Chapter 369 Giving birth to an ugly baby

 Wang's concubines were suddenly as big as one with two heads.

Although she loved Song Miaomiao, she couldn't make the decision on such a big matter.

"I'll go back and ask your majesty, my concubine, to let your mother come into the palace to meet you, okay?" Wang Concubine asked gently.

Song Miaomiao felt that this was different from what she had expected at the beginning. She asked aggrievedly: "Can't you let me leave the palace?"

Wang Concubine shook her head helplessly.

Song Miaomiao asked again: "Let my mother live in the palace for a while?"

"A foreigner's wife can enter the palace to pay respects, but she is not allowed to stay without any reason."

Concubine Wang just watched the light in Song Miaomiao's eyes go out. She felt heartbroken and said: "Although your mother can't enter the palace to stay with you for a while, if you want to eat or play, my mother and concubine can do it." Can I make arrangements for you?"

In the past, Song Miaomiao would have jumped with joy when she heard this, but now her heart was filled with thoughts of her mother who could not enter the palace to accompany her. She shook her head and continued to shed tears: "I just want my parents..."

Concubine Wang didn't know what to do.

Niuniu and Qin Jingshu were on either side of Song Miaomiao, helping her wipe away her tears.

"Hey." Niu Niu suddenly said.

Concubine Wang immediately asked: "What's wrong?"

Concubine Wang was afraid that Song Miaomiao would feel uncomfortable again.

Niu Niu looked at Song Miaomiao, then at Qin Jingshu, then turned her head and said to Concubine Wang: "Sister Miaomiao sheds more tears on the left side, how strange it is."

Wang Concubine originally thought it was a big deal, but she didn't expect it was just a kid's joke.

However, Qin Jingshu seriously raised the veil, brought it to Niuniu, and said, "It's true, there are so few tears on the right side, and the veil is just a little wet."

Song Miaomiao, who was originally full of thoughts that "no one in this indifferent palace really cares about me" couldn't bear to cry while watching the discussion between the two friends.

"Why is this happening? Isn't my right eye sad enough?" Song Miaomiao asked.

Niu Niu stared at Song Miaomiao with an inquiring look on her face, looked at her eyes and said, "Your left eye seems to be more beautiful."

Qin Jingshu also looked at it carefully, and then nodded: "Niuniu is right."

Even the concubine Wang was attracted by the child's words. After looking at it carefully, she said: "The left eye is brighter and clearer."

Song Miaomiao was so old that she never knew that her eyes were different. People around her could see her eyes, but she couldn't, and she suddenly became very anxious.

Fortunately, the maids in the room were quite sensible and delivered the bronze mirror to her in the shortest possible time.

"It seems that the left eye is indeed prettier." Song Miaomiao looked at it carefully, and now she thought so too.

Niu Niu's face was full of words but she hesitated.

Song Miaomiao became anxious and immediately asked: "What's wrong?"

Niu Niu said with a hint of confusion: "If the two eyes are always different, will it become more and more obvious?"

Song Miaomiao was stunned.

Niu Niu continued: "Although your left eye is very beautiful, it is not the same and it still looks a bit weird."

Qin Jingshu added another comment: "My second brother's eyes are different, so everyone thinks he is not as good-looking as my eldest brother." Song Miaomiao had met Qin Jingshu's two brothers, and Qin Er was famous for his incompetence. , the person also looked a bit ugly compared to the glorious Qin Jing.

Song Miaomiao cried "Wow" and said, "I don't want my eyes to be different! I don't want to be an ugly girl!"

At this time, the concubine Wang just felt like pressing the gourd and lifting the gourd. The good news was that her adopted daughter finally left the palace and went home without making any fuss. The bad news was that she started to cry goodbye.

"Miao Miao Guai, you are not an ugly girl. Even if your eyes are asymmetrical, you are still the most beautiful girl. I have never seen a more beautiful girl than you." Concubine Wang coaxed softly.

Song Miaomiao stopped crying and looked at the bronze mirror in front of her, but the next second she saw Niu Niu and Qin Jingshu looking at her from left to right.

"Wow! The concubine is lying!" Song Miaomiao started crying again.

Wang Concubine:?

"Niuniu and Jingshu are both prettier than me! You're just kidding!" Song Miaomiao shouted.

Concubine Wang did not expect that Song Miaomiao would be unexpectedly difficult to coax.

"I'm finished. My eyes are different. I'll get uglier and uglier in the future. I can only find an ugly husband when I get married and give birth to a bunch of ugly dolls! Wow, wow, wow! I don't want ugly dolls!"

When everyone heard this, they looked at Song Miaomiao in surprise. Could it be that what she fears most is giving birth to an ugly baby? It's really strange what a child focuses on.

Niu Niu reached out and patted Song Miaomiao and said, "Stop crying, let's find a solution together!"

Niu Niu had just saved Song Miaomiao's life. She was still very convinced of Niu Niu. She stopped crying and asked with sobs: "Is there really any way? I really don't want to give birth to a bunch of ugly babies."

Niu Niu patted her belly and said, "Don't worry, a doctor will definitely be able to solve the problem of your right eye and make sure your left and right eyes look equally good."

Song Miaomiao immediately nodded as if grasping a life-saving straw: "Yes, the doctor can definitely solve it! I will definitely not give birth to an ugly baby!"

Concubine Wang was relieved to see that her adopted daughter finally stopped crying and completely settled down.

Niuniu also stood up and said goodbye: "It's getting late, I have to go back."

Qin Jingshu also wanted to leave.

Song Miaomiao was anxious: "Can you stay with me more?"

Niu Niu said: "It's time to eat. You've been crying all morning. Aren't you tired and hungry?"

After being reminded like this, Song Miaomiao felt tired and hungry.

Concubine Wang immediately came forward to invite: "Niuniu, Jingshu, would you like to stay with me for lunch? After lunch, the three of you can take a nap together."

Song Miaomiao immediately looked at the two of them eagerly.

Niu Niu shook her head and said, "The Queen Mother is waiting for me to take a nap with her, otherwise she won't be able to sleep."

This was the first time Wang Bin heard about this, and she couldn't help but feel a little envious. After all, she also suffered from insomnia. She couldn't help but wonder, is it easier to fall asleep with her children?

It happened that at this time, the person who picked up the child from Shoukang Palace was also waiting in the yard, and Song Miaomiao could only send the person away with a look of reluctance.

"It's hot, so you should avoid running outside, and you can't even go to the water. Remember?"

The Queen Mother had faithfully implemented the rule of "no words when eating and no words when sleeping" all her life, but after Niu Niu entered the palace, she threw all the rules and propriety behind. At the dinner table, she was picking up food for her children while chattering endlessly. With.

Niu Niu was also far more well-behaved than ordinary children. Even when the Queen Mother repeated her words like a wheel, she was not impatient at all.

"Grandma, don't worry. I know that there are water ghosts in the water. They will grab children by their ankles and drag them into the water. As long as they find a substitute, they can be reincarnated." Niu Niu said crisply.

The Queen Mother raised her eyebrows and couldn't help but ask: "Your parents taught you this too. They taught you this. Aren't you afraid that you will be frightened?"

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