Chapter 419 Secretly Returning to Beijing

The emperor suddenly felt guilty. At that time, he was only busy chatting with Mr. Li, and did not even ask about the arrangement of the servants' families.

The emperor also thought that over the years, Mrs. Li had often prayed for favors for her parents and brothers. She cared about the honor of her mother's family, and she did not look like a person who would give up wealth for a strange man.

The emperor couldn't help but wonder in his heart, how could such a person run away with the man he met for the first time, and whether there were any hidden secrets about the past.

His mind just reached this point, and he couldn't help but have doubts, but there seemed to be a layer of fog covering his thoughts, making him unwilling to think too badly of Li Shi.

The Queen Mother looked at her son from the side. He was such a shrewd man in government affairs, but his soul was about to be lost when he met the Li family.

"Emperor, the Ai family previously sent people to Guanglin Mansion to investigate the case of the criminal Li Chaosheng. Instead, they heard about another story. It was said that there was a couple. The husband favored his concubine, but the wife was not allowed to dote on him, so they asked to leave. The evil Taoist woman obtained a talisman water and secretly fed it to her husband. "

"Since then, the husband has forgotten about his concubines and only treated his wife wholeheartedly, never seeing anyone else in his eyes."

When the emperor heard this, he said: "Mother, these are folk jokes, how can they be taken seriously? Men dote on concubines mostly because they are young and beautiful. As for living a good life with their wives wholeheartedly, maybe they are from the wife's natal family. When you are developed, you have something to rely on.”

The Queen Mother did not expect that her son did not think about this matter at all. She deliberately asked: "Since the emperor does not believe in these Shinto teachings, why did he make him a national preceptor?"

The emperor shook his head and said: "That year there was a severe drought in the capital, and it was the imperial master who begged for rain. It's not that I don't believe in Shinto, I just think that if someone is really proficient in Shinto, why should I do anything bad? A trivial matter?”

When the Queen Mother heard this, she smiled faintly and asked, "Emperor, do you think everything in the back house is trivial?"

Although the people sent by the Queen Mother had not yet found the old Taoist priest, after experiencing various speculations, she could only think that this was the only credible theory, that is, the emperor was possessed by evil spirits.

Only this statement can explain why the emperor tolerated the Li family like crazy.

"What if this man is not an ordinary person, but a parent, a high-ranking official, or even the king of a country? Is this still a small matter in the inner house? Then does this wife only get the favor of the inner house?"

"This Taoist can transfer the love from his concubine to his wife. Who knows if he can exchange it for something else?"

The Queen Mother's words one after another left the Emperor speechless.

Niu Niu was listening to the two chatting. The little girl rolled her eyes and said, "If there is such a way, wouldn't it mean that you can have whatever you want? This is too terrible. What if one day, someone wants to What should I do if I take away my family’s love?”

What Niu Niu cares about most is her family. She feels that she is the happiest little girl in the world. She also feels that if others want to steal something from her, it must be her family.

The Queen Mother looked at the little girl with a smile and said: "My dear, you can rest assured here. People like this who covet other people's treasures cannot tell what is the most precious thing in the world. In their eyes, power and wealth must be more valuable than their family members." The feelings between each other are more important.

"Emperor, can you think of the reason for your preference for the Li family?" the Queen Mother asked.

The more the emperor thought about it, the more doubts he had in his mind. It was just a life-saving grace, but he also felt that he should not be such a long-term lover. After all, the viciousness shown by Mrs. Li now was completely incompatible with his ideal wife. Going in the opposite direction.

"I will let people continue to strictly pursue the imperial master. During this period, I will also let people keep an eye on Guanju Palace." The emperor said. The Queen Mother nodded, but she felt in her heart that it would not be that easy to find someone like the Imperial Master who was involved in Shinto.

The emperor had doubts in his mind, which were not easy to solve. He not only sent people to check the Li family, but also asked people to keep an eye on Li Ziqin who was patrolling the border town to see if there was any abnormality in the Li family in the capital. He went there himself A trip to Huguo Temple.

However, the eminent monks at Huguo Temple didn't see anything wrong with the emperor, and it didn't seem like they were affected by those strange methods.

As for the people in Guanju Palace, they didn't know how anxious they were. She didn't want to eat the lard rice at all, but every day at meal time, a large bowl of rice would be delivered to her on time.

Chunying was also on the side, staring at her.

"My good wife, why don't you take a bite? Are you dissatisfied with me? If there is something I did that makes you unhappy, you can just point it out!"

Although Chunying said this, she had already started to roll up her sleeves, as if she wanted to clean up her arrogance.

Li Shi tried her best to show that she was not afraid of Chunying and said: "Don't threaten me. His Majesty has already met with me and said that he will restore me to Zhaoyi. It won't take long for me to be reinstated." If you let me out, I will be the master of the harem and the concubine under one person!"

When Chunying heard this, she couldn't help laughing and said, "Look in the mirror and see what a ghost you look like now. If you were the emperor, would you be able to keep your mouth shut?"

Chunying directly brought the mirror to Li.

Li looked at the fleshy face in the mirror and felt a dull pain in her eyes. She couldn't help but accuse: "It's all you who hurt me! I was born to value my life! I won't eat this bowl of rice!"

But her retort and struggle were in vain, and she only received more severe treatment from Chunying.

Chunying opened Li's mouth and stuffed the bowl of rice into his mouth fiercely.

Li didn't want to eat, but Chunying's hand was too strong.

Every time she wanted to lose weight, it was like this. Chunying forced her to eat more food, but she grew fatter and fatter.

Mrs. Li was extremely looking forward to the Imperial Master being able to continue casting spells. She never thought about life like this.

In a certain house in the capital city, the Imperial Master in Taoist robes stared at a plate filled with blood in front of him with a pale face, muttering to himself.

All around him, candles of various weird shapes were lit, and all kinds of talismans were pasted on them.

Those talismans seemed to be written in blood. An ordinary person would feel dizzy after just one glance, and would not dare to take a closer look.

"Although the empress in the palace has fallen out of favor, I am still His Majesty's favorite minister. Why is it that the time has come to destroy everything?"

The person who spoke was none other than Li Ziqin, who was supposed to be patrolling the border town.

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