingda's hand and said, "Second brother, I would rather die than her."

Gu Mingda gently patted his mother's back. Niuniu suddenly fell into a coma today. He was also curious for a moment, so he thought of asking a few more questions, but he didn't expect that it actually aroused his mother's pain. He suddenly couldn't bear it and said: "Mom, I won’t ask anymore.”

When Mrs. Gu heard this, she shook her head and said, "Even if you don't ask, I still want to tell you. You are the smartest person in the family. There are some things that we can't figure out. Maybe you can figure it out." , Niuniu... Niuniu is also a blessed child... No matter whether this child is the reincarnation of Nannan or not, she can never be like Nannan! "

When Gu Mingda heard this, his heart sank, as if the worst had happened.

Mrs. Gu wiped her tears hard and said, "Do you still remember your father's wine recipe?"

Gu Mingda nodded. The elder had mentioned this before, and he suspected that he had taken this brewing recipe.

"The ancestors of the Gu family do have a recipe for brewing wine, but it's not really that special. It's just that when the family has a lot of food, they brew a little wine to support the family. It's not worth asking taverns from all over the country to come to buy it."

After listening to his mother's words, Gu Mingda immediately thought of a possibility and asked: "Dad, he has improved the wine recipe? Does this matter have something to do with my little sister?"

Mrs. Gu nodded and said: "Not long after my daughter turned one year old, she saw your father making wine. The little man suddenly said: Dad, you are wrong."

Gu Mingda recalled the appearance of several of his children when they had just turned one year old. The eldest, Gu Yan, was the smartest one, but even at one year old, he spoke awkwardly. My sister is so smart.

"Your father didn't know that Nannan was special at the time. He laughed and teased her and asked her what was wrong. Nannan said that the order of brewing was wrong and there were too many things... I don't know how to brew, and I don't remember what the order was, and there were too few. What did you put there? Your father's expression changed when he heard it." When Mrs. Gu talked about this, she still looked full of regret. After all, if she remembered this wine recipe, her family would still have this extra income.

"Your father really brewed wine according to the method Nannan said. At first, I thought your father loved his daughter and blamed him for wasting food. But I didn't expect that the jar of wine brewed according to the method Nannan casually mentioned has supported us. The family now lives in this blue brick house." Mrs. Gu looked at her house with a look of sadness.

Lao Gu's family lives in a blue brick house, which is second only to the village chief's house in Qingshui Village. After so many years, the number of people who can live in blue brick houses in the entire village can only be counted on the palm of a hand. .

Mrs. Gu added: "But the night after Nannan finished talking about the wine recipe, she had a fever. Your father and I took her to the town to see a doctor in the middle of the night. It happened to be a coincidence that the fever subsided as soon as she arrived in the town. She can jump and jump as if she had never been sick, but your father asked her about the wine recipe again, but she didn’t remember it at all. "

Gu Mingda was shocked when he heard this.

He thought of what happened on the mountain today. Niuniu fell into a coma inexplicably and woke up again when she came down the mountain. It was so similar to what happened to Nannan back then.

And he still remembered how Niu Niu left the Zhang family. She had a high fever that didn't go away all night, and was taken to the town by Yun Niang and her fever immediately went away. It was simply a repetition of history.

Mrs. Gu continued: "At that time, your father and I just thought that Nannan was too young and could not remember many things clearly, so we did not continue to think about it."

"After the family received subsidies for selling alcohol, life gradually became better and we saved a lot of money. We raised our daughter until she was five years old. We thought we had raised the child, so we took her to the temple to fulfill her vow."

Gu Mingda didn't understand why this happened again, and couldn't help asking: "What else do you wish for?"

Mrs. Gu explained: "After giving birth to you three boys, your father and I have been looking forward to having a little girl. We go to the temple to burn incense every year. One year, after seeing a clay sculpture of a virgin added to the temple, your father I told the Bodhisattva that I hoped to give birth to a little girl who would be as blessed as a virgin. It didn’t take long for me to get pregnant and give birth to my daughter.”

Mrs. Gu couldn't help but shed tears again, and said: "If I had known that too much blessing would lead to an early death, I would not have allowed your father to make such a wish with the Bodhisattva. I just want my daughter to be safe..."

When Gu Mingda thought of his lost second son, he felt extremely sympathetic. The pain of losing a child was unbearable for every parent.

"I thought she was five years old and stood still, so I dared to take her to the temple to fulfill her vows. But as soon as we entered the temple and explained our purpose, the host's face changed drastically. He said that the child asked for in the temple was eighteen years old. In the past, we were not allowed to enter the temple anymore. It was not a good thing to say that we broke the rules.”

Mrs. Gu was already in tears at this time, her eyes full of self-blame and regret: "It was us who were ignorant and harmed our daughter..."

Gu Mingda quickly comforted him: "Mom, don't think so. The host only said it was not a good thing, and he didn't say it would cost my daughter her life."

Mrs. Gu shook her head and continued: "After your father and I came back from the temple to fulfill our vows, we were extremely cautious. After a month of this, nothing bad happened. Every time your father went into the mountain, he still acted like As in the past, there were always pheasants and rabbits coming to our door, and we could easily find wild fruits and mushrooms hidden in the woods. We no longer cared about the host's words until..."

(End of chapter)

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