Chapter 30 Pregnant

 This turn of events was something that no one expected.

Zhang Yunniang looked a little embarrassed and explained to Niu Niu softly: "Niu Niu, your aunt from the Sun family will go to Beijing to accompany your uncle from the Sun family to take the exam. This is their family matter and it has been decided long ago."

Although Sun Jiaxing and his wife were read like this by the little girl, they were not angry. Sun Jiaxing could not help teasing Niu Niu and said: "Niu Niu, I am going to Beijing alone and going to a place I am not familiar with. I am very scared. You don’t want aunt to accompany me, otherwise, you will accompany me to Beijing?”

Niu Niu didn't understand that this was an adult's joke. Instead, after thinking carefully, she nodded and said, "If you can make Auntie stay, Niu Niu can agree to it."

Sun Jiaxing burst out laughing. He already knew the origin of Niu Niu from the conversation with Gu Mingda. This child was not the Gu family's biological child, but adopted by the couple. Sun Jiaxing looked at Niu Niu's cute appearance and couldn't help but think, If he was really destined to be childless, then adopting a child as lovable as Niu Niu seemed to be a good thing.

Gu Mingda asked from the side: "Niuniu, why don't you want Aunt Sun to come to Beijing? Can you tell dad the reason?"

Others present only thought the children's words made people laugh, but Gu Mingda felt that Niuniu was not the kind of child who loves to show off. She must have her reasons for saying such things.

Niu Niu looked at Li's belly with worry and said crisply: "My little baby has a wrinkled face, it's so hard."

Sun Jiaxing and others were confused when they heard this.

Gu Mingda asked: "Where is the little doll?"

Niu Niu said: "It's the little baby in aunt's belly."

When everyone present heard this, their expressions changed drastically.

And when it fell on the ears of Sun and his wife, who had been seeking a child for many years and got nothing, it was like thunder.

"Baby? Niuniu, does Auntie really have a baby in her belly?" Ms. Li asked eagerly.

Niuniu nodded vigorously and said: "Auntie, you really can't go to the capital. The little one wants to rest and doesn't want to travel far."

Although Ms. Li knew that this was just the talk of a child, she was extremely hopeful that it would be true.

If she is really pregnant, then she really can't continue to Beijing. She is not young at all, and it is rare for her to be pregnant. The long journey of nearly two to three months is really not something she can bear.

"Brother Sun, there seems to be someone in the caravan who knows medicine. Why don't we let someone come and take a look now?" Gu Mingda suggested.

Sun Jiaxing carefully helped his wife sit down. Although he had not confirmed the news yet, his eyes were full of enthusiasm.

Juren's wife might be pregnant, so the people in the caravan did not dare to neglect it, and soon an old gentleman came.

The old gentleman was not a member of the caravan. Like Gu Mingda and others, he was an accompanying traveler. He was originally going to visit relatives in Fucheng. At this time, he was called over temporarily. After carefully checking his pulse, he frowned and pondered for a long time.

"Doctor, how are you?" Ms. Li was the one who was looking forward to the child the most, and was more anxious than anyone else at this time.

She and Sun Jiaxing were a young couple, and Sun Jiaxing was also a passionate person. They had been married for more than ten years without any children, and he had never said that he wanted to take a concubine. But she also knew that her parents-in-law had long been dissatisfied. This time her husband brought her to Beijing. In order to have someone to take care of her, she actually didn't want her to stay at home and be scolded by her parents-in-law.

Mrs. Li was grateful for her husband's loyalty, but she also knew very well that once the word "carry on the family line" was suppressed, her husband could not shirk it for too long. If he was still childless in a few years, he would have to take a concubine sooner or later.

The old doctor felt his pulse and pinched his beard. Several strands of his beard were broken off. He couldn't say anything accurately. He could only say: "The time is too short, it seems to be there and it seems to be nothing. If it takes another half a month, , maybe we can confirm whether it is really a slippery pulse." Others were disappointed when the news came to their ears, but the Sun family and his wife were filled with ecstasy.

The reason is also very simple. This is almost the closest Li has ever been to getting pregnant. The monthly letter that usually comes every month is as sure as the rooster crows, which shows that all the efforts in the past month have been in vain.

Sun Jiaxing's face was bright red and he said to Gu Mingda: "Old people say that children have the cleanest eyes and can see things that ordinary people can't see. Although the doctor is not sure, Niu Niu said so, and it is probably true. I’m pregnant, thanks to the child this time, otherwise we might have made a big mistake if we were confused.”

Gu Mingda hurriedly said: "Niuniu is also a child, so whether she is really pregnant or not depends on what the doctor says."

Naturally, everyone would be happy if she was really pregnant, but if she was not pregnant, Gu Mingda was also afraid that the couple would blame Niu Niu. Although he speculated that Niu Niu would not be wrong based on her special characteristics, but he still had to be prepared for everything.

Sun Jiaxing is also a smart man. After hearing this, he immediately said: "No matter whether my wife is pregnant this time or not, I am very grateful to Niuniu. Even if the joy is in vain, at least I will feel at ease when I go to Beijing."

Gu Mingda felt relieved and said deliberately: "Brother Sun, it's still early and the convoy has just set off. It's better to wait until we get to the next town to confirm that we are pregnant and then discuss countermeasures."

Although he didn't know whether the pregnancy was real or not, Sun Jiaxing didn't dare to take a gamble and said categorically: "It's been a long journey, how can this be done? I will send my wife back now."

Gu Mingda added: "But what should I do if my schedule is delayed due to rushing for the exam?"

Sun Jiaxing said very simply: "It doesn't matter. The caravan is moving slowly. I'll work harder and come over later."

Gu Mingda nodded and said, "Since Brother Sun has already made a decision, I feel relieved."

Sun Jiaxing and Li left very quickly. They had brought their own carriages, so it was not too sudden to leave the team and return.

But before leaving, Mrs. Li couldn't hold it back and asked Niuniu: "Niuniu, tell me, is the baby in aunt's belly a boy or a girl?"

Gu Mingda was about to stop him, but Niuniu had already said: "I don't know."

Li didn't get the answer she wanted, so she wasn't discouraged. She gently stroked her belly that had not yet swelled, and got onto the carriage carefully.

After the carriage disappeared at the end of the road, Gu Mingda knelt down and asked, "Niuniu, did you really see the baby in Aunt Sun's belly?"

Niu Niu nodded vigorously and asked, "Can't you see?"

Gu Mingda smiled and shook his head.

Zhang Yunniang looked at Niu Niu with worry and asked, "Husband, if this matter spreads, will it be detrimental to Niu Niu?"

Gu Mingda said: "It's okay. Children with clean eyes can see babies in other people's stomachs. There are similar rumors from all over the country. It can't be said to be out of the ordinary."

Zhang Yunniang breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Mingda asked again: "Niuniu, do you really not know whether the child is a boy or a girl?"

(End of chapter)

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