Against Zombies & Monsters

Chapter 115 - Distributing fruit

Although he is actually still in the Evolutionary stage one.  However, there is a big difference between ordinary stage one and elite stage one.

The difference is like the difference between humans and giants.  Giants can easily destroy humans just by trampling on them.

"The elite stage is completely different!"  Yang Chen said.

"I wonder how strong the second stage of Evolution is?"  Yang Chen wondered.

But because no phase two has been found, he won't know the answer.

"Maybe there is information in the system house."  Yang Chen thought, while taking the system coin that the snake monster dropped.

After the system house appeared, Yang Chen wanted to go there, but for now he still had a lot to take care of.  He was only able to enter the system house after he arrived at the Qingyuan refugee camp.

Yang Chen then jumped to where Xinqi was.

"What do you think of my strength now?"  Yang Chen asked Xinqi about his strength.

"Not bad!"  Xinqi answered casually.  She was not too surprised by the power released by Yang Chen, because she herself could also release such power. 

Yang Chen was displeased with Xinqi's answer which had no tone of admiration.  If he asked Dongbei Hu and his two siblings, they would have been filled with praise for him.

"By the way, what level are you now?"  Yang Chen asked again.  He was sure that Xinqi's level was still below him.  After all, when consuming Chaos Essence, Xinqi's level should only be 19 or 18.

He wanted to show his superiority over Xinqi with their level.

"Level 22! ... How about you?"  Xinqi answered while asking.

And as Yang Chen expected, Xinqi's level was indeed lower than him.

"Now I'm level 24 ..." Yang Chen answered in an arrogant tone.

But Xinqi did not seem to care about him.

"Eh, why are you only at Level 22, shouldn't you at least be at level 23?"  Yang Chen couldn't help but ask after he realized Xinqi's level was two levels lower than him.

Xinqi seemed to have expected Yang Chen's surprise after she told her level.  Moving her hand, a piece of Chaos Essence about the size of half her fist suddenly appeared in her palm. 

"That?"  Yang Chen was stunned to see what was in Xinqi's hands.

"You didn't eat all of it?"  Yang Chen asked.

No wonder she is still at level 22. Apparently it's because she doesn't eat all the parts. 

Yang Chen guessed, Xinqi might want to give that piece to her younger sister. 

Even though it looks small, it can still help raise one level from level 22.

If it is given to Evolutionists who are below level 10, who knows how much, that person will level up.  Isn't that too easy.

"Helping her raise a level is better than giving her protection."  Xinqi explained.  She knew Yang Chen could guess for whom she left behind a piece of Chaos Essence. 

Although it was natural for Xinqi to give a piece of Essence of Chaos to her younger sisters because they were siblings, for Yang Chen it was still very unfortunate. 

If it was him, he would have spent it all on himself.  He won't leave his part just because of the siblings.  Luckily he also doesn't have any siblings.

His followers too, if not because he needed followers, he would have spent all of their part for himself.

Whosss whosss whosss

Not long after Yang Chen spoke with Xinqi, his followers who had previously fled because they could not resist the power of Yang Chen's golden flame, returned to their original place.

They all lined up on the edge of the forest while staring at Yang Chen and Xinqi with fear and respect.

If it was before, they might still dare to look at Yang Chen with a questioning look about the fruit that became their ration.

However, after seeing Yang Chen's terrifying strength, none of them dared think about it.

Even if Yang Chen took all the fruit for himself, they might all prefer to shut their mouths.  Even though their hearts were displeased, they wouldn't dare offend Yang Chen just for a little ration.

Even Fatty Li who was relatively close to Yang Chen and Dongbei Hu's group who often made Yang Chen happy with his praise did not dare to make a sound about fruit.  After all, as people who were closer to Yang Chen, they knew what kind of person he was.

They might have comforted and praised each other before, but they knew that Yang Chen could have stabbed them if he was unhappy.

"Ehmmm."  Yang Chen cleared his throat after seeing their arrival.

Even though none of them dared mention it, their hearts must be in fruit.  They might only get a few parts.  But even if it only helped them to go up one or two levels, it could still be considered extraordinary.

"Everyone, as I said before, everyone of us will definitely get a part of the fruit. Now, it's time for us to distribute it."  Saying that, Yang Chen waved his hand.  Instantly, a piece of fruit the size of one third of a watermelon appeared above his palm.


As soon as Yang Chen took out the fruit pieces, everyone's eyes immediately glowed.

Although previously they did not dare to talk about fruit, but when the fruit actually appeared before their eyes, they could not hide their greed.

However, when they saw the size of the fruit which had only one third remaining, they could not help but curse in their hearts.

"Fuck, isn't the fruit too small."

"There are 50 people here. With such a size, wouldn't each of us only get the size of a quail egg."

"Damn, that might not be enough to raise my level."

Previously, they had guessed that Yang Chen and Xinqi would take a lot of parts.  Some people guess they will take half the portion, and that is already considered an exaggerated estimate.  However, who would have thought that he would only leave them one third of the fruit.  Isn't that too little to be distributed to fifty people.

