Chapter 40 Past life dream

When Niuniu said this, she opened her mouth wide and imitated the sound of waving a broom with her mouth wide open, and opened her teeth and claws to look fierce, as if she was about to bite someone in the next second.

She was obviously trying hard to look fierce, but Zhang Yunniang and Gu Mingda just felt that she looked like a angry little cat, and they laughed even harder.

"Dad, Mom, why are you laughing? I'm so fierce." Niu Niu said with a serious face.

Seeing her fierce and fierce look, the couple suppressed their laughter and put on a serious look to cooperate with her.

"It's so scary, Mom is so scared." Zhang Yunniang said very cooperatively.

Niu Niu suddenly retracted her movements and said, "You are not afraid at all."

Zhang Yunniang chuckled lightly, pinched her daughter's fair little face, and said, "Do you think chicks are scary?"

Niuniu shook her head.

Zhang Yuniang said with a smile: "Now your father and I look at you like a little chicken."

Niu Niu clenched her right fist and said seriously: "When I grow up, I will be very powerful!"

Zhang Yuniang said: "It is normal for you to want to learn to fight when you see Aunt Liu fighting with others, but you are still too young. What you need to learn is not to fight, but to protect yourself."

Niuniu looked at her half-understanding.

Zhang Yuniang continued: "There are good people and bad people in this world. When we meet good people, we can make friends with them, but when we meet bad people, we must also pay attention to protecting ourselves..."

Zhang Yuniang suddenly felt depressed as she spoke.

Her second son was kidnapped by bad guys.

Gu Mingda reached out and patted his wife on the shoulder, and continued to say to Niu Niu: "If you encounter a bad person, Niu Niu should run far away, don't eat food handed over by strangers, and don't run around with strangers. Remember Are you staying?”

Niu Niu nodded. She didn't understand many things, but at this moment she was keenly aware that Zhang Yunniang seemed to be suddenly unhappy.

Niuniu threw herself into her mother's arms, pressed her little face closely against Zhang Yunniang's, and said, "Mom, Niuniu will protect you when she grows up."

Zhang Yuniang didn't want the children to get involved in adults' affairs, so she forced a smile.

Gu Mingda suddenly came over and pointed at Niu Niu: "Niu Niu, why are you still partial and only protect your mother but not me?"

Niu Niu immediately said: "I will protect you too!"

The fight between father and daughter barely diluted the depression in Zhang Yunniang's heart.

late at night.

In the small room in the northwest corner, Liu Xiaoru suddenly opened her eyes. She stretched out her hand and wiped the cold sweat from her forehead. Her eyes were wide open, and her face was full of surprise and uncertainty.

She had a dream.

There is no Niu Niu in the dream.

Zhang Yunniang came to Fucheng with not two sons, but three sons.

Mrs. Wang did not cause any trouble because of the children's fight. Naturally, she did not overhear the conversation between her husband and her mother-in-law. She had no idea about her husband's plan to kill his wife and marry another.

But when Wang Yaozu took the hospital examination, there were only two people at home, her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Mrs. Wang touched her again, and Zhang Yunniang happened to see her and defended her.

In the dream, after meeting Zhang Yuniang, she gradually learned to live for herself. She envied Zhang Yuniang and wanted to be a woman who lived as freely as Zhang Yuniang.

Wang Yaozu had an awkward personality and was not popular among the scholars in this house. On the contrary, Gu Mingda arrived late but quickly became a core figure among the scholars.

In the dream, Wang Yaozu was very jealous of Gu Mingda. He was so jealous that he forbade his wife to have contact with Zhang Yuniang. As a result, Liu Xiaoru could only dare to secretly talk to Zhang Yuniang when her husband's family was not paying attention.

Soon, Gu Mingda came first in the exam. Although Wang Yaozu also passed the exam, he came in last.

Wang Yaozu was originally jealous of Gu Mingda, but now that his grades were drastically different, he was filled with dissatisfaction and felt that Gu Mingda got the first place by cheating. Liu Xiaoru felt uncomfortable hearing this and retorted a few words. Wang Yaozu was so jealous that he attacked her in anger, accusing her of cheating and focusing on outsiders, and slandering her for having an affair with Gu Mingda.

