Chapter 391 Another one fell

The lights of Shoukang Palace were on all night.

The child was unconscious from the morning until the evening, and never opened his eyes. The Queen Mother was so anxious that she could not help but feel anxious.

"This is not normal..."

The imperial doctors gathered together and all looked at each other.

They had never encountered such a situation before. The child's pulse looked like it was burning, but it didn't seem to be quite the case.

Logically speaking, the little girl should have woken up long ago, but there was no movement at all.

"The Queen Mother, Dr. Yan said that you can try acupuncture." Li Shunfu conveyed Dr. Yan's words to the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother frowned. She couldn't sleep all night. If Niu Niu was a good person, the Queen Mother would not want others to put two needles in Niu Niu's body.

But seeing that the little girl had been unconscious for so long and still didn't look like she was about to wake up, the Queen Mother just looked at the person lying there with her eyes closed and her face pale, and she felt extremely distressed.

Seeing that his master seemed unable to make a decision, Li Shunfu whispered from the side: "The Queen Mother, this child has not had any water or rice at noon and at night. What should I do if such a small child doesn't eat?"

The Queen Mother gritted her teeth and said, "That's all, let Dr. Yan give it a try first and get two injections to see what the reaction is."

Old Doctor Yan and Niu Niu were old acquaintances. Today, the palace suddenly sent someone to Baiyun Town to invite him into the palace.

He thought he would be treating the illnesses of the emperor and concubines in the palace, but he never expected to see Niu Niu lying unconscious on the bed. He and Gu Zhao had been together for several months, and he couldn't help but think about it. Fortunately, his apprentice was still alive. I don’t know about my sister’s illness.

If Gu Zhao knew about it, he wouldn't know how to get angry in a hurry.

Old Doctor Yan thought about the various problems that the Gu family had encountered during this period, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart about the troubled times.

Acupuncture is a helpless method to wake him up.

It was just that Dr. Yan used the usual method of injecting needles to wake up other comatose patients, but Niu Niu had no reaction.

"That shouldn't be the case. This is really weird."

A group of old doctors couldn't sleep well all night. At this time, they felt that the state surrounding Niu Niu was extremely weird.

"If even acupuncture can't wake the person up, I really don't know what to do." An imperial doctor lamented.

A group of almost the best doctors in this dynasty gathered together, and they couldn't do anything to the current Niu Niu.

Concubine Shun stayed until late last night. Finally, the emperor and the queen mother were afraid that something would happen to her, so they urged her to go back to the palace to rest. She came here again early this morning.

Seeing that Niu Niu still had her eyes closed, she felt extremely anxious. She had no choice but to say to the Queen Mother: "The Queen Mother, please let the Gu family enter the palace, or let Niu Niu out of the palace. If she hasn't eaten for a day, I feel that her Most of the flesh on my cheeks is gone.”

The Queen Mother followed Concubine Shun's gaze and saw that Niu Niu's originally chubby little face had turned into a sharp lump after a day and night of tossing. The Queen Mother's heart ached with pain.

Although she is not her biological child, she has long felt that she is no different from her biological granddaughter.

But the Queen Mother turned her head, her eyes fell on Concubine Shun's belly, and she felt very embarrassed. Dr. Yan listened to the conversation between the two and asked: "The Queen Mother, did Niuniu have any knots in her heart before she fell into coma?"

The Queen Mother had no choice but to speak out Niu Niu's appeal, and she did not forget to express her own difficulties: "People recruit children to pray for blessings, but at least they have to wait until their own children are born before they are willing to let them go home. The Ai family is now in a difficult situation, and I feel heartbroken. Niuniu, I’m afraid that Concubine Shun will have a bad pregnancy.”

Old Doctor Yan stroked his beard and asked: "Since according to your statement, Concubine Shun's child was brought in by Niu Niu, does Niu Niu deny that Concubine Shun is the adoptive mother?"

The Queen Mother shook her head, and Concubine Shun said from the side: "Niuniu never recognized me as her adoptive mother, she always called me sister."

Dr. Yan continued: "The reason why people pray for children is because some parents may be destined to have no children, but many children are destined to have younger siblings, so they can help bring children to couples who have not been pregnant for a long time."

Concubine Shun has always been a woman with a relatively simple mind. She was born beautiful, and her family wanted her to enter the palace to gain wealth. Even if she was unwilling, she would accept it after a few words of coaxing from the family.

After entering the palace, she accidentally fell into other people's schemes. It was only because of Niu Niu that she could live a good life now, and it was even because of Niu Niu that she was able to become a concubine through pregnancy. She was grateful to Niu Niu and liked Niu Niu very much.

In her opinion, the best way to treat someone well is to let that person get what they want. Now she is trying her best to make Niu Niu realize her request, even if this request may hurt herself.

"Empress Dowager, since Niu Niu has not called me mother, the child in my belly should not be affected by Niu Niu leaving the palace." Concubine Shun tried to persuade the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother only felt that she was too young, frowned and said, "Concubine Shun, don't be willful."

Concubine Shun faced the Queen Mother's stern eyes. Although she was scared, she still mustered up the courage and continued:

"Empress Dowager, Niu Niu is unconscious now because she is worried about her family. Maybe she will wake up as soon as she is told that she can go home to be with her family. My child was born because of her luck. If Niu Niu Is she still lucky if she remains in a coma?"

Concubine Shun's meaning is obvious. A comatose Fuwa cannot even protect herself, so how can she be called a Fuwa?

But the Queen Mother was still unwilling to take such a big risk. After all, the child in Concubine Shun's belly might be the future owner of the country.

Old Doctor Yan sighed and said: "The Queen Mother, after taking the medicine and taking the injection, the child still hasn't woken up. It must be because of the unresolved knot in his heart."

Old Doctor Yan could only hint and did not dare to speak out like Concubine Shun.

At this moment, Concubine Shun suddenly frowned and clutched her stomach with a look of pain on her face.

"My concubine's stomach hurts..."

Concubine Shun's words immediately changed the Queen Mother's expression.

"Quick! Diagnose her pulse quickly! The Ai family's grandson can't make any mistakes!" the Queen Mother urged urgently.

There were many imperial doctors waiting in Shoukang Palace. After hearing this, they gathered together in the shortest time to take turns to treat Concubine Shun.

A Niu Niu was unconscious and the imperial doctors felt helpless. Now another Concubine Shun had an unexplained stomachache, which made their heads ache.

Concubine Shun was pregnant with a dragon fetus, which was the only real pregnancy in the emperor's harem in so many years. Its importance is self-evident.

"Shun Fei, please tell Wei Chen carefully what pain in the abdomen feels like?" Doctor Yan asked.

The other imperial doctors also stared at Concubine Shun with serious faces.

"It's like someone is stabbing my stomach with a needle!" Concubine Shun said, covering her stomach.

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