Chapter 383 Determination of Responsibilities

No one else knew Li Xuan, but Concubine Xian knew him.

There were many gatherings of royal family members, and Concubine Xian often saw this child. It was really because the child had such a good appearance that it was difficult to forget.

"Okay, why did it fall like this? Quickly, send people to the nearest palace first, and then ask an imperial doctor to come over." After Concubine Xian stepped forward to take charge, the chaos in the scene was also stopped.

The little palace maid serving Xian Fei wanted to help Li Xuan up.

Niu Niu said quickly: "He won't let the palace maid hold him."

Concubine Xian immediately signaled to the **** beside her.

In the end, the injured Li Xuan was carried to the nearest palace by the **** beside Concubine Xian.

"He was hit by me, and I'm sorry for him." Niuniu said proactively.

Li Xuan didn't mean to blame Niu Niu, and said, "It's what I was thinking about. I didn't look carefully when I was walking. I can't blame you."

Niu Niu still insisted: "But you are the one who was injured. I have nothing wrong with you. You must blame me."

Li Xuan defended: "It's not like who is the victim based on who is injured. This has nothing to do with you. A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. It is because I was not careful enough."

Niu Niu tilted her head and said, "You are so strange. Why do you always take the responsibility on yourself?"

Li Xuan said in a matter-of-fact tone: "This is the fact, and I am not biased in any way."

Niuniu shook her head: "Neither of us saw each other, nor did we pay attention to the people who might suddenly come out at the intersection, so no matter how you calculate it, the responsibility of both of us should be 50-50."

Li Xuan added: "You are a woman, and as a man, I have to be polite, so there is nothing wrong with putting all the responsibilities on me."

When Concubine Xian and Qin Jingshu heard this, they couldn't help but feel good about Li Xuan. Concubine Xian even praised him: "You are a gentleman at such a young age."

Only Niuniu said: "What about women? Why can't women take responsibility?"

Li Xuan used his long-standing knowledge to tell Niu Niu: "Women are weak, and we men should be more generous."

Niu Niu actually didn't realize where she was weak until now, and said: "But I don't think I'm weaker than you. We collided and you were the one injured. No matter how you calculate it, you should be the weaker one. "

Li Xuan:…

Although Li Xuan has all kinds of weird problems, his debating skills have always been good. He just feels that he may not be able to speak well to the Gu family, which is why he is dumbfounded by the Gu family every time. Word.

Qin Jingshu, as Niu Niu's friend and her unconditional teammate, nodded vigorously at this time: "Niu Niu is the most powerful!"

When Niuniu heard this, she puffed out her belly with a hint of pride: "I think I'm pretty awesome too."

Only Concubine Xian thinks that the current situation is a bit strange. Isn't it discussing who is the victim and who is the perpetrator? Why did it suddenly become a comparison of who is more powerful?

Li Xuan took a deep breath and said: "The comparison between men and women is not a comparison between you and me, but a comparison between all men and women. I admit that I may be hurt because I am not as good as you, but it must not be the case for others."

But Niuniu said: "But I am younger than you, and you can't even compare to me. How can you prove that other men can compare to other women?"

Li Xuan:…

"Besides, you said that other people are definitely not like this. Have you ever compared them? If you haven't compared them, does that mean you lied?" Niuniu asked.

Li Xuan pursed his lips tightly, and the expression on his face changed uncertainly. He only felt that a year or two had passed, and as if he had figured it out, he reluctantly stood up and saluted Niu Niu. "It's because of my narrow-minded speech that I have been taught a lesson." Li Xuan said.

Niu Niu opened her big innocent eyes and said, "I thought you would refute me with the fact that men are walking outside now, while women can only stay at home."

Li Xuan shook his head and said: "There are women who stay in the inner house and some who walk outside. Stabilizing the inner house is not necessarily worse than walking outside."

When Concubine Xian heard this, she gave Li Xuan a high look. At a young age, he looked like a rigid gentleman on the surface, but he was an enlightened person on the inside.

Niuniu said: "It's my responsibility if you are injured. I will help take care of you recently."

Li Xuan looked at the little boy in front of him who was not taller than him and said, "How can you help take care of me?"

"What do you need?" Niuniu asked.

Li Xuan shook his head and said: "I can take care of myself. Even if something is inappropriate, there are still servants in the palace."

Niu Niu sighed and said, "It seems like I can't really help you."

Li Xuan added: "You don't have to keep thinking about how to help me. I don't blame you."

However, Niu Niu was not comforted by such a simple matter. The little girl put her chin in her hands and frowned, thinking carefully about how she could help.

Not long after, the imperial doctor came belatedly carrying a medical kit.

Li Xuan didn't have any broken bones, just a few broken skin and bruises. The reason why he was red was because he fell to the ground, not because of bruises.

After the imperial doctor treated his wounds, he prescribed a few more medicines and left.

"Mother Xian, I have to take riding and shooting lessons in the morning. Could you please send someone to **** me there?" Li Xuan said.

Concubine Xian was surprised when she heard that he was still going to class and said, "You are so injured, I will send someone to help you ask for leave from the master."

Li Xuan was unwilling to miss out on his homework.

Niu Niu said at the side: "If you feel uncomfortable, but you force yourself to take riding and shooting lessons, wouldn't it be more serious if you accidentally fall off the horse? By then, more homework will be delayed."

When Li Xuan heard this, he no longer bothered about class.

Concubine Xian asked the maid to help Li Xuan apply for leave, and then asked her **** to send Li Xuan back to the prince's residence.

"I will send someone else to take care of him. Don't think too much about it, you two, it's still important to go to class." Concubine Xian personally sent the two little girls outside Baisun Courtyard.

After tossing for so long, it was already past the time for class. Gu Mingda looked at the two empty seats and didn't worry too much. When he saw the person finally arrived, and listened to the palace maid's quick talk about the cause and effect, Gu Mingda endured and waited until get out of class was over. Then he carefully checked whether Niuniu was injured.

"It's good that you weren't hurt. Daddy is really afraid that you got bumped." Gu Mingda said softly.

Niu Niu said: "Neither of us looked at the road, but brother Li Xuan was seriously injured, and I still feel very sorry."

The little girl's guilty expression made Gu Mingda, a father, extremely distressed.

"If you are really worried about him, you can give him more food suitable for healing." Gu Mingda comforted him.

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