Chapter 283 Normal Parents

 Qin Jingshu was stunned on the spot.

After a long time, she asked: "Sister Gu, your parents should also teach you how to read, learn etiquette, and be a prostitute, and discipline you strictly, right?"

Niuniu nodded.

Qin Jingshu said: "They teach you this, don't they hope that you will marry a good family?"

Hearing this, Niu Niu tilted her head slightly and said: "Of course my mother hopes that I can marry into a good family, but she and her father also said that if she can't find a good family, she will not marry and stay at home with her parents and brothers. , they are willing to take care of me for the rest of my life.”

Qin Jingshu had never heard such words before. She felt as if her knowledge of the first six years of her life had been refreshed.

"Since I'm not getting married, why do I have to teach you this? Why do I have to work hard to urge you to make progress?" Qin Jingshu didn't understand.

Niuniu said: "My father said that studying is for understanding. If I am talented in studying, I might be able to rely on this skill to make a living in the future. Although the family is willing to support me, my parents feel that it is better to rely on others than to rely on others. It’s true that you have learned the skills yourself, and you can put them to use at any time.”

Obviously, the Gu family's various plans for Niu Niu are all for Niu Niu's future, hoping that she will become a better person.

Qin Jingshu could feel the love and cherishment that the Gu family and his wife had for their daughter from across the carriage. Now when she heard Niu Niu talk about all the things that happened in the Gu family, she felt even more sour.

Qin Jingshu could deceive herself. She was the daughter of the Duke of the country, and she was appointed as the Imperial Master. She would have a great future in the future, so she was naturally different from ordinary little girls.

But she also knew that the Gu family seemed to be normal parents.

She could sense something was wrong in the past, but never thought about it carefully. Now Niu Niu's words seemed to have torn away the fig leaf that her mother tried so hard to cover up.

Although her mother always talked about the fact that "the imperial master said she was a phoenix," Qin Jingshu always thought that her mother still loved her and wanted to give herself the supreme glory.

Now that I think about it carefully, it is true that I received the supreme glory, and it is also true that I don't love her. In the final analysis, I am just a tool, just to let my mother enjoy this supreme glory.

Qin Jingshu was so sad that she almost shed tears, but there were people all around her. She had been trained into a standard manner by her mother's strict teachings for many years, how could she dare to cry in front of so many people.

If this matter reaches the ears of my mother, I don’t know how to torture myself.

Niuniu suddenly said: "I want to see the rockery over there, can you go with me?"

Qin Jingshu wanted to refuse, but faced Niuniu's big sincere eyes, she finally nodded.

Niuniu pulled her towards the rockery.

Shen Ling, who was still talking to her friends, naturally noticed the movements of the two little girls and did not stop them. Instead, she asked her maid to follow them.

The rockery in the yard is not particularly big. After the two little girls got in, the maid behind them could also see the backs of the two people inside.

Niu Niu whispered to Qin Jingshu: "Cry if you want. No one will see you here, and no one will find fault with your rules."

Qin Jingshu didn't expect that Niu Niu pulled her over to comfort herself.

She thought to herself that even the friends she had just met could see that she was feeling uncomfortable, but her mother would only force her to hold back her tears when she felt uncomfortable.

"You have to laugh! No matter what happens, you can't cry. Only by laughing can you be lovable. Remember?" This is what Mrs. Xianguo taught her daughter at that time.

Qin Jingshu smiled reflexively at this time, but when she saw Niu Niu frowning and her eyes full of distress, Qin Jingshu felt sour in her heart and tears suddenly fell silently.

"More...more...can you...tell me more...about your family?" Qin Jingshu said while choking.

She was well-dressed and well-fed in Duke Xian's palace, but Qin Jingshu didn't like to stay at home. In the final analysis, she was just a six-year-old girl who longed for her parents' love.

Niu Niu didn't talk about it immediately. She felt that talking about how good her parents were to her when others found out that their parents didn't love her seemed to be adding salt to other people's wounds. "Maybe your parents are not raising a daughter-in-law for someone else, but they want you to have a better future. Just think that I am wrong and don't worry too much." Niu Niu said.

But Qin Jingshu shook her head vigorously: "They are just training their daughter-in-law. You are right..."

Qin Jingshu knew that it was very important for the imperial master to approve the order privately. This was also something that her mother had told her many times. Even her father didn't seem to know the inside story. Naturally, Qin Jingshu could not tell Niu Niu about it, but her tears kept falling. Lose.

Niu Niu didn't understand what Qin Jingshu was thinking. She was crying more and more fiercely. For some reason, she actually wanted to cry with Qin Jingshu.

"You cry slowly and don't be in a hurry. Sister Ling said that no poetry club will force a girl of several years old to write poetry. We come to the poetry club to eat delicious food and have fun! No. People will always be watching us!" Niuniu comforted.

Qin Jingshu's tears kept falling down like broken beads, and Niu Niu kept wiping them with her handkerchief.

Niuniu didn't know how to stop people from crying, but she vaguely felt that it was a good thing to let Qin Jingshu cry now, so she didn't stop her.

Qin Jingshu cried for a long time, as if she wanted to cry out all the grievances hidden in her heart.

Niu Niu was beside her, and her handkerchief got wet several times, but she still stayed with her patiently.

"I...I lost my temper. I didn't mean to scare you..." Qin Jingshu explained stumblingly.

Niu Niu held her hand and said, "Isn't it normal for children to cry? You are the eldest lady of the Xianguo Palace, and you are also a little girl."

When Qin Jingshu heard this, she felt as if a heavy burden had been temporarily lifted off her body.

But she also knew in her heart that when she returned to Duke Xianguo's mansion, she would still become the eldest lady who was bound by rules and regulations.

Just getting some temporary relief is good.

Qin Jingshu was tired of crying and had all her tears. She asked Niu Niu: "Are my eyes red and swollen?"

Niu Niu stretched her neck, came over and took a closer look, and then said: "It's only a little red, it should just wait a while."

Qin Jingshu didn't want to go out immediately. She also wanted to take off her mask and hide in the rockery for a while.

"Does your mother never scold you? Nor hit you?" Qin Jingshu asked.

Niuniu nodded.

Qin Jingshu's eyes revealed yearning: "That's great."

Niu Niu said: "My mother is not always like this. Sometimes she is so angry with my third brother that she wants to hit someone, but as long as we admit our mistake, she will not do it and will only reprimand her a few times."

"Then it must be easy to stay with her, right?" Qin Jingshu asked.

Niuniu nodded again, but then said: "My family members are different. They just want us to be safe and healthy. Their requirements are not high."

Qin Jingshu, however, yearned for such a modest request and asked, "Does your father hug you often? I feel that he loves you very much."

Niuniu nodded.

The envy on Qin Jingshu's face almost solidified.

"Your father...won't he hug you?" Niu Niu asked cautiously.

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