Chapter 412 Still want to watch the fun?

Maybe because he had the direction, Gu Mingda gained a rare appetite. After finishing his dinner in a hurry, he helped Mrs. Gu back to the house and asked her mother many details about practicing evil practices and the child.

Niu Niu told Zhang Yunniang and was about to pull the person behind her.

"Sister Shuying told me to go find her at night and said she had something delicious to give me." Niu Niu said happily.

It was now the time for Niu Niu to change her teeth. Zhang Yunniang also knew that Niu Niu was a good child, so she did not stop her. She only warned: "If you take something delicious, you have to eat it tomorrow. Eating before going to bed can easily damage your teeth."

Niu Niu nodded and said, "Don't worry, Mom, I can bear it tonight!"

But when the little girl entered the backyard and smelled the tangy fragrance, she couldn't help but salivate.

Because the crazy girl likes cooking so much, the Gu family built a small kitchen for her in the backyard, and the ingredients she needs will be supplied on time.

"Sister Shuying! I'm coming!"

Niuniu ran into the house happily, and Shuying was also very happy to see the little girl.

"Miss Third, I haven't seen you all day today. What are you busy with outside?" Shuying asked casually.

Niu Niu said: "I am accompanying my father on the case! It's a pity that I didn't get many clues in the yamen today, but after returning home, grandma provided us with important clues!"

Shuying didn't care about the outside world at all. She just hoped that Niu Niu would talk to her more. Whatever she said was fine. As long as she could be with Niu Niu, she would be happier than anything else.

"What clues do you need? Maybe I can help too." Shuying asked with a smile.

Zhang Yunniang wanted to say that the crazy girl had been in the inner house all the time, how could she know what was going on outside, but then she thought about it, the crazy girl seemed to have told a lot about things in the palace before, and the origin of this person was a mystery, maybe she really knew Something strange.

Niu Niu said: "Some people practice evil methods, which seems to be related to the disappearance of many children in the capital."

When the crazy girl heard this, she immediately said: "Then we have to ask Wu Lang to handle this matter. Wu Lang has been fighting on the battlefield all year round. He can't stand these things the most. There were people who did such things secretly before, but he led a group of scolds Hou Bing immediately caught the Taoist who was practicing evil behind the scenes."

Niuniu tilted her head and asked, "Which Wulang is it? Where should I find him?"

Niuniu wanted to help her father, and she also wanted to rescue the abducted children as soon as possible.

The crazy girl said: "Wulang is Wulang. He is a very strange person. He doesn't like to live in the house where Yuci is left. He likes to live in Qingcao Lane. He says that the place is remote and hidden and difficult to be found by outsiders. He is most impatient with those people. People who come to your door to flatter you.”

When Zhang Yuniang heard the three words "Qingcao Lane", she suddenly noticed the key points: "Wu Lang from Qing Cao Lane? Wu Wu Lang? Is it the one who is not tall and walks with a limp?"

Gu Mingda didn't tell the story about the previous case clearly from the rest of the family, but Zhang Yunniang was the one who suffered in this matter and was also his pillow, so he made it clear about all the causes and consequences.

"If it's not Wu Wulang, what kind of Wulang can there be? Wulang did hurt his legs and feet before, but the doctor who the empress hired was a skilled doctor who cured him. Even though Wulang is short, he has such good kung fu that not many people can do. Comparable!"

"Speaking of which, Wulang and his sister were the first to follow my mother-in-law. Their brothers and sisters were older than me. It is said that they are people whom my mother-in-law knew in my hometown!"

The crazy girl had no idea how big a stir her words would cause in Zhang Yunniang's ears.

"What does his sister do? Does she serve my empress like you?" Zhang Yunniang asked. The crazy girl shook her head and said: "Miss Wu is very good at doing business. She is the empress's money bag and your majesty's money bag. She is also the first empress merchant in this dynasty, and she is as majestic as her brother who went to the battlefield!"

Zhang Yuniang felt a little uncomfortable when she heard this. If what the crazy girl said is true, does everyone in this world really have another life?

If this is the case, then the Wu brothers and sisters did not originally end up with one dead and the other going crazy, but one of them went out to kill the enemy as a general, and the other was doing business with high spirits?

So what kind of accident happened that caused them to deviate from their original lives?

Niuniu didn't think as much as Zhang Yuniang did. Instead, she held her chin and said, "But the Wu Wulang I know is helping bad people, and he even framed my mother."

When the crazy girl heard this, she frowned and said, "This isn't right... This isn't right... There must be something wrong..."

As she was talking, she suddenly covered her head and cried out that it hurt.

Zhang Yunniang and Niu Niu immediately became anxious and comforted: "Don't think about it, don't think about it!"

This is not the first time that the crazy girl behaves like this. It seems to be like this every time she overuses her brain. As long as she stops, she will not be in pain.

Such a problem could not be cured even if the Gu family hired a doctor for her.

When the crazy girl stopped, exhaustion was written all over her face.

Zhang Yunniang said: "The person Guabao saw may not be the same person as this one. Don't think too much about it. I will ask Guabao to ask the Wulang you mentioned for help later."

Niu Niu also nodded obediently.

The crazy girl finally calmed down completely. She grabbed Niu Niu's hand and said, "Mother, Wulang will definitely help you. He will never refuse any of your requests."

Zhang Yuniang felt even more uncomfortable when she heard this, as if a bright pearl cast a shadow on her. Such a person, who could originally walk in the sun, became a brutal executioner for some inexplicable reason.

When she took her daughter out of the backyard, Niu Niu held the food in her arms and asked her mother with her head raised: "Mom, are the two Wulang really not the same person?"

Zhang Yunniang didn't know what to say for a moment, and she didn't want to deceive her daughter. She could only say: "Mom, I can't tell. Maybe you won't know whether you are alone until you grow up."

Niu Niu nodded obediently and said, "Then I hope to grow up quickly, so that I can know everything."

Zhang Yuniang originally wanted to ask Shuying more about evil practices, but Shuying had a headache, so she didn't dare to continue asking.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, the father and daughter went out together again. Mrs. Gu wanted to go out with them to find someone, but she had not fully recovered yet, so Gu Mingda was not worried.

Zhang Yunniang was also advising from the side: "Mom, there are many people in that place. What if someone hits you again?"

Mrs. Gu said: "I was not careful. Besides, the person who hit me probably didn't mean it. Liulang Street is very lively, and there might be fun to be seen. I have been at home for so long, and I just feel that people are... It’s all going to go wrong.”

When Gu Mingda and Zhang Yuniang heard this, they both looked at her in disbelief.

Gu Mingda couldn't help but ask: "Mom, you almost died for half of your life because of watching the fun. Now you are feeling better. Are you going to watch the fun again?"

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