The mother-in-law also helped her husband beat her.

In the dream, after being beaten several times, she couldn't bear it anymore and hit her back.

After the beating, she realized that her husband was very weak, and neither mother nor son could be her opponent.

After severely punishing the mother and son, she lived a comfortable life. From then on, the mother and son never dared to bully her again.

When the family returned to their hometown, one day her mother-in-law decided to cook on a whim. She thought her mother-in-law had finally become diligent, but she didn't expect that it was to drug her.

She is dead.

My mother's brother and sister-in-law came to Wang's house to make a fuss, and after getting two taels of silver, they left it alone.

However, the news of her death reached Zhang Yunniang's ears for some reason, and Zhang Yuniang and his wife came to express their condolences.

Zhang Yunniang still didn't believe that she committed suicide, and Gu Mingda found an experienced widower from nowhere and insisted on opening the coffin for an autopsy.

Naturally, the Wang family mother and son refused, and even asked the Wang clan and Liu Xiaoru's brother and sister-in-law to come and stop him. If Gu Mingda had not been a scholar, he would have been kicked out of the village by these people.

Even when faced with such great resistance, Zhang Yunniang did not give up. She and Gu Mingda thought for a long time before they came up with a solution.

Gu Mingda used the reason that his wife had dreamed that the little sisters were complaining about their grievances in their dreams. He asked the county magistrate several times, and finally persuaded the government to intervene in the matter, forcing the Wang family and her son to accept the coffin opening.

Before the coffin was opened, the neighbors were talking about everything. Some even suspected that there was something going on between Gu Mingda and Liu Xiaoru.

But after the coffin was opened and the test results came out, there was an uproar.

In the end, Mrs. Wang took the blame for Wang Yaozu under his cries, and she alone admitted the crime of murdering her daughter-in-law.

Although Wang Yaozu escaped, the incident was too big and the impact was too bad. No good family dared to marry their daughter to him as a second marriage, and local scholars were not willing to make friends with him.

Wang Yaozu was a man who did not engage in childbirth. Without the support of his wife and mother, his life was in a muddle. He put all his hopes on the provincial examination.

I feel that as long as I succeed in the provincial examination, all difficulties will be solved.

However, he sold his real estate and land to rush for the exam, but he was never able to pass the exam in high school. After running out of money, he wanted to open a school and recruit apprentices.

But no one dares to treat their own child’s son who is a murderer as a teacher.

Wang Yaozu lost his livelihood and his life became worse and worse.

Liu Xiaoru's dream lasted until Wang Yaozu froze to death one winter, and then ended abruptly.

Even though she saw her enemy being executed in her dream, Liu Xiaoru was still filled with fear.

Although she had never experienced this kind of dream, she had a vague feeling that everything in the dream was true! These are all things that haven’t happened yet!

She couldn't imagine that without Zhang Yunniang and Niu Niu's childlike words to wake her up, she wouldn't have accidentally heard of the mother and son's murder plot. There was no way she would have followed the same path!


Liu Xiaoru repeatedly talked about Niu Niu. If it weren't for Niu Niu, she would not ask Zhang Yunniang for help, nor would she divorce so quickly.

She has now successfully divorced and received a large amount of money. Originally she was hesitant about returning to her parents' home, but now she only has one thought in her mind:

She must follow the Gu family! Follow Niuniu, follow Zhang Yunniang!

After her death in the dream, Zhang Yunniang went to the funeral without any trouble, and insisted on doing an autopsy under great pressure to avenge her injustice. Liu Xiaoru felt that there was no one in the world who was more trustworthy than Sister Zhang! She is willing to die for Sister Zhang!

As for Niu Niu, the person who brought him a turn of events, Liu Xiaoru also secretly decided in her heart that she would treat Niu Niu as her own daughter from now on.

Early the next morning, Zhang Yuniang had just finished breakfast when she saw Liu Xiaoru coming over with money.

After Zhang Yunniang heard her purpose, she was immediately confused and said: "This fifty taels of silver is the foundation of your future. You keep it for yourself, why do you leave it to me to arrange it?"

(End of chapter)

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