Chapter 433: Unexpectedly Displeased

The emperor frowned. He suppressed the weird feeling in his heart, thinking that he really regarded Niu Niu as his daughter.

"Li Xuan is still young and doesn't know whether he will be successful in the future. It's too early to talk about marriage now." The emperor wanted to brush the matter off casually.

But the Queen Mother shook her head and said: "Emperor, after much thought, Niu Niu is a lovable child, so it would be better for her to stay in our royal family. Boys of similar age to her are now attending classes in the palace."

“The Aijia chose again and again, but still feel that Li Xuan is the most suitable. He has the best homework and a good character. As long as he doesn’t look crooked in the future, he will definitely have a bright future.”

The emperor actually agreed with this. He wholeheartedly hoped that his unborn son would inherit Datong in the future, so he was naturally very picky about the clan members who came to the palace.

The children of the clan who entered the palace were all under ten years old. Although there were some who were very scheming, these immature children could not escape his eyes, which he had trained for many years at the peak of power.

They thought they hid their ambitions well, but in fact the emperor saw it clearly. In contrast, Li Xuan had an upright character. Even though he kept saying "relieving your worries", he even once said "I want to be a good person". Prince" and so on, but the emperor did not dislike him for this.

The emperor knew very well that Li Xuan would say this because this child indeed strictly demanded himself as a gentleman. Even if he could not become a prince, he could still be a wise minister in the future.

"It's too early to say this now. If Prince Jing's palace has other plans for him, maybe the palace would like Li Xuan to marry a high-ranking official in the capital." The emperor said casually.

Although the Queen Mother came up with the idea on the spur of the moment, it was obvious that she was not unprepared. At this time, she said with a smile: "Emperor, the Crown Princess came yesterday. She mentioned Niuniu and praised her very much. She said she liked it very much. I hope to have a daughter like this in my family.”

The emperor asked: "Does the queen want to marry her now?"

The Queen Mother said: "Let's talk to Prince Jing first, so that the Prince doesn't have to look at each other anymore. We can wait until the two children are older before planning the marriage."

The Queen Mother had her own concerns. Li Xuan was still young. If he died midway, it would be harmful to Niu Niu's reputation.

The emperor said: "I will ask the Gu family later. Gu Mingda is a doting daughter, so he may not agree to this marriage."

The Queen Mother did not think this was a big deal, and said: "There are few young men of the right age in the whole capital who are more suitable than Li Xuan. When he grows up and has done a few good things, the emperor will reward him with a title." ”

Listening to the Queen Mother's description, the emperor could feel the happy picture of the future husband and wife being harmonious and harmonious for a lifetime if everything goes well.

But just imagining it, he felt as if he had been stung.

“I have remembered it, don’t worry, Queen Mother,” the emperor said casually.

While mother and son were talking, Niu Niu took Li Xuan's hand and ran in boundingly.

"Grandma the Queen Mother, uncle the Emperor! I went to feed the little fishes. The little fishes all like me and rush to surround me!" Niu Niu raised her head high in joy.

The Queen Mother was full of pride and said: "Really, then our Niuniu is really awesome!"

Niuniu said: "Brother Xuan is also amazing. He can resist feeding the little fish. He gave me all the fish food and asked me to feed it!"

 In the eyes of children, it is very interesting to feed the small fish and watch the small fish eat the food they feed.

Li Xuan can be so restrained, Niu Niu really feels that he is very powerful.

“Restrained and modest, Xuan’er really took good care of her sister.” The Queen Mother nodded with approval.

Li Xuan's cheeks were slightly red and he said: "To tell you the Queen Mother, I am very happy to feed the small fish, but I am even happier to see Niu Niu happy."

Such words almost touched the heart of the Queen Mother, and she said: "You child, just like the Ai family, hope that Niu Niu will be happy." The emperor, on the other hand, felt uncomfortable after hearing these words, and stretched out his hand to pull Niu Niu away. He came over and asked: "Baby, do you like playing with Li Xuan?"

Niuniu nodded: "Brother Li Xuan lets me take care of me. He is also a very, very good brother!"

After asking the question, the emperor realized that he didn't want to hear the answer at all. He just looked at the innocent look in the little girl's eyes and suppressed all the weird feelings in his heart.

Niu Niu suddenly broke away from the emperor and trotted into the inner hall. Soon she ran out holding a magnolia tree carved from wood.

“Brother Li Xuan, you like the magnolia tree the most. I don’t know what to give you as a gift, so I asked my grandfather to carve one for you. I hope you like it.” The little girl brought the thing to Li Xuan.

Li Xuan was immediately flattered. Although the wood carving was made of ordinary wood, Li Xuan felt it was particularly beautiful when he thought that Niu Niu had given it to him.

 After carefully taking the wooden sculpture, he held it solemnly in his arms and said, "After I take it back, I want to place it on the bedside so that I can see it every day."

 Niuniu is also very happy that the gifts she gave are valued by her friends.

The Queen Mother was still smiling with her aunt at the side, but the Emperor was the only one whose heart was sour that it almost overflowed.

He thought to himself that he also preferred peach blossom trees, and Niu Niu should also know that, why not give him a peach blossom tree carved from wood?

The emperor felt that he could no longer stay in this place, so he stood up and said, "Mother, my son is going to see Concubine Shun and leave first."

 The Queen Mother nodded casually, waved her hand and let the emperor leave. She turned around and still smiled to see a pair of children talking together.

 The emperor left Shoukang Palace and went to Concubine Shun.

Concubine Shun is now six months pregnant with a bulging belly.

The emperor put his hand on Concubine Shun's belly as usual. Through several layers of clothing, he felt the child in his belly suddenly move.

The emperor had already felt fetal movement many times, but it still made him feel very strange, even a little addictive.

“Your Majesty, are you from Shoukang Palace?” Concubine Shun asked casually.

 The emperor nodded, but still placed his hand tightly on Concubine Shun's belly and refused to move away.

Concubine Shun said with a smile: "During this period, the relationship between Niuniu and Young Master Li Xuan has developed rapidly. They always play together, and I sometimes get jealous when I look at them."

The emperor was originally focused on interacting with the unborn little beings, but when he heard this, he suddenly felt boring and couldn't help but want to get angry.

But Concubine Shun was pregnant, so he could only suppress the anger in his heart and said: "Children are like this. Today they play with this person, and tomorrow they like to find other playmates, all from time to time."

 It seems that in this way, he can convince himself that nothing happened.

After leaving Concubine Shun's palace, the emperor did not use any ceremonial guard, but walked slowly forward along the palace road.

As an old man in the palace, Qian Rongsheng was keenly aware that the emperor seemed to be unhappy. He was so frightened that he did not dare to breathe, so he followed him obediently.

 The emperor's footsteps suddenly stopped. He raised his head and saw the palace in front of him.

On the plaque of the palace, there are three characters "Guanju Palace" written with flying dragons and phoenixes.

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