Chapter 36 The whole situation

Liu Xiaoru felt extremely embarrassed when she heard this.

Zhang Yunniang gently patted the back of her hand, then handed her the broom on the side and said, "Don't be afraid, you can beat her, and your husband seems to have a good face. If mother and son attack together, you will He ran towards the yard and the louder he screamed, the less he dared to do anything."

Liu Xiaoru suddenly felt like she had a backbone, she took the broom, gritted her teeth and walked out.

When Zhang Yuniang saw Liu Xiaoru's abnormality, she asked Gu Mingda to take Niu Niu to play in the yard. At this time, Niu Niu was still asking Gu Mingda: "Dad, what is a little whore?"

Gu Mingda's head was pounding. He glanced at Mrs. Wang who was still swearing unkindly, then turned around and said to his daughter with gentle eyes: "This is a curse word, Niuniu, don't learn it."

Niu Niu nodded in understanding and said, "This old lady is bad!"

Gu Mingda touched her little head and thought of how Liu Xiaoru had been crying so hard before, he said, "Niuniu is so amazing, she can even help adults."

After hearing this, Niu Niu suddenly looked proud, picked up the stick on the side and said, "I can also help beat the bad guys! Don't allow this old lady to scold my aunt!"

As he said this, the little girl, who was not as tall as the others, rushed out with a stick to beat Mrs. Wang.

Gu Mingda hurriedly stopped her and hugged her: "My little ancestor, how tall are you, and you're going to beat up bad guys?"

Niuniu has always been obedient. After being stopped by him, she didn't struggle and said angrily: "Okay, let's wait until I grow up!"

When Gu Mingda heard this, he couldn't help but laugh out loud. His heart was melted by the cuteness of his sweet and soft daughter, and he praised: "Our sweet baby is so awesome!"

Gu Zhao on the side looked at his father, then at his sister, snatched the stick from his sister's hand, and said: "I am a man, I am more powerful! Daddy, please praise me!"

But he had barely taken two steps when he was grabbed by Gu Mingda.

The good daughter was confused, so Gu Mingda moved gently for fear of getting hurt.

Gu Mingda's actions were simple and rough when his son was acting clumsy. He directly grabbed him by the collar of his clothes. The neck of the clumsy boy was red from the stranglehold, and he was hung in the air with his legs still beating vigorously.

Although the two little brats who wanted to help did not take action, Mrs. Wang was forced to stop cursing.

Zhang Yunniang's original intention was to make Liu Xiaoru remember to resist and not to always submit.

But unexpectedly, Liu Xiaoru, who went out with a broom, hit Mrs. Wang with red eyes and waved the broom the moment she saw her.

Mrs. Wang almost thought she had misjudged the person. Is this person who danced so powerfully on the broom really her daughter-in-law, and not Zhang Yunniang, who had a bad temper before?

If their faces were covered, who could tell Liu Xiaoru and Zhang Yuniang apart?

"You little whore, you are so rebellious, you even dare to beat your own mother-in-law! Aren't you afraid that I will go to the government office to sue the officials, saying that you are unfilial and rebellious?" Mrs. Wang shouted jumping on her feet.

Liu Xiaoru was really frightened by her, and her hand holding the broom paused slightly.

But Zhang Yunniang suddenly said: "Granny Wang, your son is a scholar. If he really files a lawsuit, will it affect the government officials' impression of him and think that he is not strict in running the family?"

These seemingly kind words seemed to remind Mrs. Wang, but in reality they reminded Liu Xiaoru.

Liu Xiaoru perked up and hit Mrs. Wang again with the broom.

The people living in the house never expected that they could watch two lively events in one day!

But this time the fight was not between two unrelated women, but the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law. It was inevitable that someone would gossip and point at Liu Xiaoru.

"It's common for mothers-in-law to hit their daughters-in-law, but it's really rare for a daughter-in-law to hit her mother-in-law here."

"The daughter-in-law of the Wang family is really ignorant. She is not afraid of thunder and lightning when she beats her elders."

Listening to these voices, Liu Xiaoru wanted to refute, but she was stupid and didn't know what to say.

Zhang Yunniang spoke at this time and said: "Grandma Wang, why do you keep shouting like a prostitute? Your daughter-in-law is an innocent and honest person, working as a cow and horse for your family. How uncomfortable it is to hear such slander. , aren’t you also throwing dirt on your son by saying this? No wonder your daughter-in-law wants to beat you.”

"Hey, if I meet someone I can't think of, I'm afraid I'm going to throw myself into a well now."

Liu Xiaoru's eyes lit up and she opened her mouth: "Mom, in order to support my husband in studying, I stayed up late doing embroidery work and doing housework day and night until my eyes went blind. You actually called me a prostitute? What are you trying to do? Force me to die, I won't live anymore!" Liu Xiaoru said "I won't live anymore", but she didn't stop moving her hands. She was already a head taller than her mother-in-law, and now she didn't have any scruples, so she beat Mrs. Wang. Crying for father and mother.