Even though they only dared to curse Yang Chen in their hearts, their ugly faces could not hide their complaints.


Seeing their ugly faces, Yang Chen also felt displeased in his heart.  He thinks;  'This father has generously shared with you, but you are still not grateful.'

Of course Yang Chen would not show his displeasure.

"All right, we will share the fruits according to each other's contribution, which contributes more, will get a bigger share."  Yang Chen said.

He doesn't divide evenly because he wants those closer to him to get more parts.  After all, they are the ones who contribute the most.


Naturally Yang Chen's words made them even more unhappy.

They think;  'Aren't you also not contributing at all?  You only take fruit when we fight. '

Yang Chen knew what they were thinking, but he did not care.  He then said to Xinqi;  "Xinqi, please help me distribute!"  Saying that, he threw fruit at Xinqi.

Yang Chen was worried he could not help himself, from eating fruit for himself.  Therefore, he asked for help from Xinqi to distribute fruit.


The fruit directly landed in the hands of Xinqi.


She seemed unhappy seeing Yang Chen throwing fruit at her.  But she did not refuse. 

Looking at the fruit for a while, she then moved her hands.  At the same time, a sword appeared in Xinqi's hand.  She then slashed the sword towards the fruit. 

Her movements are so fast that no one can see her.

However, after she stopped, the fruit had been cut into dozens of pieces of various sizes. 


Those who saw it could not help but exclaim in awe. 

Even Yang Chen narrowed his eyes when he saw Xinqi's hand movements.

After the fruit was cut into pieces, Xinqi then waved her hand at the fruit.  And

Whosss whosss whosss whosss

Pieces of fruit consisting of various sizes were flown flying to various people.

In an instant, the pieces of fruit landed in each person's hands.  There are those who get big pieces, and some who only get small pieces.

The one who gets the big part is naturally happy, but some people who get the small part, can't help their face turn green.  However, no one dared to make a complaint.  They quickly eat their share.  Scared Yang Chen and Xinqi changed their minds and took back their share.

"Brother Yang, how does it feel to be an elite Evolutionary?"  Not long after eating the fruit, Fatty Li was followed by the Dongbei Hu group to come to Yang Chen and ask.

Although previously they were worried about Yang Chen, but after the fruit was distributed, there were no more worries.

"Uhmmm, this is amazing. There is a significant increase in strength."  Yang Chen answered and explained a few things about the elite stage to Fatty Li and the Dongbei Hu group.

He also did not hide his voice so everyone around could hear.

Those who heard Yang Chen's words couldn't help but be amazed.  They also felt jealous of Yang Chen who had entered the elite stage.  They wondered when they became elite stage Evolutionary like Yang Chen.

"By the way, big brother Yang, what level are you now."  Suddenly Dongbei Hu asked.

This was something everyone was curious about so they all looked at Yang Chen and waited for the answer.

"Ehmmmm, uhukkk, uhukkk."  Yang Chen coughed and coughed.  He knew after they saw his strength, they were all curious about his current level.

However, he did not mind telling them to show how strong he was. He says;  "Not much, now I'm only level 24."  Yang Chen said in a humble tone.  But in his heart he said;  'Hmmm, after hearing this level of father, who dares to challenge me from now on.'


As expected, after hearing Yang Chen's words, they all couldn't help but hiss.  They all exclaimed in admiration.

However, while on the surface they praised Yang Chen, in their hearts, they cursed Yang Chen with various curses.

'fuck, now you want to show off in front of us, isn't that because you took all our rations.'  they curse.

Yang Chen did not care about their thoughts.  As long as they did not dare to challenge him, then that was enough.

"Let's go."  When Yang Chen wanted to continue talking, Xinqi who was beside him suddenly invited him to leave immediately.

Yang Chen knew they could not continue to stay there.  Outside the forest there are still Yanyan and Gu Wen waiting.

"Everyone, we will leave soon."  Yang Chen shouted.

Whosss whosss whosss

Not long after that, led by Yang Chen and Xinqi they immediately rushed to leave the forest.

Although there were still many snake monsters left, but when they felt Yang Chen and Xinqi's aura, they all trembled in fear.  No one dared to block the steps of Yang Chen's group.  Their instincts say, if they block the path of Yang Chen's group, the only thing that will happen to them is death.

Yang Chen and Xinqi also did not bother to look after the hordes of low-level snakes.  They continued to lead the way to leave the forest.

Quickly, they all arrived at the edge of the forest.


When Yanyan saw Xinqi, she directly called out to her.

"What's in there?"  She asked. 

"Later I will explain."  Xinqi answered.

She did not immediately give the fruit she left for Yanyan.  Maybe she did not want those people to see her saving fruit and giving it to Yanyan who did not contribute.  They will be jealous if they see it.

After picking up Yanyan and Gu Wen, Yang Chen immediately led his group to continue the journey to the Qingyuan refugee camp.

As before, Yang Chen continued to carry Gu Wen on his back.

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