Against Zombies & Monsters

Chapter 108 - Interference on the way

Whosss whosss whosss

After a while, Yang Chen's group finally had crossed the entire battlefield.

The area there is no different from other suburbs. It consists of rural areas, agricultural areas, and several small forests.

"Let's speed up ..."

After passing through the rest of the battlefield, Yang Chen immediately ordered his followers to speed up their run.

Actually their distance now from the Qingyuan refugee camp is not too far.

With their running speed, as long as they don't stop, they can arrive at the Qingyuan refugee camp in less than an hour.

The refugee camp is actually located not too far from Qingyuan city. It's right on the edge.

Qingyuan is a vast district, it is directly adjacent to the city of Guangzhou, and other surrounding cities.

Even though it was only a county, right in the middle of the Qingyuan district there was also a city.

The city may not be as big as Guangzhou, but it still has several million inhabitants. It can still be considered a big city.

And incidentally not far from the city, there is a fairly large military base.

The military base there can be said to be one of the main military bases owned by China.

Weapons there are very complete. From land weapons to air can be found there.

When he was in the military, Yang Chen even heard that there were nuclear weapons stored there.

They then announced it so that all the people in the entire province rushed there.

People from Guangzhou city are not the only ones who go there.

Of course it is not easy for ordinary people to reach a refugee camp. After all, not everywhere, there are military groups who are escorting.

Even in Guangzhou there are still many people scattered everywhere. They all fought alone to go to the Qingyuan refugee camp.

If it wasn't for meeting with the student group beforehand, Yang Chen and Xinqi would also not have joined the military group.

Whosss whosss whosss

Yang Chen's group continued to run quickly.

Their speed ranges from 70 to 100 km per hour.

With 50 Evolutionaries running simultaneously, the gusts of wind caused by them alone can fly several houses and trees.

But when several tens of Evolutionaries attack simultaneously, the monsters don't even have time to breathe, and they immediately die with many holes in their bodies.

Yang Chen and Xinqi did not even need to attack. They did not care about monsters at that level.

If they did attack, only one of their attacks would be enough to kill level 17 monsters and below.

Whuppp ...


When Yang Chen's group continued to run, they suddenly stopped.

That's because in front of them there is an unusual forest.

Actually it wasn't the forest that was unusual, because throughout Yang Chen's group journey, they had passed through many strange forests.

Since the advent of the system and the zombie apocalypse began, the environment has also experienced many changes. Especially the forest.

As for the reason Yang Chen's group stopped, it was because the forest in front of them this time had many snake monsters that inhabited it.

Snake monsters have a length ranging from 10 meters to 20 meters more.

Their long bodies are wrapped around and dangling on tree branches.

"Wow ..."

"It's a snake monster."

"Is that an anaconda?"

"Why are there so many snake monsters here?"

"Damn, it's very long."

Everyone in Yang Chen's group couldn't help but be surprised after they saw the horde of snake monsters in front of them.

Most humans basically have a natural fear of snakes. Especially if it is a horde of snakes.

It's natural for Evolutionary to feel a little scared when they see a horde of snake monsters.

They certainly wouldn't be afraid if it was only a small snake. But the one in front of them, even the smallest one can swallow an elephant.

If before the zombie apocalypse occurred, snakes of that size could only be found in large forests such as the Amazon jungle...

Even if in the Amazon jungle, it would be impossible to find hordes of snake monsters like in front of Yang Chen's group.

Gu Wen, who was still an ordinary person, she was already trembling when she saw giant snakes hanging on tree branches.

She basically felt disgusted by the snake's long body.

Imagine if she was swallowed by the snake, making Gu Wen tremble with fear.

Yang Chen felt Gu Wen's trembling, and was worried that Gu Wen would piss her pants for fear.



"Ouch ..."

Gu Wen could not help but look at Yang Chen with angry eyes at being dropped just like that.

Unfortunately Yang Chen was too lazy to care about her at this time. His gaze was focused on the horde of snakes hanging on tree branches.

Even though there aren't as many monkey mobs, there are still very many snake monsters. That's still in the thousands. They looked like they were standing guard there.

"Why are there so many snake monsters? What are they doing?"

Yang Chen couldn't help but ask when he focused his gaze on the forest in front of him.

The forest in front of it is too dense, with many branches on each tree. He could not look further inside. Every time there is a gap, it will be closed by another branch behind it.

"We will know after entering inside, there might be certain treasures there ..." Xinqi answered.

After the arrival of Yang Chen's group. The horde of snake monsters that hung on the branches of the tree also turned their gazes towards Yang Chen's group.

The snakes looked at Yang Chen's group with cold and venomous eyes so that those who were staring at him would feel cold on their backs. That was even scarier than Gu Wen's gaze.

They also stuck out their tongued tongues towards Yang Chen's group. They looked like they were threatening Yang Chen's group. As if they said; if you dare to come here, you will die.

"Looks like there really is something in there."

Seeing the reaction of the horde of snake monsters when they saw them, Yang Chen was sure that something valuable had appeared in the forest.

That might be something that can help increase his strength.

The horde of snake monsters was probably just an army that was told to stand guard in front. There might be an elite snake monster in there. Because only elite monsters can command so many snake monsters to stand guard.

"Brother Yang, are we going to attack the horde of snake monsters?"

Fatty Li who was not too far from Yang Chen couldn't help but ask.

He did not know what to do. He was rather afraid of the horde of snake monsters. Actually not only him. Most of Yang Chen's followers also felt scared.

Not only do they feel disgusted with the snake's body that sometimes writhes, they also feel scared by the number of snake monsters that reach thousands.

"Attack? Of course we will attack..." Yang Chen immediately replied.

He was sure there was something useful for him in there! How could he not want it...

As for the horde of snake monsters. Yang Chen was not at all afraid of fighting with them.

With his current strength, he wasn't even afraid of elite monsters, let alone just hordes of ordinary monsters. --- He can kill them with just one strike.

Basically, the horde of snake monsters is not a threat to him.

"Everyone, let's attack and kill the snakes..."

Yang Chen shouted out to his followers.

A spear then appeared in his hand, and golden flames blazed in his body.

"Don't worry, with me here, none of you will be hurt." Yang Chen added, guaranteeing their safety, while rushing forward to attack.

Chen Feng's group was the first to advance, followed by the Dongbei Hu group and the Fatty Li group.

"Fuck, have you not heard what Big Brother Yang said, hurry up and attack."

When Dongbei Hu saw that some people were still afraid, he immediately shouted, and scolded them.

Whosss whosss whosss

After being yelled at by Dongbei, several people immediately rushed forward.

Even though they are still afraid, they have no other choice. They did not want to be expelled from Yang Chen's group.

"Yanyan, you stay here, and take care of her!"

Xinqi spoke to Yanyan while pointing at Gu Wen.


While holding her new sword, she also immediately advanced towards the forest where the horde of snake monsters were.

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