Niu Niu and Gu Zhao looked at this situation with excited faces. Niu Niu waved her fists and couldn't help but sigh: "This aunt is so powerful, she turns out to be so good at fighting!"

Gu Mingda took the two younger ones and walked to Zhang Yunniang's side, reminding her in a low voice: "Yunniang, this woman called her daughter-in-law a whore. Her daughter-in-law just stayed in our house."

Zhang Yuniang had not thought of this before. After being reminded by her husband, she picked up a feather duster from the house and rushed towards Mrs. Wang, shouting:

"How dare you slander my husband-in-law! Your wife has been talking to me just now, and my husband-in-law has been taking care of the children in the yard. How dare you throw dirty water on my husband-in-law! I will fight you!"

The onlookers didn't find Zhang Yuniang's expression of eagerness to protect her husband too inconsistent.

On the contrary, the two young daughters-in-law nodded empathetically: "If you say a few words to other women, your mother-in-law will call you a little whore. Mrs. Wang's mouth really deserves a beating!"

"Yes, Mr. Gu has been taking care of the children in the yard. When Granny Wang came, she couldn't see her. Why did she have the nerve to scold someone for stealing! It's really too much!"

As Zhang Yunniang joined, the public opinion in the courtyard immediately began to accuse Mrs. Wang.

Mrs. Wang was held down and beaten by two young women, and she once again let out a roar like a slaughtering pig.

But no matter how loud she screamed, even people from other courtyards heard the sound and came to watch the fun. However, her good son Wang Yaozu was still "reading hard" in the room with a book, without any intention of standing up for his mother. mean.

Mrs. Wang could only run away in a hurry again. Before she left, her hair was messy and she had a bald patch on the top of her head. She didn’t know who had torn it off in the chaos. There were several blood marks on her face and her coat was torn.

Thanks to the fact that it was late autumn now, she wore more clothes, otherwise Mrs. Wang would have gone back with her arms exposed.

Liu Xiaoru had worked hard to clean up her mother-in-law for so long, and she was already out of breath. Even if she didn't want to go back to that home, she couldn't stay with someone else forever. She held the broom, glanced at Zhang Yuniang, and walked resolutely towards the backyard.

Mrs. Wang returned to her rented house in a state of embarrassment, expecting her son to say a few words of distress.

Unexpectedly, Wang Yaozu's face sank and he accused: "I asked you to call people back, why did you go out to fight with others again?"

This house is full of children who are rushing to take the exam. Although Wang Yaozu has always prided himself on being very knowledgeable, he also has to guard against anyone passing the exam, so that such people can become his connections in the future.

Wang Yaozu was already very dissatisfied with his mother before. Even if she was beaten and beaten in his own house, he would fight with others when he went out, which made his face disgraceful.

Mrs. Wang shrank her neck and said, "It's your wife who is causing the trouble! She got involved with Gu Tongsheng's wife in front of her and didn't plan to go home! I was so angry that I wanted to argue with her, but... I didn’t expect your wife to be so courageous that she would hit me when she saw her. Look, she hit me all over my body!”

Mrs. Wang downplayed everything and put all the blame on her daughter-in-law.

Liu Xiaoru listened outside the house and rushed in angrily with a broom in hand: "You slander me again! You are forcing me to die, I can't live anymore!"

Mrs. Wang was already very experienced. She hurriedly avoided the broom the moment she saw it. However, she forgot to pull her son. Wang Yaozu had never faced such a chaotic scene. He was hit on the head and face and screamed in pain on the spot.

This made Mrs. Wang very distressed. She shouted "my son" on the spot and held Wang Yaozu in her arms to comfort her.

"Ms. Liu, are you crazy? You even dare to hit your husband, you are really rebelling against nature!" Mrs. Wang accused.

Wang Yaozu had never suffered like this. He usually took it for fun to watch his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law fight, but now that the blame had fallen on him, Wang Yaozu's anger increased and he stared at Liu Xiaoru fiercely, wishing to eat her alive.

When Liu Xiaoru saw this look, she was frightened and finally sadly convinced that her husband was really the kind of wolf who would kill his wife.

Anyway, she was being plotted, and sooner or later she would break up. After giving up on her husband, Liu Xiaoru had no worries anymore. She slammed the broom at her husband and shouted: "You are also facing your mother, you also think that I You are not a woman! Who have I worked so hard for?"

The mother and son hugged each other, and now they were facing each other.

Wang Yaozu straightened up from Mrs. Wang's arms and reached out to pull the broom in Liu Xiaoru's hand.


Wang Yaozu pulled the broom several times, but Liu Xiaoru still held it tightly in his hand.

Liu Xiaoru also didn't expect that she was stronger than her husband!

(End of chapter)

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