Chapter 328: Cheating

The little girl's words shocked everyone.

"Niuniu actually knows so much?" The Queen Mother was still in the state of "my baby is the most powerful".

The emperor couldn't help but think more: "Your father actually knows how to solve cases?"

Niu Niu said: "I don't know if dad knows how to solve cases, but he told me many stories about solving cases, so he should understand."

The emperor hesitated for a moment, but did not say anything about asking Gu Mingda to come to help. After all, the matter involved the palace, and he did not want to involve foreign ministers if necessary.

"My dear, you have a family background, so let me test you, where should you start?" After the emperor said this, he immediately felt that he was really ill and sought medical treatment.

If it weren't for the fact that there was nothing he could do, he wouldn't have grabbed a six-year-old girl and asked him such a question.

Niu Niu did not think that the emperor was joking with her. She wanted to help the Queen Mother solve the problem. At this time, she tilted her head and asked: "Although I don't know how the Queen Mother was poisoned, she either ate it or was poisoned." If you smell it, you might have used something that shouldn’t be used.”

The emperor glanced at Qian Rongsheng.

Qian Rongsheng, who had been watching the whole process, hurriedly said: "Miss Gu, all the food used by the Queen Mother, as well as incense, etc., have been carefully checked to make sure nothing is missing."

Niu Niu glanced at Li Shunfu who was standing aside. It seemed that everyone in the palace called her "Miss Gu", and she still felt uncomfortable.

Li Shunfu naturally understood what the little girl was thinking, and told his colleagues on the spot: "Niuniu, what do you think is missing?"

Qian Rongsheng glanced at Li Shunfu in surprise.

Niuniu asked: "Have you really checked everything out?"

Qian Rongsheng: "This is natural. A lot of people checked it three times together, and there really is nothing more missing."

The emperor thought that Niu Niu would be helpless after hearing this.

Unexpectedly, the little girl frowned slightly. After a moment, she came close to the Queen Mother and asked in a low voice: "Grandma, the Queen Mother, have you ever secretly eaten or used anything behind other people's backs?"

When the Queen Mother heard this, she couldn't help laughing. She tapped the little girl's forehead with her hand and said, "Do you think it's you who is the Ai family? Do you often sneak snacks behind your parents' back at home?"

When Niu Niu heard this, a guilty conscience flashed across her face and she said, "Grandma, the Queen Mother, I am best friends with you. Please don't tell my parents about this!"

The Queen Mother liked Niu Niu, and even though she was enjoying this close atmosphere, she did not continue to embarrass the child and said, "Okay, okay, Aijia promises not to make any snitches on you."

Qian Rongsheng on the side seemed to have been reminded, and asked: "The Queen Mother, do you have anything that you occasionally eat or use in the past? Not commonly used, but you will use it when you think of it?"

When the Queen Mother heard this, she gently touched the temple on her forehead with her right hand, trying to remember, but she couldn't remember it for the moment.

The emperor looked at Li Fushun and Grandma Sun, whom the Empress Dowager relied on most. They were the only two people in the Shoukang Palace who had not been interrogated, and asked: "The Empress Dowager can't think of it at the moment. Could it be that you two personal servants also Can’t remember?”

Nanny Sun was the one who served more closely. She took the initiative and said, "To answer your Majesty's question, the Queen Mother occasionally takes the Soothing Decoction. During this period, the Queen Mother can sleep well at night. It has been a while since she took the Soothing Decoction."

Qian Rongsheng immediately said: "In response to your majesty, I checked Shoukang Palace three times and did not see the so-called soothing soup at all. The servants who served during the interrogation did not mention the soothing soup."

The emperor looked at Nanny Sun and asked: "Where is the soothing decoction? Where are the medicinal materials stored?" Nanny Sun quickly explained: "Your Majesty, you need to take some of this soothing decoction every time you need it. The Imperial Hospital will send you five packs at a time. Come here, I have used up all the medicine before, and I haven’t asked for it again, but Dr. Li personally prepares it every time. It is said that his prescription is different from others. The last time he took the medicine was a month and a half ago. "

It's been such a long time and it's normal to not think about it for a moment.

"Can the person responsible for brewing the medicine be interrogated?" the emperor asked.

Qian Rongsheng hurriedly said: "The person who prepared the medicine is also the key subject of interrogation, and nothing unusual was found."

Grandma Sun explained: "The little maid who used to make the medicine made a big mistake, so the old slave sent her away. Now the person in charge of making the medicine is the new little maid."

"What mistake?" asked the emperor.

Grandma Sun said: "The palace maid is always fond of cheating and cheating. She usually doesn't pay attention to things. She often boils even the medicine that the Queen Mother needs to use, so the old slave sends her to the clothes bureau."

From the Queen Mother's Shoukang Palace to the Huanyi Bureau, it can be said that he fell from heaven to hell. This punishment is quite severe.

Precisely because she was sent away a month ago, this investigation did not find her fault.

The emperor just glanced at Qian Rongsheng, and he immediately bowed and left.

Not long after, someone came over with the Queen Mother's pulse report from a month ago.

After several old doctors looked at it together, the emperor was a little disappointed with the results.

"Although the ratio of medical ingredients in Dr. Li's soothing decoction is quite different from others, the doctor should adjust the medicine according to the patient's actual condition, so it is not a big problem."

"Is it possible that Dr. Li mixed poison into the medicinal ingredients of this soothing soup to harm the Queen Mother?" Qian Rongsheng asked on behalf of the emperor.

When several imperial doctors heard this, they looked at each other.

"There are records of the medicinal materials coming in and out of the Tai Hospital. If obviously wrong medicinal materials were mixed in, someone should have discovered it long ago, unless he mixed the poison into powder and sprinkled it in the medicine bag. If the little palace maid who cooked the medicine was careless, she would have been discovered long ago. It’s really possible that he was slipped through,” Doctor Liu said.

Although the truth of this matter has not yet been determined, there is finally one more direction.

Half a day later, the testimony of the little palace maid who made the medicine also came out.

Although the little palace maid was careless, she also noticed that every time she boiled the medicine, there was a lot of white powder in the medicine bag.

It's just that because the soothing decoction contains Poria cocos, which can easily form white crumbs when scattered, no one has thought much about it.

Doctor Liu was taking advantage of the patient's illness to kill him, and hurriedly added: "Your Majesty, the medicinal materials used in the Imperial Hospital are all high-quality medicinal materials, and the Poria cocos used is very solid. The medicine used for the Queen Mother is also the best, and it is not so easy to loosen. powder."

The emperor did not avoid Niu Niu and said to Qian Rongsheng: "You have people interrogate Dr. Li again and deceive him."

Niu Niu immediately said: "I understand. In the case my father mentioned, it was only through deception that the stupid prisoner confessed."

The Queen Mother hugged Niu Niu, but she didn't expect that the six-year-old child could really help.

Niu Niu puffed up her belly and proudly brought up the past: "Grandma, Queen Mother, I told you early on that I can do a lot of things and help a lot!"

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