Chapter 424 The so-called loving father

When Gu Mingda heard this, his throat tightened.

His eyes swept around his two sons.

Before he could speak, Gu Yan said, "Dad, my brother is young, so let them let him go first."

Gu Zhao also shouted: "Dad, if the eldest brother studies well, he will definitely be able to shine in the future. When I die, I will die. Mom and dad, you must remember me! Niuniu, you must also remember that I am your best "Brother!"

Even though Gu Zhao was scared and his voice was filled with tears, he was still very brave.

Everyone present looked at this brother's humility and couldn't help but envy Gu Mingda. They didn't know how they raised their children. How could their own children be beaten to death for a little food, while other brothers Both of them were thinking of each other in life and death.

Liu Ershi looked at Gu Mingda with interest and said, "Master Gu, who of our two sons will live and who will die?"

People around Gu Mingda are waiting for his decision. As long as they change their mind, they feel that such a choice is too painful.

Gu Mingda glanced at his wife.

Zhang Yunniang said softly: "Husband, you choose, no matter what the final result is, it is our fate."

Gu Mingda lowered his head again and saw his daughter's bright, clear and trusting eyes.

At this time, Liu Ershi was still provoking the two brothers: "Tell me, who will your father choose? The eldest son who can study well and can bring glory to the family, or the younger son who is partial and beloved."

But Gu Zhao said: "What you said is wrong. My father's most beloved child is Niuniu, not me."

When Liu Ershi heard this, he was stunned for a moment. Gu Zhao was only a few years old, so why didn't he have any trace of resentment on his face when he said this?

"Your father loves your sister more, and you don't hate her at all?" Liu Ershi asked.

Gu Zhao looked at him strangely and said, "Why do you hate me? My sister is so good! I also like her the most!"

Liu Ershi felt even more strange when he saw this boy's inexplicable pride.

Gu Mingda had already made up his mind and said to Liu Ershi, "You can let any of my sons go."

As soon as this unexpected choice came out, the whole audience was stunned.

Liu Ershi sneered and said: "Master Gu still likes to be clever and throws the choice to me. Do you think it will be fine? I don't choose. If you don't choose, I will be wasted here."

Gu Mingda looked at him in surprise and said: "I have sent someone to deliver a message to the capital. Maybe more officials will come to support me soon. I'm not afraid that you will waste time with me. I'm waiting for reinforcements. What are you waiting for?"

Liu Ershi:…

Liu Ershi felt as if he was being tricked. He took a deep breath and said, "Stop playing tricks on me. Choose quickly. If you don't choose, I will kill one now!"

Gu Mingda was unexpectedly calm and said: "You may have killed before, but you won't kill now. Your master, there probably aren't many people available now, otherwise there wouldn't be only the four of you today. You still want to come back alive, right?”

Seeing Gu Mingda's confident and calm look, Liu Ershi was so angry that his teeth itched.

Gu Mingda continued: "If you want to survive, you have no other choice."

Liu Ershi couldn't help but think that if the person here today was Wu Wulang, he would probably kill Gu Mingda and go back to recover if he risked his own life.

But not everyone is that madman Wu Wulang.

Although Liu Ershi worked with his master, he also had a family, parents, wife and children waiting for him. If he could go back alive, no one would be willing to lose his life.

Gu Mingda didn't know whether these people were desperadoes before, and he didn't know where their bottom line was. Now that he had tried this delay, he immediately seized the opportunity and changed his words: "I changed my mind. I don’t have a choice, I can go with you, and my two sons will be safe, so that you can go back to your master and everyone will be happy."

Liu Ershi looked at him and was stunned for a moment before saying: "You lied to me. You clearly said before that your son can be reborn after he is dead!" Gu Mingda was very calm about this and said: "Yes, I lied to you, of course I Care about my kids.”

When Gu Zhao and Gu Yan heard this, their eyes were red.

The main target of Liu Ershi's trip was indeed Gu Mingda, and his master's order was to kill Gu Mingda at all costs.

He thought that Gu Mingda was a weak scholar and was not good at martial arts. After leaving Baiyun Town, he killed him with a knife halfway, which was considered worthy of his trip.

"Okay, I promise you." Liu Ershi said.

Gu Mingda had his hands **** and helped him get on the horse first.

Liu Ershi followed and got on the horse, with the blade facing Gu Mingda now.

He still kept his promise and asked his men to let Gu Zhao and Gu Yan go. With Gu Mingda as a hostage in hand, all the thieves got on their horses.

"Daddy!" several children shouted together.

Liu Ershi glanced at them, immediately waved his whip, and said with a smile: "Everyone, see you later."

But the next second, he was dumbfounded.

The horse under his crotch won't move.

Not only did the horse not move, but it lowered its head and grazed leisurely.

Liu Ershi was so anxious that he swung his whip several times, but the horse seemed not to know the pain.

Gu Mingda took this opportunity and hit Liu Ershi's left hand holding the knife heavily with his shoulder. Then he twisted his body and turned over to dismount.

"Daddy, be careful!"

Not to mention the worries among everyone present, Gu Mingda was lying head down and was about to be knocked out.

But the horse moved at this moment, and the horse's leg bumped into Gu Mingda's body, causing his falling body to tilt, and finally landed smoothly on the ground.

Gu Mingda himself couldn't believe that he was unscathed.

"Get them!" After Gu Mingda shouted, he immediately rolled on the spot and stayed away from where Liu Ershi was.

A group of policemen were waiting not far away. When they heard this, they immediately rushed forward.

Although two thieves escaped, Liu Ershi's horse did not run away, and the other younger brother did not run away because he was waiting for his elder brother.

"Why doesn't the horse go away? What did you do to the horse?" When Liu Ershi was held down, his face was still full of disbelief. He had never seen such a strange situation.

But the horse that just couldn't move no matter how hard he whipped it, immediately started to move flexibly after he was caught, as if everything that just happened was an illusion.

Li Captou said: "Anyone who commits unjust acts will be punished by his own death. Even horses would be deeply ashamed of a wicked person like you!"

Liu Ershi was so angry that his eyes widened.

Although Gu Mingda was not injured after the fall, he had many pains on his body. At this time, he was supported by Zhang Yunniang and walked over. He said to Li Captou: "Please use Li Captou's treasure land. I want to interrogate him overnight." , see if we can find out who is behind this group of thieves.”

Liu Ershi, who was previously greedy for life and afraid of death, suddenly said at this time: "Master Gu, you are willing to sacrifice your life for your family, and I will not make any concessions."

"Stop him quickly!" Gu Mingda shouted loudly.

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