Chapter 314 You are so kind

 The Queen Mother felt that doing so would not only compete with the people but also be unseemly.

The eldest princess explained: "The mother is unaware of something. Mrs. Gu is extremely good at postpartum care. Many women come to her for help with a lot of postpartum problems."

Niu Niu also said at the side: "Grandma the Queen Mother, my mother is very powerful. She has learned a lot of nursing methods from the old doctor. She said that she does this, even if it is not for money, as long as she can help those aunts in the inner house who have unspeakable secrets. They are also excellent.”

If it was for money, the Queen Mother would probably frown, but if it was for helping others, especially the Queen Mother herself was a woman and had experienced the pain of childbirth, the look on her face immediately relaxed.

She sighed to Niuniu: "Your mother is also very capable. As a woman, it is always good to have more skills at hand. You never know when she will be put to great use."

Hearing this, Niu Niu puffed up her belly proudly and said, "Thank you, Grandma Queen Mother, for the compliment. My mother will definitely be very happy if she knows about it."

The Queen Mother looked at the little girl's bulging belly and couldn't help it. She reached out and patted it.

After hearing the patting, there was a dull sound inside. Coupled with Niu Niu's cute and childish appearance, the Queen Mother only thought that the sound was particularly cute.

The eldest princess's eyes grew hot, and she reached out her hand and patted Niu Niu's belly gently.

Niu Niu looked at the two people blankly, wondering why the two of them looked satisfied when they just patted their stomachs.

The Queen Mother felt a little guilty when she was stared at by the child's doubtful eyes. She quickly took a plate of cakes beside her and asked: "Good child, what do you like to eat? Do you like this cake?"

The eldest princess smiled and said: "Mother, this child is not picky about food and is very easy to feed. But his favorite food is Xueyun crisp."

The Queen Mother immediately said to Li Shunfu: "Go to the imperial kitchen and ask them to make snow cloud cakes and bring them over."

Li Shunfu bowed his body and resigned.

The queen mother unconsciously held the little girl in her arms, pinched a piece of pastry through the veil and brought it to Niu Niu's mouth.

Niuniu glanced at the eldest princess.

The eldest princess immediately said: "Eat it if you want. You don't have to be polite with your Queen Mother."

Niu Niu's eyes lit up when she heard this.

The Queen Mother's heart melted when she saw how well-behaved the little girl was when she wanted to eat.

Niu Niu took the cake and ate it in small bites, her cheeks on both sides were bulging, and she looked like a small animal stealing food.

The Queen Mother had never known that children eating food could be so painful. She looked at it again and again and couldn't help but salivate.

The Queen Mother is getting older and has little appetite. The weather is getting hotter and she eats less and less.

The eldest princess opened her eyes wide when she saw that the queen mother actually took the initiative to eat a piece of pastry.

Originally, the eldest princess was worried that the Queen Mother would not like Niu Niu, so today she made a special trip to the palace to **** Niu Niu. Now she felt that Niu Niu's entry into the palace was a good thing for the Queen Mother.

As the old woman gets older, the younger generations worry that she won't be able to eat.

Once a person cannot eat, his health will deteriorate.

At the beginning of winter last year, the Queen Mother fell seriously ill and faced life and death several times. The emperor decided to hold the Enko. He said it was to celebrate the Queen Mother's birthday in the next year, but in fact he also wanted to celebrate the Queen Mother's birthday.

At this time, the eldest princess took the initiative and said: "Mother, do you think it tastes particularly delicious when you watch Niuniu eating? The first time I ate with my child, I used a bowl of rice because she was so delicious. Are you lucky enough to summon her now? When you enter the palace, you can eat in front of her every day."

The Queen Mother naturally understood the meaning of her daughter's words.

Niu Niu didn't know that she was about to become a gold medal meal girl. She was eating the pastries from the palace, but she felt that the taste was a bit familiar.

The pastries she ate seemed to taste very similar to those made by Shuying. The Queen Mother seemed to have thought of something, and sent someone around her to say, "The Emperor's appetite has also been bad during this period. Go and ask him if he is free today to have lunch with Ai's family?"

The eldest princess smiled and said: "The queen only cares about the emperor, why don't you ask me if my appetite is good since the beginning of summer?"

The Queen Mother said: "You are so lively and active, but you don't seem to have a bad appetite?"

The eldest princess chuckled.

The queen mother was reminded by the eldest princess, and she really cared about her: "The prince-in-law has been ill for a month? Why is he still not feeling well? Otherwise, the Ai family asked the palace to send another imperial doctor to diagnose his pulse?"

When the eldest princess heard this, she said casually: "Mother, the consort trusts Imperial Physician Liu. I can't persuade him, so I just don't bother to care about him."

The Queen Mother asked, and then stopped asking further. She just said, "You asked Changfeng and Ah Lingduo to come into the palace. The Ai family hasn't seen them for a long time."

The eldest princess smiled and said: "Okay, my daughter will remember it and let them come into the palace tomorrow."

While the two were chatting, the Queen Mother's hand did not stop and kept passing cakes to Niu Niu.

Watching Niuniu finish the pastries she handed over, the Queen Mother felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction in her heart for some reason, and she gave away most of the plate of pastries in one go.

Seeing that the Queen Mother wanted to send more, Niu Niu quickly waved her hands: "I can't... burp... I can't... I really can't eat anymore!"

Only then did the Queen Mother stop, not knowing what she wanted to say.

The eldest princess had never taken care of a child herself, but she still had some common sense. She frowned slightly and asked, "Have you eaten too much in one sitting? Will you be able to hold on?"

The Queen Mother was a little anxious when she heard this. Although she had given birth to a son and a daughter, the children had always been taken care of by wet nurses and she had no experience in this area.

"Good boy, are you feeling uncomfortable? Do you want to hire a doctor?" the Queen Mother asked.

Niu Niu quickly shook her head: "I just need to walk around the yard twice, it will be fine!"

The Queen Mother then gave up.

Niuniu stood up from the Queen Mother's arms and was about to walk out.

The Queen Mother hurriedly said: "Send two little girls to take care of him."

After the little girl in her arms left, the Queen Mother felt empty, as if she had lost some treasure.

Niuniu took two steps, then turned back and looked at the pastries on the table eagerly.

Seeing how cute the little girl looked, the Queen Mother couldn't help but laugh and said, "Good boy, I'll keep this pastry for you. Don't let anyone touch it."

Niu Niu shook her head and whispered: "My good friend likes this pastry very much. I want to bring two pieces to her."

"You are such a grown-up, yet you have made good friends? Which family are you from? The Ai family asked someone to make a whole plate and send it to her home. Just say you gave it to her, okay?" The Queen Mother asked with a smile. road.

Niuniu explained: "Jingshu has also entered the palace."

The eldest princess on the side said: "The queen is the child of Duke Xianguo."

The Queen Mother nodded and said, "Since the person is here, you might as well send it there yourself."

Niu Niu turned around, threw herself into the Queen Mother's arms, raised her head and kissed the old man on the face: "Grandma, the Queen Mother, you are so kind! Niu Niu likes Grandma the Queen Mother so much!"

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