Chapter 375 Change

Li Zhaoyi asked Miss Li San to go to the palace to recruit children and pray for blessings, originally to gather the number of people and to prove that her Li family was no different from those high-ranking families in the capital.

She didn't expect that this accidental move would turn out to be her life-saving straw.

"Good boy, my aunt is counting on you now, and our Li family all depends on you." Li Zhaoyi put his high hats on his niece's head one after another.

Miss Li San has followed her aunt as a role model since she was a child. She also wants to be the glory of the family. Now that she has a heavy responsibility, she immediately looks like she is honored.

Liu Xiaoru's wedding day came in a blink of an eye. Niu Niu didn't need anyone to remind her and got up early in the morning.

"I don't see you getting up early on weekdays, but today I didn't need anyone to remind me. The little lazy pig changed gender on its own." The Queen Mother joked with a smile.

A look of embarrassment appeared on Niu Niu's face and she said, "I thought about getting up early, but I actually got up early!"

The Queen Mother praised: "No wonder they say you are a little lucky star. It can be seen that you get whatever you want."

Niu Niu tilted her head and asked: "Grandma, Queen Mother, can I leave the palace directly now?"

"You don't need breakfast?" the Queen Mother asked.

Niu Niu shook her head and said: "I made an agreement with my father yesterday that I will eat the family's wontons this morning. My family must be waiting for me."

When the Queen Mother heard this, she immediately lost all other opinions and said, "Okay, don't miss this."

Niu Niu stood up and said goodbye to the Queen Mother.

The old man pretended again and said, "You are a good boy. Since you like your Aunt Liu so much, the Ai family should also give her a big favor."

No matter how Niu Niu asked, the Queen Mother always looked mysterious.

When she saw Shen Ling and Niu Niu leaving the palace with her own eyes, the Queen Mother couldn't help but sigh and said, "The Shoukang Palace was originally bustling, but now that Niu Niu has left, it feels like it's mostly empty."

Grandma Sun smiled and said: "My dear, Niuniu left the palace in the morning and came back in the evening. She has always been filial. Are you still afraid that she will not come back after leaving the palace?"

How could the Queen Mother not be afraid, but she also knew in her heart that the Gu family outside the palace was the family that Niu Niu considered in her heart.

"Are everyone in the Li family ready to watch?" the Queen Mother asked.

Grandma Sun said immediately: "Don't worry, people are stationed everywhere in the Li family to keep an eye on them. If there is any abnormal behavior, they will be noticed immediately."

The Queen Mother nodded.

Grandma Sun complimented her again: "My Lady, you are very thoughtful. Instead of just blocking Li San from leaving the palace, you might as well lead the snake out of the hole and see what this big family wants to do."

The Queen Mother said: "Only those who work as thieves all the time, and no one can guard against thieves all the time. If Li Zhaoyi stays in the harem for one more day, the Ai family will always be worried about it. The emperor will not be willing to deal with such a poisonous snake no matter what." She is really obsessed with it.”

Grandma Sun said: "Don't worry, as long as we can find the whereabouts of the Li family, Your Majesty will definitely find his way back."

The Queen Mother sighed and said, "I hope so."

Grandma Sun just wanted to bow and retreat.

The Queen Mother suddenly said: "Take off half of the ice basin in the corner."

The Queen Mother didn't know if Niu Niu's departure had taken away the joy in Shoukang Palace. At this time, she only felt that the ice basin was used too much, and the cold feeling in Shoukang Palace was very permeating.

As soon as Niu Niu came out of the palace, she immediately saw her father and mother standing in a distance outside a few carriages.

The little girl immediately rushed to her parents like a swallow in the forest.

"Dad, Mom!" The last time Zhang Yuniang saw the little girl was at the palace banquet. It has been more than 20 days. At that time, there were many people and the time for the two of them to spend time together was limited.

Now holding her precious daughter in her arms, Zhang Yunniang suddenly felt extremely at ease.

"younger sister!"

Hearing this voice, Niu Niu looked towards the carriage.

Brothers Gu Yan and Gu Zhao lifted the curtain of the carriage and looked at Niu Niu with smiles on their faces.

"Big brother and third brother!" Niu Niu said excitedly.

Xie Xingchuan, who was behind the brothers, didn't hear him being called. He was leaning against the wall of the carriage, but he silently stretched his head forward to ensure that the little girl could see him.

"Brother Xingchuan!" Niu Niu shouted happily.

The corner of Xie Xingchuan's mouth just raised, but as if he had reacted, he immediately suppressed it and turned it into a slight nod.

"I miss you so much! One day without seeing you is like three autumns apart. I haven't seen you for more than a month, and it feels like I have been separated from you for hundreds of years!" Niu Niu stretched out her hands and gestured hard.

Everyone present couldn't help laughing when they heard this.

"My dear, have you missed me?" Shen Changfeng's voice sounded from another carriage.

"Brother Changfeng, you came to pick me up today!" Niu Niu's eyes were full of surprise.

"It's not just me, there are many people here!" Shen Changfeng said.

After a while, everyone in the carriage behind them poked their heads out.

Niu Niu looked over one after another. Not only did Shen Changfeng come, but the Sun family's godfather and godmother also came with Changshou. Only Father Gu and Mrs. Gu did not come.

Zhang Yuniang explained: "Your grandparents want to stay with your Aunt Liu at home. She originally wanted to come over, but she is a bride after all and cannot go out casually. It was only after we persuaded her."

"Niuniu feels so happy, everyone came to pick me up!" Niuniu expressed her inner thoughts happily.

Gu Mingda touched the little girl's forehead and said, "Who makes you the most important treasure in our family?"

Niuniu raised her little head proudly.

When riding the carriage back home, Niu Niu kept opening the carriage curtain and looking outside. Maybe she had stayed in the palace for too long. Even the scenery she had seen in the past, she felt that she couldn't get enough of it, and everything she saw felt fresh.

"My dear, tell me, what is it like in the palace? Is it more fun than other places? Does the Queen Mother really love you so much? Does she give you whatever you want?"

As soon as he got on the carriage, Gu Zhao asked a series of questions.

When Niu Niu heard this, she immediately shook her head: "The palace is not good at all. There are classes at a fixed time every day, and you can't go shopping or help grandma. It's so boring."

When Gu Zhao heard this, he felt a little sorry for his sister: "I thought you would be blessed by entering the palace, but I didn't expect that your life would be harder than mine."

But Niuniu added: "There are still a lot of delicious food in the palace. Whatever I want to eat, the Queen Mother will ask the imperial kitchen to cook it for me."

Gu Zhao became envious again and said, "If I really could eat what I like every day, I would be willing to enter the palace!"

When Niu Niu heard this, her eyes lit up: "Brother, can we swap? I'll go study with old doctor Yan, and you stay in the palace for me!"

Gu Zhao took a bite of his food, and his face actually showed emotion.

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