Chapter 342 I must have a child

Naturally, the Queen Mother immediately noticed something was wrong with the little girl and immediately asked: "Good boy, what's going on? Why does it look like the golden beans are about to drop? Who is bullying you? Tell grandma quickly."

As the Queen Mother spoke, her eyes sternly glanced around everyone. The palace people present were so frightened that they all knelt down as they dared not take the blame.

Niu Niu was not a person who wanted to let others suffer because of her, so she quickly explained: "Grandma, no one bullies me. I just..."

"Just what?" the Queen Mother asked.

Niuniu said with a disappointed face: "I just miss home."

Calculating the time, it has been ten days since Niu Niu entered the palace. The last time she stayed away from her parents for so long was when she lived with Sun Jiaxing and his wife in the Sun family.

The little girl under seven years old, far away from her parents and relatives, and encountered so many things after entering the palace, looked so pitiful that the Queen Mother felt very sad.

Li Fushun on the side thought that during this period, Niu Niu had been shouting "Uncle is long, uncle is short" all the time, and the little girl was cute and well-behaved. His cold heart had long melted into a ball. At this time, he took the initiative to get close to the Queen Mother and whispered: "My dear, it's easy for an adult to get sick from worry, let alone a child?"

The Queen Mother also felt sorry for Niu Niu, but she was unwilling to let her sweet baby leave her. It was not the time for Niu Niu to leave now.

Li Fushun continued: "Your Majesty, although it is inconvenient for Niuniu to leave the palace, you can invite Mrs. Gu and Mrs. Gu into the palace. There is no child who misses your mother. There will be a palace banquet the day after tomorrow, so why not give the Gu family a favor? ”

The Queen Mother immediately hugged Niu Niu and coaxed: "Tomorrow you have to study, and the emperor has agreed to let your father be your teacher. The day after tomorrow, I will let your mother and your grandmother come into the palace, and you can talk to each other, okay?"

When the little girl heard this, her eyes sparkled immediately and she held her face in her hands and said, "What a great day today is. We are blessed with double happiness. Thank you, Grandma the Queen Mother!"

After Niuniu finished speaking, she stretched her neck and kissed the Queen Mother's old face.

The Queen Mother immediately narrowed her eyes with joy and said casually: "If you miss your mother in the future, the Queen Mother will summon her to the palace!"

Niuniu was so happy that she wanted to cheer and said, "Then I want to see Mom and Aunt Liu every day! I also want to see my grandparents and brothers!"

The Queen Mother did not think this was a big deal.

On the other hand, Li Shunfu said: "My little aunt, my husband can't easily enter the harem. Even Mrs. Gu has to check her for a long time if she wants to come in. If you really want to see her every day, I'm afraid Mrs. Gu won't be able to do anything else." That’s it, I just want to enter the palace.”

Niu Niu suddenly lowered her head like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Seeing this situation, the Queen Mother couldn't help but feel worried, and glared at Li Fushun, as if blaming him for talking too much.

This is not the first time that the harem has brought children into the palace, but from the first time she prayed for blessings and recruited children, the Queen Mother has been very clear about the relevant rules. These children are not expected to go home after just one or two months as the outside world speculated. It needs to be raised for at least half a year. Only in this way can the mother-in-law give birth to a child.

No matter how much the Queen Mother felt sorry for Niu Niu, she would not break this rule.

Before her old man could think of words to coax the child, Niu Niu had already cheered up and asked: "Grandma the Queen Mother, is one of the queens pregnant so that I can go home?"

The Queen Mother was stunned when she heard this, because she had been disappointed too many times, and even this time, she actually didn't have high hopes.

But Li Fushun on the side immediately answered: "That's right! Niuniu is right. If you ladies are pregnant, it means that Niuniu has done a great thing!"

Niuniu nodded vigorously.

The Queen Mother was slightly relieved when she saw that the child did not continue to pester her family about entering the palace every day, and then said to Li Fushun: "The palace banquet the day after tomorrow should not only give grace to the Gu family, but also other families should not forget it, so as not to let people outside say The Ai family favors one over the other.”

The Queen Mother would naturally not take matters into her own hands. Li Shunfu responded respectfully, and seeing the look of exhaustion on the Queen Mother's face, he hurriedly said: "My Lady, you are still seriously ill and cannot work hard. How about taking a rest?"

The Queen Mother turned to look at Niu Niu. Niu Niu looked worried. She grabbed the Queen Mother's hand and said, "Grandma, the Queen Mother, you can't hold on when you are sick. You need to rest more!"

The Queen Mother smiled and nodded.

Niu Niu did not leave immediately. Instead, she watched the Queen Mother lying on the bed. The little girl acted like a little adult again: "Grandma, the Queen Mother, I will sing songs to lull you to sleep."

The Queen Mother wanted to say that since she got older, her sleep quality has not been very good. It has become very difficult to fall asleep at night, let alone sleeping during the day.

Occasionally she would get tired during the day, so she would just lie on the bed and rest with her eyes closed, unable to fall asleep at all.

Niuniu opened her mouth and hummed the ditty that Zhang Yunniang used to coax her to sleep.

The Queen Mother listened to the little girl humming in a low voice, and gradually fell into a deep sleep.

Li Fushun and Nanny Sun, the two people who served the Queen Mother closely, listened to the Queen Mother's even snores coming from the bed. They looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

As Niuniu sang, she felt a little sleepy.

The little girl didn't have much respect for others, so she took off her shoes on the spot and fell asleep next to the Queen Mother.

Li Fusheng and Grandma Sun hesitated for a moment. Neither of them acted like evildoers, but allowed their grandfather and grandson to lie together.

The queen mother, who was sleeping, seemed to have dreamed of something beautiful. She turned slightly sideways, put her long arms around the little girl, and held the little girl in her arms.

In the Gu family's residence, the servants around the Queen Mother were always attentive to their work, and they spread the news about attending the palace banquet the day after tomorrow on the same day.

Mrs. Gu didn't even dare to go to the banquet at the Duke's Mansion. She was so anxious that she was like an ant on a hot pot.

Zhang Yuniang comforted her at the side: "Mother, the banquet given by the palace is a gift. No one will make things difficult for you. Besides, don't you miss Niu Niu very much at home?"

Mrs. Gu shook her head vigorously: "Those ladies are all very difficult to deal with, how could they not make things difficult for me? I don't know any etiquette, and I will only cause trouble for you when I go in. If someone laughs at Lao Er and Niuniu because of this, that's it. It's my fault!"

Mrs. Gu's attitude was very resolute. She would never let herself become an excuse for others to attack the children.

Seeing her like this, Zhang Yuniang had no choice but to say: "If you really don't want to go, I will find a reason to fool you."

Mrs. Gu immediately said: "Just say I'm sick..."

As soon as these words were spoken, Mrs. Gu was afraid that Niuniu in the palace would be worried, so she changed her words and said, "Just say I have a headache. It's because I didn't sleep well at night. My complexion is too can't say I'm sick!"

Zhang Yunniang nodded helplessly.

In the palace, the Queen Mother, who had not taken a nap for more than ten years, actually slept for less than half an hour. When she woke up from her sleep, her face was still full of confusion.

The little girl in his arms was sleeping soundly, with a suspicious glint hanging from the corner of her mouth.

"Child! You must give me a child!" Niu Niu shouted to someone in her dream.

When the Queen Mother heard this, her heart skipped a beat.

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