Chapter 98 Brother Xin

Gu Zhao didn't eat the candy after all.

"Have you forgotten about the toothache you had last night?" Zhang Yunniang stopped her son from going out.

Gu Zhao's face was stiff. After his mother's reminder, he felt that the teeth in his mouth began to hurt slightly again. But when he thought of the wonderful taste of caramel, he frowned and said, "The toothache is not caused by eating candy. Maybe eating candy." It can also relieve pain, and the sweet taste makes you feel happy..."

Zhang Yunniang looked at him disapprovingly.

Gu Zhao's voice became lower and lower.

Niuniu suddenly took her brother's hand and said, "Third brother, since mother said you can't eat it, you won't eat it. I will accompany you to find the bugs!"

Gu Zhao has two major hobbies: food and insects.

When he heard that his sister was willing to accompany him to find bugs, Gu Zhao's eyes lit up and he asked, "Do you also like bugs now?"

He thought that under his subtle influence, he finally turned his sister into a bug lover.

Niu Niu had a far-fetched look on her face, but she still chose to tell the truth: "I don't like it."

Gu Zhao's face fell again.

Niuniu added: "I don't like bugs, but I like Third Brother. I like to play with Third Brother."

Gu Zhao was still easy to coax, and the smile returned to his face.

"If you play with bugs for a long time, you will know how cute they are." Gu Zhao said with a smile.

Gu Daya on the side couldn't help rolling her eyes when she heard this. Although she had long been accustomed to her cousin's strange hobbies, she still couldn't help but feel uncomfortable, so she flatly refused when her cousin invited her to join the bug team.

The other children had similar thoughts.

In the end, only Gu Zhao and Niu Niu went out to look for bugs.

Zhang Yuniang was worried about the children going out alone, so she also accompanied the two children.

"Why don't some people like bugs? I think they are cute." Gu Zhao said puzzledly while looking for bugs.

Zhang Yunniang stood aside, frowning slightly.

As a mother, she discovered something special about Gu Zhao when he was three years old.

Other children would scream in fear when bugs appeared on their bodies.

But Gu Zhao was different. He didn't kill any fleas that landed on him, but kept them well.

When Zhang Yuniang discovered that her three-year-old son was all red and swollen and kept complaining of itching, she discovered that there was a flea nest in her house. Even her eldest son, who was always tidy, was so tired that he was tortured by fleas.

But when Zhang Yunniang wanted to deal with these annoying fleas, Gu Zhao, who couldn't speak clearly, said clearly:

"They don't eat much, so I can keep them."

At that moment, Zhang Yuniang seemed to see her three-year-old son covered in golden light. He was obviously raising a bunch of blood-sucking fleas, and she was treated like the Buddha who cut his flesh to feed the eagles.

But Zhang Yunniang still refused this seemingly selfless request.

She, Gu Mingda, and Gu Yan cleaned the house six times and finally confirmed that there were no hidden fleas.

Zhang Yuniang once thought about correcting her youngest son's crazy love for bugs, but she still couldn't bear it every time she saw those pitiful eyes.

"I will watch him study, at least to ensure that he can be a bookkeeper in the future." This is how Gu Mingda comforted his wife. After all, Zhang Yuniang was unwilling to let her son give up the things he loved, even if the things seemed very strange to the world. After Gu Mingda's guarantee, she no longer had particularly high demands on Gu Zhao and allowed him to develop his hobbies freely.

After all, the mother's heart is soft. Seeing her little son's face full of confusion, as if he was trying hard to seek approval, Zhang Yuniang couldn't help but feel pity, feeling that her little son seemed to have been abandoned by the whole world.

But Niu Niu on the side obviously didn't think so deeply and said casually: "Why can't I not like bugs?"

"They are so cute!" Gu Zhao retorted excitedly.

Niu Niu tilted her head, looked at the ants crawling around in Gu Zhao's hand, and said, "You don't like **** either."

Gu Zhao originally felt dissatisfied in his heart, but he was instantly doused by a ladle of cold water, and said, "What's so delicious about ginger? It's spicy and strong. There are many people who don't like it."

Niuniu nodded and said: "I like to eat ginger, but you don't like to eat it, because I am not you and you are not me."

The little girl's words were strange, but Gu Zhao understood them clearly, and Zhang Yunniang's worries suddenly disappeared. She only felt that her little daughter seemed to have some kind of magical power, and everything that seemed difficult would change for her. It must be extremely simple.

"You are trying to like bugs, should I also try to like eating ginger?" Gu Zhao asked guiltily.

This time Niu Niu's eyes lit up and she said, "When spring comes, we can grow **** together. Grandpa said he will teach me! When it matures, we can harvest a lot of ginger. We are Brother Jiang and Sister Jiang!"

Niu Niu turned around again and asked Zhang Yuniang excitedly: "Grandpa said you can also add shredded **** to make cooking cakes. Mom, can you make **** shredded cooking cakes?"

Zhang Yuniang smiled and nodded, and said to the little girl: "You don't have to wait until the **** you planted matures, I can make it for you today."

When Niuniu heard this, she immediately let out a cheer, but then said: "The last time I made food specifically for me, it was because I was unhappy, but I am very happy now, and I didn't perform particularly well."

Zhang Yuniang looked at her daughter tenderly and said, "Because you want to eat."

When Niuniu heard this, the joy in her eyes almost overflowed, and she said, "Mom is the best mother!"

Seeing her little daughter happily spinning around in circles, Zhang Yunniang couldn't help but hum a song softly to accompany her.

Only Gu Zhao was not infected by this pleasant atmosphere at all.

He still remembered the unpleasant memories he had with Ginger, and he never expected that he would be involved with Ginger again so soon. He almost begged for mercy at the speed of light: "If you don't eat ginger, don't eat it! What I just said doesn't count!"

Zhang Yunniang burst into laughter and patted her youngest son on the head.

Niuniu was unexpectedly reasonable and said: "If the third brother doesn't want to eat it, forget it. I can be Brother Jiang and Sister Jiang with the eldest brother."

When Gu Zhao heard this, he couldn't help being jealous and said: "My eldest brother has to study, so I don't have time to grow **** with you. I am the only one who has time. Do you have to be Brother Jiang and Sister Jiang? We can also be Brother Chong." Sister Chong!”

Niu Niu tilted her head and thought for a while, sighed, and said as if she was "afraid of you", "Forget it, you are Brother Chong, I am Sister Jiang, and the eldest brother is Brother Shu. He likes reading books the most."

Zhang Yunniang was the first to join in and praised: "Guobao is so awesome!"

Gu Zhao also praised: "Niuniu is the smartest sister!"

Zhang Yuniang asked again: "What about me and your father?"

Niuniu likes to be praised by her family the most. After hearing this, she said: "My mother is a beautiful mother, and my father is a smart father!"

She thought for a while and then said: "It's a pity that I don't know what my second brother likes."

Zhang Yunniang's heart softened, she gently stroked her daughter's delicate cheek and said, "Your second brother is a wanderer outside. Although he is not around now, our hearts are always together."

Niu Niu rolled her eyes and said, "Dad and mother miss him in their hearts, and I miss him in my heart too, so let's call him Brother Xin!"

Second update

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