Chapter 260 A lot of clues

The wind in his ears was still whining, and those who heard such vicious words couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts.

This special scene inside the rockery cave makes the sounds heard both clear and fuzzy.

It was clear because every word could be heard clearly, but it was blurry because the cave caused some changes in the sound quality, and it was unclear who was speaking.

"Will she really send me away? Dad, I don't want to leave the capital!"

"Don't worry, I will never let you end up in this situation. Dad will try his best to lift you up if he fails to rise to the top!"

"Daddy, you are so good to me!"

"Of course, the one I like the most among my three children is you. If you hadn't married that evil woman for the sake of your future, why would you and your mother be living so hard now?"

After hearing this, Shen Changfeng frowned and whispered, "I'm going to see who is speaking."

Shen Changfeng had walked this shortcut to the rockery countless times. It was not the first time that he heard voices on this road. He naturally understood where he was standing so that the words could be heard as clearly as at this moment. .

Shen Changfeng tiptoed a few steps forward and looked out through a hole somewhere in the rockery. He only saw the backs of father and son, one high and one low. He vaguely saw that they were all wearing sky blue gowns, which seemed to be a kind of Made of fabric.

He hurriedly walked out of the rockery and walked to the place where he was talking. No one could be seen anymore. There were several forked roads at the end of the road. For a moment, he couldn't figure out where the people went.

"Damn it, let me catch these two people who are gossiping behind their backs. I must let everyone see their true colors! They are actually muttering behind their backs that they want to kill their wives!" Shen Changfeng said with a strong sense of justice. said.

Shen Ling said helplessly: "Brother, don't listen to the wind or the rain. People say that sooner or later you will kill your wife. It's not called killing your wife now. Maybe it's just a matter of anger and it can't be true."

"Even if you are angry, you can't say that!" Shen Changfeng said angrily.

He pulled Niuniu over again and asked, "Baby, tell me, is this true?"

Niu Niu nodded obediently: "My mother said that being a husband and wife is a fate cultivated in the past life. We should cherish and support each other. Even if this person is not sincere and just speaks in anger, he can whisper to his wife behind his back like this. Obviously not a good person!"

After Shen Changfeng received Niu Niu's approval, he immediately held his head high and said, "A gentleman does what he does and what he doesn't do! Since this person dares to whisper in our house, I will definitely find this person!"

However, Shen Ling felt that her brother was too impulsive and just wanted to stop him.

Shen Changfeng added: "Even if you don't expose him in public, you still need to know who this person is, so that you can be alert in the future and stay away from this father and son!"

When Shen Ling heard this, he immediately stopped and asked, "Brother, how are you going to find these two people?"

Shen Changfeng was instantly possessed by the judge and said: "Master has taught me that most of the things I have done will have traces. I want to look for clues here!"

Probably everyone has the dream of being a detective. When Niuniu heard this, her eyes lit up: "I'm here to help you!"

The two brothers and sisters started to investigate the scene with their buttocks raised.

"Footprints! What obvious footprints!" Shen Changfeng was excited.

It rained yesterday and the soil on the ground was moist, leaving very clear footprints.

Niu Niu was also very excited. She stretched out her hands and made gestures for a long time. She looked very professional, but in fact she could only stumble and ask: "What size is this...?"

Of course Shen Changfeng couldn't understand. He was a young man who didn't know the size of his feet. How could he know the size of his feet?

In the end, Shen Ling said helplessly: "You two wait here for a while, and I'll find someone to come and rub the footprints."

Niuniu was reminded by her and said excitedly: "Yes! It's rubbing! That's what daddy's stories say!"

Shen Changfeng also nodded vigorously.

Shen Ling, on the other hand, had a cold face: "It turns out that Mr. Gu told you stories, but my brother has never told these stories to me." Shen Changfeng touched the back of his head and smiled naively: "I...I Aren’t you too busy to forget?”

After the footprints were laid, Shen Ling urged the two people to leave.

"Don't worry, don't worry! There may be other clues. Master said, at least two clues must be intertwined for support." Shen Changfeng said seriously.

Niuniu looked to the left and right: "Flowers! Petals!"

There are several crabapple trees planted around this place. At this time, the bright red crabapple flowers are blooming particularly beautifully. When the wind blows, the petals of the crabapples fall off.

Niu Niu pointed at the top of Shen Changfeng's head: "Brother Changfeng, this way! Petals!"

Shen Changfeng pulled out two bright red petals from his hair.

Shen Ling said: "This is the only place in our house where we have planted a few Tibetan crabapples, which are bright red in color. The other places are planted with pink and white Xifu crabapples and Silk crabapples. If we really meet that person, it will be easy to tell them apart. ”

Niuniu lowered her head again and said, "The land here is red!"

Shen Ling explained: "The soil here was specially dug by my mother. It is different from other places in the house. It is specially used to cultivate Tiejiao Begonia."

Niuniu said: "There are more and more clues!"

Suddenly, the little girl's eyes narrowed and she pointed to the grass not far behind Shen Changfeng: "There seems to be something there."

The three of them walked over and saw a purse lying quietly on the edge of the grass.

The purse looked very old, with a clump of green bamboo embroidered on it, the stitches were fine, and two words were embroidered on it: peace.

"Did this also fall from the father and son?" Niuniu asked.

Shen Ling nodded and said, "This way, it will be easier to find."

Niu Niu immediately clapped her hands: "Brother Changfeng, Sister Ling, now we have four clues. It will be much easier to find the father and son!"

Shen Ling said: "Actually, if you think about what they said carefully, it shouldn't be difficult to find out. Let's ask someone to find out which of the fathers and sons who came to visit our house today has a bastard."

But Niu Niu tilted her head and said, "What if it's not a concubine, but an illegitimate son?"

Shen Changfeng also argued: "What if it's not someone from outside the house, but someone from our own house?"

Shen Ling said helplessly: "How can you two be so lucky? We have a lot of people in our house. Even the gentleman who lives in our house does not have any family members. How could we find such a father and son?" ? Besides, who dares to bring an illegitimate child to our banquet?"

Shen Changfeng and Niu Niu were speechless.

But Shen Ling asked Niuniu again: "Do you want to see your brother's small garden?"

Niu Niu wanted to find the father and son, but was unwilling to miss the beautiful scenery, and her face was immediately full of confusion.

On the other hand, Shen Changfeng waved his hand: "We're here in just two steps. We've already come, it would be a pity not to go and see it."

He pulled Niuniu back to the shortcut of the rockery.

The three of them took just two steps back when they met a middle-aged man in sky blue clothes. The man lowered his head and looked around, as if he was looking for something on the ground.

"Dad?" Shen Ling called hesitantly.

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