Chapter 286 So delicious

Qin Jingshu grimaced: "My words are of no use to you at all. I can't afford a maid like you."

When the maid heard this, even if she didn't want to, she could only lower her head and comply.

After sending the people away, Qin Jingshu finally showed a look of relief on her face. She turned around and entered the rockery again, happily saying to Niu Niu: "I sent the people away! Let's continue playing here!"

Qin Jingshu felt that she had fallen in love with the rockery. The space inside the rockery was very small and no one was watching her words and deeds. She felt as if she had come to life again.

Seeing that her friend was happy, Niu Niu also showed joy on her face and asked, "What do you want to play? Shall we play backgammon? Rope flipping? Clap your hands? Grab stones?"

When Qin Jingshu heard this, her eyes were hooded: "Is this all a game? I've never heard of it."

Niuniu nodded and asked: "Isn't there anyone to play with you?"

Qin Jingshu's face suddenly showed embarrassment. She felt like she was a bumpkin compared to Niuniu.

Niu Niu patted her shoulder and said, "It's okay, I'll teach you. I know how to teach others. You're so smart, I'm sure you'll learn it right away!"

A six-year-old girl, no matter how precocious she is, doesn't love to play. When Qin Jingshu heard this, she immediately looked at Niu Niu with bright eyes.

When Shen Ling came over for the second time, he saw two little girls hiding in the rockery and playing a game of catching stones. They were having a lot of fun.

"Okay, I'm scratching my head outside thinking about how to write poems, but you guys are having a great time inside." Shen Ling said with a smile.

When Qin Jingshu heard this, she immediately wanted to apologize.

But Niuniu still looked calm and asked: "Sister Ling, is the banquet ready?"

Shen Ling nodded and said, "Yes, I'll pick you up for dinner."

When Niuniu heard this, she was about to run out, but was stopped by Shen Ling.

"The hair is a mess." Shen Ling complained, reaching out to smooth Niu Niu's hair.

She pulled Qin Jingshu over again and helped tidy it up.

"You can go out now."

After Shen Ling finished speaking, she asked again: "Jingshu, where did the girl you took go to play? I didn't see her outside just now."

Qin Jingshu said: "I sent her out to buy things. She will be back soon."

She was just a girl. After asking, Shen Ling stopped caring and led the two little girls towards the table.

When they arrived at the table, Shen Ling arranged for the two of them to sit down next to him. Shen Ling belatedly asked, "Can you two pick up your own food?"

Niu Niu raised her head and said, "Sister Ling is looking down on people. I can even wash clothes, how can I not pick up vegetables?"

Shen Ling said with a smile: "Yes, yes, how could I forget that Niuniu taught my brother how to wash clothes? Niuniu is really good."

Shen Ling looked at Qin Jingshu.

Qin Jingshu also nodded and said, "Sister Shen, don't worry, I will do it."

When the dishes were delivered to the table one after another, Shen Ling saw that Miss Zhao, who was sitting opposite her, hadn't even taken a bite of the food herself. She was just focusing on picking up dishes for her naughty sister, who wanted to do this at one moment. That made Miss Zhao so angry that veins popped out on her forehead.

"If you keep doing this, I won't take you out next time there is a poetry meeting!" Miss Zhao threatened her sister in a low voice.

But the little kid ignored her threat at all and continued to point here and there confidently.

When Shen Ling lowered his head, he saw the two little ones beside him eating obediently. He couldn't help but think that he was better at raising children.

"This meat is particularly delicious and melts in your mouth. It is made by a specially invited master chef!" Niu Niu pointed to the braised pork on the table and said to Qin Jingshu.

It seemed that the girl was specially taking care of this table. The braised pork was cut into smaller pieces than usual, but even so, few of the ladies wanted to touch the dish. After all, with so many eyes staring at her, even if noble ladies tell others what they like to eat, they must say it is expensive and light. No one will talk about braised pork all day long.

At this time, Qin Jingshu hesitated whether to extend her chopsticks.

Niu Niu didn't have so many scruples. She not only took a piece for herself, but also used serving chopsticks to help Shen Ling and Qin Jingshu take a piece each: "You must try it, it's really delicious!"

Shen Ling had actually tasted it, but she was so proud that she pretended to be reluctant and said: "I don't like eating heavy oily things, but since you insist on eating it, my dear, I have no choice but to eat it." ”

The other ladies at the table looked away after hearing this.

Shen Ling not only ate the braised pork, but she also had to move closer to Niu Niu and whispered: "Baby, I want to pour the rice with the soup. The braised pork soup is best when mixed with rice!"

Niu Niu had an expression on her face that said, "I really can't do anything to you." But she still helped her scoop out a big spoonful of meat and soup.

Shen Ling still had the disgusted expression on her face and said, "My dear, my sister has her own hands. Why do I need you to pick up the food for me? You are so afraid that my sister will not have enough to eat."

Niu Niu curled her lips helplessly and gave Qin Jingshu and herself another spoonful of soup each.

Qin Jingshu has never tried this way of eating. Now the rice is dyed in an attractive color by the braised pork broth, which makes people want to eat it. One bite...


Qin Jingshu only felt as if she had experienced happiness!

The delicious and delicious taste made her extremely satisfied.

Niu Niu said proudly: "It's delicious. I eat like this every time I come here. The master who makes braised pork only makes this dish. She was originally a peasant woman in the suburbs of Beijing. Uncle Luo heard about her ability to make meat. Just beg her to come to the restaurant to serve."

Qin Jingshu also has a chef in her family, but when it comes to this dish alone, she has to admit that no one can compare to this peasant woman.

The other ladies originally just glanced at Shen Ling who was eating meat, but as Niu Niu started to eat, the ladies couldn't help but keep their eyes on Niu Niu.

Niuniu’s eating habits are so contagious.


A big spoonful of soup mixed with rice was stuffed into the little girl's mouth.

The little girl's cheeks were fleshy, and her eyes narrowed after eating. The feeling of happiness and contentment cannot be deceived.

The other ladies at the table, the more they watched, the more saliva they secretly swallowed. They couldn't help but think, is that plate of oily braised pork really delicious?

Although it is one of Xianyuelou's signature dishes, it is pork after all.

Ordinary people may not be able to eat pork even once a month. In the eyes of dignitaries, it is low-grade meat, far inferior to mutton noodles.

Niuniu took another mouthful of soup bibimbap.

The other ladies at the table seemed to smell the delicious aroma emanating from Niu Niu's bowl of rice.

"How about trying a piece?" they thought to themselves.

I don’t know who stretched out the first pair of chopsticks, but once the opening was opened, it couldn’t be stopped.

There was a low cough behind the ladies.

But it was the slaves they brought with them who reminded them not to eat too much of this greasy dish.

But because everyone around them was breaking the rules, everyone pretended not to hear the sounds behind them.

After tasting such a delicious dish, even Miss Zhao's face looked satisfied. Her unruly sister was currently eating soup and bibimbap next to her, and she had no time to toss her sister.

They ate chopsticks one after another and couldn't help but eat too much. At the same time, the plate of braised pork was also gone.

Although no one spoke, the ladies all had only one thought when they looked at each other: "It's delicious! It's really delicious. No wonder it's one of Xianyuelou's signature dishes!"

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